Responder Resilience
Guest, 911 Emergency Dispatcher Craig Tinneny and 31 year veteran Senior Operator Catharine DVileskis
Craig Tinneny was an Army infantry veteran and is a 12 year 911 Emergency Dispatcher in the Philadelphia metro area. Craig was featured along with other first responder stories, in an Interview about dispatcher stress/burnout from OC87 as part of the Beneath The Vest Series. He is a leader in his department with peer support and mental health for call takers and dispatcher.
Catharine D'Vileskis is a 31 year veteran Senior Operator at the Watertown, CT police department, where she dispatches police and fire. Catharine also dispatches Part time at Naugatuck, CT PD, and has worked at numerous other PDs in the area over the last 30 years. She is trainer and an advocate for mental health and peer support. She is an active Volunteer with Donate Life CT and New England Donor Services, raising awareness about Organ and Tissue Donation.