Responder Resilience

Guest, Allen Kates
Allen R. Kates, BCECR, MFAW, is a trauma expert and author of the book, CopShock (first and second editions): Surviving Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), praised as the definitive survival guide for police PTSD sufferers. A&E Television produced a program based on CopShock's findings.
Allen is Board Certified in Emergency Crisis Response (BCECR) by the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, and has earned certificates in critical incident stress debriefing and management, suicide intervention, PTSD therapy, resiliency, crisis intervention and victimology.
Three weeks after 9/11, he toured the devastation of the World Trade Center and then gave an 8-hour seminar to Port Authority peer support officers about preventing and managing PTSD symptoms.
Allen has given seminars about PTSD, suicidal thinking, post-shooting trauma, psychological and emotional survival after a critical incident, and resiliency techniques for many organizations.
He is a member of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA).