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Cosmic LOVE, June 24, 2017

Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age
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Cosmic LOVE
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Solstice Update on the 2017 Big Shift

What 5-D Liberation Looks Like, and

How To Know If You're Stuck in 3-D

This is a Solstice update on the global

  enlightenment of a 5-D nature, thanks

to our new ALL connected Net reality

  and current surge in the
 Source Field.

See the article with videos & graphics HERE

(What 5-D Liberation Looks Like…)


In the previous show on ‘Signs of the Times’

 I framed the dynamic 'Process of Ascension'

with first principles of perception correction.


  You know you're stuck in 3-D if that overview

  is a challenge for your prevailing perception.


For those who struggle with the '5-D thing',

it may help to first conceive what it is NOT

to get a sense of comparison to what it IS.


 We appreciate 'light' because of the 'dark'.

   The more sharp the contrast of light & dark,

   the easier to recognize the pattern of order

   that frames the optimal meaning of survival

   as the thrival of ultimate meaning (in 5-D).

This is the test that's best for all 'initiates'

who are moving from 'Logos' (3-D Law)

 to 'Mythos' whose ancient meaning was

'Emerging Truth' - NOT mythic illusion.

  So lighten up your worldview via 5-D.

 To see how good things could be for all

- Emerging Truth -

  is better than dwelling on stuck ‘3-D BS

(Lockstep Linear Belief Systems).


Solstice is a good time for a 

check up from the neck up.


 So check in with your Higher Self,

and check out this representation of

5-D truth that sets us free in context

of the 4-D time bridge beyond '3-D'.

Continued HERE

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Cosmic LOVE

Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy
Dr. Christopher Rudy
'Dr. Christopher' pioneered quantum medicine in 1991 and is publisher of the Heartcom Network, culturing Net reality in our global village with quantum science as it relates to the Golden Rule-Law Language of LOVE in "form" (spiritual geometry) and "frequency" (heart coherence).
As the producer and host of Cosmic LOVE since 2007, Christopher has interviewed numerous guests ranging from Lynne McTaggart and Dan Winter to Foster Gamble of the Thrive Movement. Recent years have focused on galactic alignment and 0-point phenomena as relates to thinning of the quantum 'veil' and the emergence of Net reality with Effective Sensory Perception and a more enlightened social conscience in our interactive global social networks. 

This year's theme for the Cosmic Love Show is '2023 Mainstream Awakening'


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