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The Bev Moore Show , May 5, 2023

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The Bev Moore Show
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with Bev Moore and guest Douglas Vermeeren

The Bev Moore Show with guest Douglas Vermeeren, Hollywood Actor, Writer-Producer, Director and Stuntman.

Headlined Show, The Bev Moore Show May 5, 2023

Don't miss our next guest, Hollywood Actor, Writer-Producer, Director and Stuntman, Douglas Vermeeren.
The Bev Moore Show with Douglas Vermeeren
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Tune in Fridays to the Bev Moore Show at 12 noon EST, 11am CST, 9am PST on BBS Radio Station broadcasting on the iHeart Network airing on over 185 Stations in 37 Countries, Worldwide. Don't miss our next guest, Hollywood Actor, Writer-Producer, Director and Stuntman, Douglas Vermeeren. 

The Bev Moore Radio Show. Bev Moore, Host and Executive Producer. Produced by Cathy Durant with Devine Communications. “Engaging, Informative and Entertaining.”

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Guest, Douglas Vermeeren

Guest Name
Douglas Vermeeren
Douglas Vermeeren, producer, writer, director, stuntman
Guest Occupation
producer, writer, director, stuntman
Guest Biography

Douglas Vermeeren has been cast in the role of Piers Rothschild in the horror feature film Big Cats set to start shooting in London, England this Spring 

Actor Douglas Vermeeren has a busy year ahead with leading roles in feature films shooting in England, the USA, Canada, and the Philippines. Douglas is one of the most determined talents in the entertainment business as a producer, writer, director, and stuntman.  On his premiere cover, Hollywood Weekly calls him “Cinemas New Bad Boy” It is hard to keep up with all the acting roles that Vermeeren has lined up for 2023.

First up, Douglas has booked the leading role as Piers Rothschild in the feature film Big Cats with producer Chris Sanders set to shoot in London, England this spring. Big Cats lead character Ichabod Price played by John-Paul Gates (The Howling, Haunted), a respected cryptozoologist, decides to shoot a documentary about alleged panther sightings in the English countryside, he soon discovers more than just big cats lurking in the woods. Other cast members include William Marshall and Amanda Himsworth.

Also filming in London over this summer Douglas takes on the role of one of the leads as an Eagle Squadron pilot Donald “Donny” for Royal Flush Productions in the feature film Paradox directed by Richard Colton in the feature film Paradox.  This sci-fi thriller is about a 1940 covert military operation ready to stop a secret Nazis weapon. The inexplicable happens when they find themselves arriving in a Nazi-occupied future in London. How will they survive this future and return to the past to set the events of history right?


Douglas also plays Samuel Finch, the Hitman in the feature film How to Be a Hitman 101 for Coin Laundry Films set to have a 2023 release worldwide.


As a producer and director, Douglas Vermeeren is behind five of the top personal development documentaries and several mainstream action, horror, and thriller films. He is considered one of the more diverse producers today.


As a stuntman Douglas has performed some of the most remarkable stunts including hanging out of helicopters, jumping from high-speed motorcycles, falling and jumping from high buildings and bridges, running through the midst of fire and explosions, and incredible gunplay.

Douglas is a unique celebrity among the actors of today. He started as an actor at a young age appearing for the first time in a children’s show at the age of 5. this first TV appearance was his first introduction to media. “From the beginning,” Vermeeren shares, “I was always attracted to film and television. I knew that I would have a career in this industry.”


One could certainly say the same thing about the roles that Douglas Vermeeren has chosen to portray over the years. He has played a variety of genres and equally as diverse a number of roles. He has truly demonstrated his range as an actor portraying deeply emotional and profound characters to action heroes.


Most recently Douglas is the lead in an experimental film entitled Recreating 1912. The goal of this film was to recreate the look and feel of a vintage silent film from the early days of movies. “In those early days they had to be highly innovative and imaginative,” Douglas states, “They were very much inventing the film industry. Even still photography was new – motion picture was cutting edge.” One of the most intriguing elements to Douglas was the recreation of some of the stunt sequences in this project. “I have always been a fan of Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Harold Lloyd. They did some incredible things without the safety equipment we have today. We had to be very clever in how we recreated some of these daring moments.”


Keep your eyes out for this rising star, Douglas is destined to become a celebrity to remember for this generation


Doug Vermeeren is available for interviews and photos upon request.

