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Angel Talk, December 24, 2023

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Angel Talk
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Long Ago They Stole Christmas From Us

Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young

Title: Long Ago They Stole Christmas From Us

Description: Like everything else, they twisted the real truth of Christmas that would benefit the retail industry and none of it was true. Little by little they would add more untruths and as generations passed, we began to forget the truth of Christmas, it was replaced with commercialism. Simply by changing how we view it; we can change consciousness. God has promised to give the true understanding of the meaning of Christmas and raise our consciousness if we would just hear the truth.

(We do not recommend young children to listen to the show, because we are going to show how Santa Claus is more than a myth.)

Join us for this remarkable show, we hope you will not miss this opportunity.

Sponsored by The Living Light Center a Church of Faith and Healing.

Headlined Show, Angel Talk December 24, 2023

The Way, The Truth and The Life
Broadcast Date

Title:   The Way, The Truth and The Life

Description: All things in their movement or creation must be accomplished through the trinity. All material things are limited in its life span unless it is reinfused with the spiritual light, to bring about its restoration in the physical plane. The birth of the Messiah opened the door for the light of first creation to restore all things in one through the way, the truth, and the life.

Join us for this remarkable show; we hope you will not miss this opportunity.

Sponsored by The Living Light Center a Church of Faith and Healing.

Angel Talk

Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young
Jim Young and Sandy Young

Rev. Jim and Sandy Young of the Living Light Center a Church of Faith and Healing, offer a broad area of understanding and spiritual awareness. We empower and help you to unravel the mystery of mysteries of the ancient text and its application to life. We cover topics from biblical, earth changes, energy healing, metaphysics, inspirational subjects and more. Our objective is to awaken the mind and soul to unlimited possibilities.

BBS Station 1
Bi-Weekly Show -o-
4:00 pm CT
4:55 pm CT
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