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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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Affirmations For Living Guest, Dr Edwige September 11, 2013
Metaphysical Practitioner, Light code activator, author, spiritual adviser

Dr. Edwige -  is a Metaphysical Practitioner, Light code activator, author, and spiritual advisor.  In service to humanity, she has become the living embodiment of the Cosmic Mother or to the indigenous peoples the Peacock Goddess. She now walks between both worlds: In the physical, while connected multi-dimensionally with higher realms of existence and holding the holographic energetic template form for all Starseed races as we dawn a new beginning in time.  She ushers in change as a surrogate of divine femininity. By demonstrating what is achievable by us all, she walks the Highest Path, constantly traveling to all the dimensions, passing through every Gate of Ascension, in possession of the Codes & keys to your total activation.  She has come to assist and guide us through the many processes of Ascension and to usher in the Feminine Healing necessary for the Great Shift.

Experience the amazing transformational gifts that Dr. Edwige holds and is here to share with humanity.

She is a powerful receptor of pure Light essence bestowed by The Divine Source Creator. Dr. Edwige uses Ancient Star Language in her work that is done on a cellular level, raising your frequency, transmitting sound directly for your soul, reaching deep into your core to clear old memories and programs, activating your higher consciousness, bringing attunement to you as a multi-dimensional being that you are.  These light codes will help to unlock your divine blueprint awakening your DNA and activation of your Crystaline Light body.

She declares that we are all that holds us back from inner-peace and succeeding and will show how to experience expansion into your multiverse reality and your next powerful step in evolution!

Her award-winning book “You’re Not Crazy, You’re Awakening” will change the way you see the “Awakening” while answering the age-old question of “Are we alone?”

Affirmations For Living Guest, Omiyale Jube September 25, 2013
Book Author

Omiyale Jubé is the CEO and Founder of Navigate Your Existence, an organization designed to open new portals of understanding for those who desire to “Take Control of their Life’s Destination.”

Omiyale, also known as Anika Johnson, was born and raised on 125th street in Harlem, New York. Early in life, at the whim of the New York City school system, she was labeled culturally deprived, underprivileged, and emotionally disturbed.  She is a survivor of abusive relationships and an attempted suicide. Her journey began searching for answers. Omiyale’s discovery of her rich African heritage restored a sense of being, a step towards claiming self-worth. Yet, still looking externally for answers and not feeling in control, the quest continued. Searching for answers on a spiritual level opened doors to understanding her being on a more profound level, her very existence.  

Omiyale’s journey consisted of a series of “aha” moments that simplified the most complex and sometimes misunderstood concepts of life, converting them to tools of empowerment fueling her transformation.

She possesses an uncanny ability to provide answers to those yet unanswered, nagging questions about life, provide new perspectives with which to view the world, and guide individuals to look within for direction.

Sharing these “aha’ moments affords an extraordinary connection to her audiences as she guides them to ignite the power within. She utilizes her journey to teach others how to find their internal compass, and chart their course of destination. Omiyale’s journey as an acclaimed speaker and commitment to service has won her numerous awards and recognition from various organizations and persons of distinction.

Currently, Omiyale resides in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Amongst her accomplishes, she is an Author, Inspirational Speaker, Personal and Spiritual Coach, and Reiki Master.  A retired school administrator, she has always been inspired to share knowledge, effect change, and champion the evolution of humanity. Her speaking and coaching series is dedicated to the resurrection of mind, body, and soul, and to the ascension of consciousness for the human collective.  

Affirmations For Living Guest, Lisa Lachapelle August 21, 2013
Spiritualist, Writer, Author, Fine Artist

I live in Canada - and I'm a creative pursuer of peace. A Spiritualist (but you already know that by reading this site) ...who is big on self-study (not just introspection, but a love for books as a means of learning).

The past several years I've concentrated on writing. To be honest being unemployed allowed me the time to complete these books though it has been a struggle the entire way.  My goal for writing was most importantly and above all else to get a strong spiritual message across that would reach many people.  I cannot express enough my gratitude to my family for their patience, love  and support throughout these challenging years.  My thanks to Heaven is infinite.

I've enjoyed writing all my life. That first summer that I moved into the house on Harkness St. I knew that I would write a book.  What it would be about was later inspired by going to Heaven... after the Awakening. Five years later came the overwhelming feeling again that the 'time is now' to write it. So gathering passion with  notes I wrote Small Tales and Visits to Heaven, my first book to be published. The second book of that set was released seven months later.  Poetry was not only a part of a broader creative process but a point of discovery.

I am also a fine artist and the two creative realms - writing and art, in the fabric of mind have very different outcomes.  How I love them both!

I am spiritually fit to remain a solo flyer through life and remain celibate. Lover of light, lover of humanity, lover of God. Dedicated to spiritual humanest resolve for a union of hearts that bring harmony to others.

Affirmations For Living Guest, Thabiti August 28, 2013
Inventor of the "Time Map", CEO at and Executive Director at, Author of "All About You" and "The Secret Wisdom of the Ages"

Rev. Thabiti is the CEO at and Executive Director at He is author of the books 'All About You' and 'The Secret Wisdom of the Ages.' He is also a syndicated columnist for magazines and newspapers. He is best known as the inventor of the Personal Time-Map System, a scientifically proven system that illuminates and guides you to making the right decisions.

Affirmations For Living Guest, Kane July 18, 2013
Founder of the Clearing Institute, Spiritual Seeker, Kundalini Experiencer, Healer, Philosopher, Researcher, Energy Conduit, Reiki Tummo, Advanced Pranic Healer, Akashic Records Consultant, Quantum Entrainment, Reiki Usui

Kane is the founder of The Clearing Institute (also creator of the Flow Meditation). He has been an avid spiritual seeker since early childhood and has spent many years studying and researching spiritual literature and healing methods as well as becoming certified in many of them.

Besides completing his catechism at an early age, some of the cultures, religions and philosophies Kane has researched and studied include Buddhism, Gnosticism, Hinduism, Kabbalah, “New Age-ism”, Shamanism, Sufism and Taoism. He has explored India and Nepal while living in Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries and a Hindu Ashram as well as spent time in a Zen Buddhist Monastery nestled in a national forest in Brazil.

Since his kundalini spontaneously awakened after a series of spiritual events, Kane embarked on an intense 9 year spiritual clearing/purification process when his own clearing took place to the point where he can now be an open conduit for higher levels of awareness and energies.

"At first you are with The Flow. Then you are in The Flow. Finally, you ARE The Flow."
- Kane

Kane has many years of experience in helping others through their clearing processes via individual sessions, group gatherings and workshops. His aim is to continue and expand his work via the The Clearing Institute so he may benefit the greatest number of people he is able to in accordance with his Soul’s Purpose.

Certificates: Kane is certified in Reiki Tummo under internationally known Master Rama, a senior disciple of founder GrandMaster Irmansyah Effendi. Kane is certified in Advanced Pranic Healing under internationally known Master Stephen Co, a senior disciple of the late founder Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. Kane is certified in Akashic Records Consultation under internationally known teacher Gabrielle Orr, a member instructor of Akashic Pathway Teachings. Kane is certified in Quantum Entrainment under internationally known founder Dr. Frank Kinslow. Kane is certified in traditional Reiki Usui and Magnified Healing. Kane has also studied/researched other modalities.