The Bev Moore Show

The Bev Moore Show
Show Host
Bev Moore

The Bev Moore Show is the latest Radio Media Space where Entertainers share highlights of their career and more. Broadcasting weekly on the iHeart Network.

Tune in Fridays at 12 noon EST, 11am CST, and 9am PST to listen to 60 minutes of informative, entertaining interviews, with actors promoting their latest film and TV projects, developments and new releases, plus interviews with authors and successful entrepreneurs, with uplifting music.

The Bev Moore Show, engaging, informative entertainment!

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

hello welcome to the Beth Moore Show live streaming on the iHeart Network and / 185 broadcast stations and 37 country I'm your host Devin Moore<br> I guess today is a Hollywood actor writer producer and stump man is my guest who is currently filming in London England cast in the role of Pierce Rothchild in the feature film big cat or highlights of Douglas Ramirez amazing career from a child actor until now<br>where I was broken after<br> you found me bro<br> I'm looking for<br> my interview with Douglas for me run is coming up soon as the new Cinema bad boy his latest film credits include playing Samuel a Hitman in the feature film how to be a Hitman 101<br> set to be released in 2023 worldwide your highlight of his booming acting career<br> we are strong we are resilient and we will get through this together but these are stressful times and it's important to also practice good self-care it's normal to feel overwhelmed anxious or afraid but there is hope reach out to someone connect with your friends stay in touch with your community and know that you are not alone learn more at we are hope furnished by the National Association of broadcasters and this station I would like to welcome my guests douglas vermeeren douglas is an actor performer producer and director<br> welcome to the show dog<br> thanks for having me it's good to be with you bad<br> yes great. Let's start off with a big congratulations to you<br> you won best actor in independent films for 2023<br> and I found out or we found out that we're both we were both at the same event on March 12th at the Universal Studios Hilton<br> it was awesome we have a good time it was super fun wasn't him it was great it was such a great event I had so much fun and it was just amazing that we were already friends I think I'll social media when we stumbled on that I think my world right and then you know you have to be there and you got the award so I didn't realize myself I don't know if you did it either but the sea<br> according to Entertainment News there were more celebrities and film industry leaders that attended that event than the Academy Award I have heard that definitely I had heard that it was a pretty full House why didn't win the Academy Awards as well you know they've got a limited for the number of people that they can fit in the room so I imagine it's probably with the with the reasoning for that is but yeah absolutely no they said like every 3,000 celebrities are at the event that we were at so I was like yeah yeah it's cool isn't it make you feel good to be in a big part of such a big event ask you I want to ask you when you got totally surprised I mean did you even have a speech ready<br> I did not know so I knew that I was nominated and at least kind of in they're basically like Oscar viewing party but during the commercial breaks on television they give out their work so no kidding I was I was watching the Academy Awards just like everybody else and all of a sudden just before you know the commercial break somebody comes over because we need you over here and I had no idea why I had done a bunch of interviews on the red carpet and all that kind of thing so I just thinking somebody want to talk to me so you'll just go straight on stage you going straight to the center and give me all these directions like why am I going on the stage and then<br> and there'll be asking me to share a few thoughts on my happy to be here but it was really really funny and I think one of the coolest things about it though if I had known that one of my friends was going to be coming to that event and he's a very well-known actor as well as most people know Sean can and who is the bad guy in Karate Kid 3 and he's on reply in Bold and the Beautiful anyways but I didn't know where he was and so after this Whirlwind of getting under Sean and throw my first congratulations hug good with Sean and his wife Michelle funny but yeah it was so many cool and talented people there cuz there's so many people there I mean it just blew me away<br> oh well yeah I bet had to be so exciting I just I just wanted to ask how that moment was because you know you know that you had to be a selfie I took a selfie from the stage by the way with the audience in the background. It was pretty cool, I do know what their yeah yeah that of how to be a hit man 101<br> yeah it does<br> yeah it has really enjoyed reading about that you know it really it kind of reminds me of like a James Bond movie is not very James Bond. But I have that look about me in it for sure I do but yeah it's a very different kind of Hit Men story and don't give too much away but the thing that I loved about doing that movie and we're also still not a hundred percent down to write so there's still some things going on just about Blood and Guts and putting holes in the bad guys and all that kind of stuff and that you know shootouts and all that but this is actually a really interesting kind of perspective of the life of the Hitman like the behind-the-scenes how he feels about things how you know why he got doing that as a career and and how it's affected his life and all these things and it's funny cuz he even talks about relationships and it that he's had and<br> it's just something