Cameron Live, February 8, 2019
Cameron Live with Cameron Datzker and Bernadette Di Gabriele
Guest, Bernadette Maria Di Gabriele
Bernadette Di Gabriele is a Marconics Practitioner, Usui Reiki Master, Theta Healing Practitioner, and an Ordained Spiritual Counselor and Teacher. In addition, she holds degrees in Behavioral Science, Communications, and Metaphysical Psychology. Through the years she has offered guidance in many areas of life and as a result of her experience and training she has developed unique techniques that assist clients in releasing past pain in order to pursue a life of balance and elevated consciousness. Bernadette takes her experience, passion, and divine impartations, then combines those elements with behavioral science, health and wellness, spiritual education and background. Grouping these components together results in valuable guidance for individuals toward realizing and reaching their highest potential. Bernadette assists individuals and groups in making discoveries that will forever impact their life, so individually we can design our destiny's, one intention at a time.
Cameron Live
Cameron Live with Cameron Datzker