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Jordan Hampton
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I thought your listeners would like  Educator Jordan Hampton and his debut Novel Ignition 2084, it bravely discusses such topics as marginalization  and gives those who are barely heard a voice but does it in a way that will have you at the end of your seat.  Once this book is started it is hard to put down, please let me know if you would like to have Jordan on your program.

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In A Breakthrough Dystopian Thriller Set In A Post-Civil War 2 America, Race & Freedom Are Explored

Educator Jordan Hampton's new novel "Ignition 2084 "explores.... 

What can be done to help society make changes in how marginalized individuals  are viewed and treated.

It will resonate with your listeners , The unfolding of this novel  is quite engaging and the reader will not be able to put it down.

“In this dystopian thriller set in 2084, uneasy allies in a war-devastated America try to defeat a hostile, oppressive group… This dark, engaging near-future tale teems with action and diverse characters.”

--Kirkus Revews

“5-Stars Recommended” Ignition 2084 is an angry beast with a crazy collide-o-scope plot that bristles with intelligence. A kinetic combination of visual style, amazingly detailed characterizations, and original combat tech in ‘Hanzo Gear’ and the Reiloken ‘Aura Sword’ that practically jumps off the page!”

--Book Viral Reviews

Most Americans would agree that they don’t agree on a lot of issues. The Blue vs. Red factions have become entrenched in American politics. Further, the nation feels torn apart on the topic of race and racism. Could these tribunal debates lead to a civil war?

One young novelist, the son of a career military mom, thinks so. He explores America in the chaotic, post-war period in a new book, Ignition 2084.

“The civil war depicted in my book grew out of recent events and today’s mindset,” says author Jordan Hampton, who is a high school English teacher and a certified preacher. “Racial differences, blind political allegiances, and a failure of our education system conspire and contribute to the world that unfolds in my novel.”

His book, which Book Viral Reviews called: “A bold, brutal escapist thrill-seeking read,” features the collapse of civilization and shows how warring factions are left to battle for the fate of a people. This new world order takes place, some 60 years into the future – far enough to seem like a dream (or a nightmare), but close enough to recognize a connect-the-dots scenario to how things are unfolding in our country now.

“This book is designed to do two things:,” asserts Hampton, “to be a love letter to my military background, social connections, and martial arts training, and to open the door for a truly contemplative discussion of national events too easily dismissed as divisive. Too often in the last few years, difficult yet necessary conversations like race relations, political corruption, and healthcare concerns have been dismissed as divisive and many of those who offer solutions are vilified by those too scared to even speak out. Whereas others are afraid to have the conversation, Ignition spearheads it.”

Hampton is available to discuss the following:

How Americans could be heading towards another civil war.What needs to be discussed about race.How his dystopian thriller shows how a nation of tribes can’t survive.What could be done to help bring about societal changes on racism.Why underrepresented voices in literature need to be heard from.If free speech will remain a cherished right.The challenges of teaching high school English in today’s overly sensitive landscape.How a military brat scripted great political and military battles in the book.

If you are interested in having Jordan on your program please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards


“Working within a conversational narrative framework,” says Book Viral Reviews, “Hampton proves to be a superb storyteller with Ignition 2084

growing richer with every page. He has a master sagacity of pacing, immersing us into his future world rather than assailing us with non-stop action, and envisioning that world with an architect’s eye for the smallest details with this underpinned by his passion for the martial arts.”

Hampton decidedly wrote a book that would hopefully get people to question the way things are today. in the wake of recent unrest involving Black Lives Matter and the George Floyd tragedy, Hampton, a young Black voice for reason, said he lost a number of friends in 2020.

“I felt betrayed by those who did not understand why I was so fed up with how Black people are treated here,” says Hampton.

“Neighbor turned on neighbor. People distanced themselves from someone like me who dared to engage in a discourse on race. Not talking about something doesn’t solve a problem.”

2020 was a volatile year of rampant disease, political messiness, and the disrupted social plight of minorities. Partisanship interfered with people allowing for the type of open and honest engagement that his book makes possible.

Ignition 2084 features many young black military characters. “Many books still lack representation and diversity, but my story gives them a platform,” says Hampton.

Can America save itself from the type of future depicted in Ignition 2084?

“There’s still time to avert disaster, but the clock is ticking,” warns Hampton. “If we can come together and rally around a consensus, rather than around our tribunal factions that will soon no longer serve us, we can rewrite our script.”


Jordan Hampton is a young man with big dreams. Currently a English II teacher in the Arizona school district he wishes to bring more attention on todays society and if things continue how they are, what the future may hold for our nation.  Hampton decidedly wrote a book that would hopefully get people to question the way things are today. in the wake of recent unrest involving Black Lives Matter and the George Floyd tragedy, Hampton, a young Black voice for reason, said he lost a number of friends in 2020.

“I felt betrayed by those who did not understand why I was so fed up with how Black people are treated here,” says Hampton.

“Neighbor turned on neighbor. People distanced themselves from someone like me who dared to engage in a discourse on race. Not talking about something doesn’t solve a problem.” 

2020 was a volatile year of rampant disease, political messiness, and the disrupted social plight of minorities. Partisanship interfered with people allowing for the type of open and honest engagement that his book makes possible.

Ignition 2084