911 Free Fall, August 2, 2020
911 Free Fall with Andy Steele
The Twin Towers' Explosive Demolition, as Told by the Reporters
Ted Walter and Graeme MacQueen join host Andy Steele to talk about their newly published paper, "How 36 Reporters Brought Us the Twin Towers’ Explosive Demolition on 9/11." At more than 12,000 words and with 80 separate news clips from 9/11, the paper sheds new light on how the media reported the Twin Towers' destruction before the official narrative set in.
911 Free Fall

911 Free Fall is the weekly podcast of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, the organization leading the charge to open a new investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11. Each episode, we interview one of the many researchers and activists who are blowing the lid off the crime of the century.