Puma Fredy Quispe Singona was trained by his grandfather, Don Maximo, in the mastery of Andean ceremonies and rituals. As a spiritual leader both in his own community of Chinchero, Peru, and in international gatherings and spiritual journeys, he has a passion for the teachings of his people and a profound respect for the global awakening of human consciousness. He has attended and facilitated numerous international gatherings of spiritual leaders and young leaders, is recognized globally as a holder of ancient lineage and wisdom with the power to inspire people in his special heartfelt way to connect with. Puma works with youth groups and has a natural ability to connect with ancestral Spirits, Cosmic forces, and natural elementals that assist him in his global healing path. As tour guide to the natural wonders and sacred sites of Peru and the Quechua world, he has deep reverence for the traditions and values of the ancient Andean cultures.