that I've never really seen done with Hitman movie before so it's really quite fun<br> oh yeah yeah it ain't really caught my interest I mean I I can't wait to see it and now it's is it scheduled to be released in April I mean still really I think yeah I don't know for sure but what I've heard is that they're looking at a release this fall to selected theaters and Film Festival and then from there it goes to I think one of the streaming services shortly thereafter but I don't remember which one is getting it first so it'll be out fairly soon so I'm also a little bit nervous about that I hope people like what I've done there because I think as an actor we're always kind of nervous that you know people will preach<br> we put a lot of Blood Sweat and Tears into that and we just hope the people appreciate the enjoy what we do and the other thing I think this is crazy is like you know sometimes we can't always control the end product because you got lots of you know editors and other individuals that kind of put their mittens on it before it goes out to the public so we've always got a little bit of nervousness until we see it in this will just be kind of a run-of-the-mill average movie that I've done and blah blah blah right like the Mini have commented on your James Bond style of acting and appearance and<br> I don't know I just think that that's right there's going to set you apart<br> I hope so and you know I've always loved James Bond in fact if there was one role that I would love to do in my lifetime it would be James Bond and I do a British accent. I'm back to do a scary movie in London on the 8th of May my second movie for Chris Sanders and so I did another one for him in January of this year that we shot also in in the UK so I mean I'm over there all the time and I just have a great respect for that franchise and specific I think they've done marvelous things and would be such an honor to be even considered to be part of that at one point right<br> yeah I think so I mean I really think it's going to be a hit I just have a hunch<br> I can only imagine what it will be like<br> when I was<br> by your side<br> I Can Only Imagine<br> what my eyes will see when your face is before me I can only imagine<br>surround<br> I Can Only Imagine<br> I can only imagine when that day comes<br> Indianapolis Zoo<br> standing in the sun I Can Only Imagine<br> went on live to<br> is forever<br> forever worship you<br> Only Imagine<br> I Can Only Imagine<br> what's humanism<br>I Can Only Imagine<br> when online<br> is forever<br> forever worship you<br> I Can Only Imagine<br> my interview with Hollywood actor writer producer for mirin continues after the break<br> Thai on Carson kressley of all the most valuable resources in the world kindness is the most precious<br> for more than 140 years American Humane has been working to make the world a kind of place for animals<br> rescuing those cotton disasters protecting animals on our Farms<br> on the Silver Screen<br> and the world's remarkable and endangered species who need our care to help them survive<br> all of us can make a difference by making Humane choices at the supermarket in our choice of entertainment and by supporting conservation and rescue efforts<br> it's not hard at all make being kind of Lifestyle choice and visit for simple ways you can help build a more caring compassionate and Humane world for animals and for all of us<br> you also have another film that's coming out this year it's called recreating 1912 that one really was interesting when I read up on that that yeah me too I look and feel of the Vintage silent film from the early days in film school I really got interested in a lot of older films and the house because I get the originals of Cinema like that really quite frankly most people aren't even aware of and I became very interested in people like obviously Charlie Chaplin then you know Buster Keaton in Harold Lloyd and he's got Dale did all their own stunts right people and so when I was given the opportunity to be in this movie and also do the stumps in that and I do it just like they did these old movies I like yeah cuz we're going to try and recreate that exactly and it's been<br> frightening because that you can imagine recreating with guns back then we didn't have the safety equipment that we do now and how do you say we sort of building backwards what's the safest possible way to do these and to keep it at that take how did they actually do them and it just very interesting very very cool<br> yeah yeah that when I saw the the saw that I was like dang that would be so neat The Experience yeah absolutely<br> that you and not that you started at a young age, children show the age of five actually for children show at 5 and then the first show that I did was also an after-school special I was seven for that one and I guess the first rule that I really had the first one I was just in the audience as an audience member on a kids show but when I did the first role as playing a newspaper boy and it was really kind of interesting cuz I I kind of remember it I kind of don't but the things that I do remember most it sounds ridiculous but it was that they had free donuts at the craft services and then give me fifty bucks and I thought that was just like so awesome I thought I was going to be rich forever if it's 50 bucks for a seven-year-old that's like crazy money right<br> that's a lot of it was indeed<br> well you know what really got me with the how you started all these stunts at the age of 13 riding on the roof of a speeding car<br> yes ma'am you look even funnier about that story is that I was doing a presentation one and I showed the picture of me on that car which you can find on the internet by the way and the thing that was really funny because I showed that picture on top of the car with the gentleman the audience