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The Balanced Millionaire, October 23, 2019

Dr Kiran Dintyala - The Calm Doctor
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The Balanced Millionaire
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Guest, Dr Kiran Dintyala - The Calm Doctor

The Balanced Millionaire with Eileen Mendel

Guest, Dr Kiran Dintyala - The Calm Doctor

Dr. Kiran Dintyala is an internal medicine physician, practicing full time in San Diego, California. He is an author, speaker and stress-management expert. He holds a Master’s in Public Health (MPH), during which time he learnt his stress management skills. He is also a diplomate of American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine.

Every day he compassionately takes steps ‘to alleviate the suffering of his patients/clients and empower them to succeed in their lives through better usage of their own innate capabilities to be happy, peaceful, and content’.

His mission is to elevate the emotional well-being of the humanity, and thus increase the happiness index of the globe.

He strongly believes that with the simple principles and techniques he teaches, any one can become stress-free. He envisions and strives towards creating stress-free organizations, communities, and families across the United States and the rest of the world.

He believes a calm state of mind is essential for true success and happiness in life. He created the Stress Mastery Program and the P-E-T System for Stress-Free Living, to help people access ‘Calm in the Midst of Chaos.’ Some of the benefits of his teachings are:

  1. Peaceful & joyful living

  2. Work-life balance

  3. Performance under pressure

  4. Improved relationships at work & home

  5. Relaxed & motivating work environment

  6. Transforming organizational state of mind

  7. Reduced absenteeism & presenteeism

A short version of my story

Many years ago, when I was in the spell of a perfect storm of stress in my life, I accidentally stumbled upon certain principles and techniques that saved my life. Those principles and techniques helped me calm down instantaneously and gave me the ability to take control of my life situation. That ability to calm down in the midst of chaos not only saved me from a dismal failure that threatened my career but also paved a path to the career of my dreams. The concepts I learnt over years through many life and death situations in my own life, I have put together as the P-E-T system for stress-free living. This easy to follow system melts away stress instantaneously. These principles and techniques work with mathematical accuracy!

Why am I doing this? Why did I choose this journey to create a stress-free revolution?

Having benefited from this system myself, now I am on a journey to help others because I know that stress is a relentless, silent killer. Having experienced extremes of stress in my own life, I

know how it feels to be in a situation that makes you feel desperate, hopeless, and miserable. When you are in deep distress you feel that nothing works for you. You feel as if everything is wrong in your life and there is no meaning to life. All the goals and dreams look futile. Yet, with experience I realized that no situation is hopeless and that there are obvious ways to emerge out of such situations successfully and find solutions to our problems. I am here to share what I know and be your guide to a peaceful, joyful, and productive living.

There is a need...a tremendous need to eliminate stress from our lives

Stress is recognized as a global epidemic by the United Nations. Stress management is corporate America’s greatest challenge in the 21stcentury. Families are falling apart because of stress. Individuals are losing focus in their lives and rapidly moving towards failure and depression. Yet, there is not enough preparedness to fight stress in our current society. There are obvious ways to overcome stress and live a peaceful and joyful life.

Start your stress-free journey today!

The P-E-T system I teach is simple but powerful. You will be amazed by its tremendous positive impact on you, both professionally and personally! You will find how to be happy at home and work. You fill find innovative ways to transform your organization and your family in a positive way. You don’t have to blindly agree with me. Experiment with this system. You will be pleasantly surprised! 

The Balanced Millionaire

The Balanced Millionaire with Eileen Mendel
Show Host
Eileen Mendel

THE BALANCED MILLIONAIRE: "For High Achieving Professionals Who Want To Elevate Their Business and Maintain A Balanced Life".


Learn from successful entrepreneurs how they grew their companies from the ground up and learned the hard way what it took to get to 6-7 figurers and more. Expert guest reveal their secrets and actions that got them through toughest of professional challenges, and how it drove their success to higher profits and personal triumphs.

You have limitless potential. Eileen guides you to think and act more expansively. Train your mind to think beyond current conditions. Once you immerse yourself, you cannot go back to your old habits.

Learn the processes of creating a transformation in yourself and translating this to your career, which will also change the three other key areas of your life—your relationships, health, time, money and...FREEDOM!

Shifting Direction...You can change course and propel yourself into a proven new way of thinking that will lead to personal growth, generation of fresh ideas, and a flourishing business. You will learn how to live the lifestyle of your choosing, without dictating external stresses.

Interested in being a FEATURED GUEST on The Balanced Millionaire? Let’s chat and schedule a date for you to be on the show! 

Contact me at:

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