who came out to me after he said that's my car and as we began to talk about it and he was right that was his car and the person who is driving it was actually his daughter and and I had dated his daughter for a little while he was exactly right it was totally true love and hate<br> yeah I know the address I mean I can only imagine if some of the stuff I mean riding on a on a car I mean come on<br> but I did it<br> they said no way no way absolutely try to keep me alive<br> try to keep you up about all these stunts that you do now<br> you know it's kind of funny is like a lot of times my mom doesn't really want to know about it you know how is it what they say ignorance is bliss a little bit right injuries as like stock performers than professional athletes do oftentimes the professional athletes wind up in a lot worse shape than we do overtime right yeah I mean I don't think it's it's to a worrisome but depending on the sun some of them can require a lot of Courage so I've hung out of the side of helicopters and I've been you know and involved in big jumps off of cliffs and into<br> rivers in waters and lakes and stuff and I've done stuff where you know how to do a jump from a speeding motorcycle to a speeding Hummer without safety equipment on and so I mean yeah you just kind of got to put your fear at the door and then just do it right so is you do your own stunts I mean that's the very rare but sometimes the insurance will not allow them to do so and then sometimes I don't have a background and doing all the QT so I mixed martial arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu specifically so I still train that and then I've also got an extensive background with motorcycles and cars and guns and all these things so it's not that I'm coming on and I<br> don't know about that stuff I don't know what I'm doing I didn't that's maybe something that you know I would imagine that you know the other directors and and also the insurance companies are often a little concern do these people have the experience to pull up the sun to write<br> right there we can pretty much say that you've been a daredevil since the age of 13<br> yeah like no kidding and I was going to sell may be funny and maybe that mean but when I have a kid I remember young girl coming to my parents house and asking if they're willing to let me allow them to replace is hula hoop because we have lit it on fire for me to drive a bicycle through and but yeah my piggy bank was broken into and I had to give all the money that I had to replace is hula hoop because I broke in it that was me I melted it sorry but we learn these things so next time we get through the Flaming hoops<br> you know it's funny that you say that and there is truth to that you know I've got different people who knew me in different sort of context but everybody that I know basically said we knew he would be involved in film some people say yep he was the guy from the beginning day one of those are like he was deactivate they're out front from the very beginning and you know it's it's kind of I guess who were meant to be and I think for me like looking back I can't really think of another job that I would probably do like no kidding for a while I think people had aspirations for me to be really smart and even medicine and all that stuff Batman I could even do chemistry like I have no idea how to do that stuff right so<br> you were also cast in one of your first villain roles in the Awakening I do have one question how do you like playing the role of the crazed villain<br> previous Vietnam recruiting a devilish Army<br> you don't even think about bad guys most bad guys don't think they're bad right and I believe in your cause you got to believe what you doing let me look at a guy like Darth Vader Darth Vader never says I'm the bad guy I guess I have to go up to Davey bad no he's he actually wanted to have his son by side and they wanted to rule the universe and universe the way he went about it you know the things that he has value system that what he was allowed to do it in that somebody disagrees with you and you choke them what most people don't have that in their value systems are Peter Doug and I think that was the same when I was playing that character's name of Alexander and I do want to give away the story but you know there's a lot of mean things that he does but if you look at him<br> AutoZone why he does them it's generally speaking Because he believes that there's a higher good could come of it and I think that's what makes him so interesting cuz he's somewhat conflicted inside he wanted to help you just doesn't know how the hell right out I was thinking that it's just going to be some film when it comes out I can't wait to see you play that accident it's interesting because with science fiction in this isn't science fiction show I think a lot of times you know we're acting with only part of the Phoenix ambled around us like the lad things digitally through the stats in the lad special effects that are there and I've got to be careful cuz I don't want to give away the story or any of the elements but<br> but no kidding they were not there on the set when we were there but I've got to act as though they are and I've got to perform certain functions so that a digital artist can come in later and paint things in my hands are on the Saturn in the scene the just don't exist so it's kind of fun what was that all about that you asked me to do that right now it's kind of fun right<br> who am I<br> would choose to do<br>but because of what you've done<br> call<br> launch mirror<br>baby, you done nothing but be called a girl<br>this is the Bev Moore Show live streaming on the iHeart Network and / 185 broadcast stations and 37 countries around the world I'm Bev Moore interview with Hollywood actors stuntman does for mirin continues stay with us<br> housing low income can be making tough choices choosing between paying for food or medication or place to live is a reality for many people do you know someone who could use some extra help find out about the supplemental security income program SSI administered by Social Security you could receive monthly SSI payment if your income and financial resources are low and you are 65 or older or an adult or child with a disability or who is blind SSI is money you can use to help pay for basic needs like putting food on the table keeping the lights on paying the rent I can mean new shoes for growing feet or help with medical needs call one 800-772-1213 or visit flash SSI to schedule an appointment for start to apply today that's SSI<br> now you all could be starring in several action films in Europe North America and the Philippines is the a bullet with her name on it and bullet that leads and blood have you started those yet or they still over the summer so I think I arrive there in June and then I actually meant to go she's right now to add another movie to that for Bali like over in Indonesia so I might be my summer in that part of the world but yeah it's sometimes what do you do with these kind of film is a one-time find they'll have me do a bunch of promotional images and pictures so that they have artwork to start talking about it with the distribution companies and investors and all kinds of people and then I go make the movie when they're scheduled to make the movie so I have a lot of pre-production work on those films but I haven't been in<br> the camera technically other than like your photos but I haven't been in front of the camera for the film itself until probably I'll get there for June<br> will these these films from what I've read are full of dramatic stunts and fast chases explosions and beautiful women it sounds like James Bond to me<br> well basically and I'm not sell it back to it it's interesting I think when when people see me they kind of want me to play those kind of times and so I do get a lot of the secret agents and the cops in these kinds of things but what I love about something that's the trick if we can find a way to make those characters more substantial and play them as real people that we don't often see in those kind of films and it's very refreshing and I think it's very cool right great Mindy but people don't recognize how much hard work goes into doing those kind of stun<br> you know just yet when you got like a martial arts fight I don't know just imagine if you're listening to this podcast right now I want you get off off your couch right now and just quickly do 150 jumping jacks now that we're going to take a reset and I'm going to get you another hundred fifty more and that by the way you going to keep doing all Saturday all Sunday and then we're going to see you on Monday and you're going to start it again because we need to get it from so many angles and people I don't think forget how physical some of those shows can be too but when you add a proper like character to that now it becomes an incredible film and I honestly wish that we could see more Academy Awards for bigger achievements in these kind of action-based physical films because they're they're a lot harder to do than most people realize I think<br> write what has been your most challenging role so far<br> the next one of the most challenging I know I had a lot that have been challenging in different ways over the summer I did a show called Freeplay where I played a Russian mobster and so I do speak some Russian but not enough so I had to learn some and then also work on an accent and do that so that was really interesting to kind of develop that Russian sort of. Also the bad guy or good guy I guess there's been a leak up there we're still changing the script and so I had them bring to me seven new pages of changes that I was just about to go and shoot and I literally got a 10 minutes before I needed to perform at that was interesting too so<br> on your toes with that and sometimes it's really about knowing the character more than the script so that you can literally become it right and I was on and it was the feeling that we had to do and quite frankly we ended up pimp robbing it on the spot so learning how to know your character well enough and especially do you remember you got a crew and lights and makeup and directors and it all these people watching you and you got a kind of find it within you to make it real and that means blocking everything and everyone else out and focusing on the actor you with some times that I can be a lot of concentration and it's a special sort of mental place you need to get into to be able to pull that off but I would assume that some of those are among my my hardest but what do they say it once it comes out it's kind of like when I don't know I'm not a lady I have never had a baby<br> they say they say surprise is what they say you tell me about the right they say that a lot of the pain that you went through to get them they're off and gets forgotten and I think that to some extent that's probably true with film when we share the experience in the movie with others we do here and I'm able to create something yeah so about that but I do I do know that in film I often forget the hard Parts after it's out<br> ride it just what you created is what you enjoy and you know the pain was worth the pain<br> yeah I said it was really funny this isn't from me but this is from another friend I was talking about the analogy about what he says you forget about the pain about it but yeah I personally don't believe there are any ugly babies just people that need glasses so was it worth it right to know about you<br> that might surprises<br> I love you know the thing that is kind of funny is that I come from a family of four boys all of them are married they all got four kids one of my brothers had five they lost one but they're like I'm a really big family guy but having said that I'm single so family-oriented I'm single and right now I am so we'll see there could be some lucky listeners there who want to connect a happy. Just kidding. People find that a bit of sun sing knowing my family background and stuff<br> yeah but you have all these brothers they've been that are married and and you're the only one that you're an eligible bachelor or or in the Black Label how you want the black sheep that rides on top of cars on a motorcycle what woman would want to be crazy enough to have this guy who's riding on top of motorcycles and jumping out of airplanes and hanging out of helicopters and shooting guns who wants that right anyway like that there's a lot of women that like that they like the<br> I have this girl that was interested in me and she did say that all these pictures of you with the guns and stuff cuz that's super super sexy everyday so I sent her back a picture with me holding these little puppies and she didn't really comment on that she like she like the more dangerous by Vince said that that was like well I guarantee you you after these films come out it's going to be a whole different story so you're going to get bumper<br> and I do believe in like happy endings and happily ever after and so what I'm really looking for a know this sounds crazy ultimately in the relationship is I'm looking for my best friend somebody that likes to be silly like me and I'm a bit of a nerd and you know I I like goofy things and I've got a quirky sense of humour and so I need somebody you least expect it<br> oh yeah yeah and you're not you're not looking for it and it just fits right in front of your eyes you like okay I didn't see that coming<br> when the best of me<br> when I'm not stopping by<br> photos<br> When A Man still alive<br> Venom slamming all the<br> hold on.<br> Weather<br> Lunada<br> when I'm dying<br> when are dogs afraid of<br> accuracy<br> cuz I know nobody<br> come back for me run shares words of wisdom for up-and-coming actors<br> as a veteran you get a lot of advice<br> but wisdom is harder to come by<br> a lot of people imagine themselves in our shoes<br> without understanding the weight on our shoulders<br> truth is you can understand the pressure of finding your own way after serving in the military<br> but a few isn't none you've got support<br> you can't control the chaos but you can chart your way through it<br> steady yourself<br> take a breath<br> you're not alone<br> learn more at make the connection. Net<br> that we know what's next for you you pretty much giving us an idea of all of your exciting films and you know going all over the world and my gosh I mean you got the heaviest weight I've seen for an actor a lot going on that Chris Sanders and he's got enough going on for you but yeah you know what a blessing but it's also a blessing because I know that I'm never going to complain that I'm busy in fact I'd rather be busy than bored and I'm always looking to add product projects to that so I want to be busy I want to have things to do and so we're going with it until people maybe get bored of me anymore so I'll just keep going until<br> write what hats off to you for getting forgetting the project I think it's phenomenal so with you getting this work and the projects and everything going so well what would you suggest is that a budding actors and artists out there that you know you do the industry or the struggling you know<br> yeah I think the best thing is is you know that you you need to really be dedicated to your craft so if you're not doing film and TV work how you should be doing training and if you're not you know out there bettering yourself and and so forth and you should also be a networking and this really is a relationship business so you need to be out there building those connections to so but but never get discouraged keep going if this is truly what you want to do you got a call that dream<br> yeah<br> if I can you did<br> all your dream<br> you got it that's exactly right<br> okay well that is great advice yes so is there anything you want to add anything you want to bring up how we can follow you or anything else while I'm on social media are you can find my name all over so Douglas room you're in Instagram to share that I'm really grateful for all the people that watch our movies and follow-ups and all these kinds of things and so I just want to really thank everybody because so I'm just praying for all the people that we can make him so I'm grateful for all the people that believe in Austin and support what we're doing in and make sure when we're we're at the fan supposed to say hi because we really do appreciate you and we're grateful for all of your support for what we're doing sincerely absolutely absolutely<br> so I'll be pushing us through my platform is well for you and we wish you continued to see if I can pull and I want to thank you for being on the bed more show you have been fabulous<br> that's it for this week I hope you enjoyed my interview with Hollywood actor writer producer stuntman Douglas for mirroring to look out for upcoming lead role as a Rothschild in the feature film big cats produced by Chris Sanders currently shooting in London England<br> thank you for listening to the Bev Moore Show broadcasting on BBS radio on the iHeart Network worldwide I'm bev more until next time bye bye<br> in this time of desperation<br> all we know is bad<br> there is only one Foundation<br> We Believe<br> leaving me<br> generator<br> leaving me<br> God the Father we believe in Jesus Christ believe in the Holy Spirit<br> Sofia kitchen Weebly<br> Resurrection coming back again<br>so<br> the songs we sing<br>the song<br>

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