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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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Affirmations For Living Guest, Kane July 18, 2013
Founder of the Clearing Institute, Spiritual Seeker, Kundalini Experiencer, Healer, Philosopher, Researcher, Energy Conduit, Reiki Tummo, Advanced Pranic Healer, Akashic Records Consultant, Quantum Entrainment, Reiki Usui

Kane is the founder of The Clearing Institute (also creator of the Flow Meditation). He has been an avid spiritual seeker since early childhood and has spent many years studying and researching spiritual literature and healing methods as well as becoming certified in many of them.

Besides completing his catechism at an early age, some of the cultures, religions and philosophies Kane has researched and studied include Buddhism, Gnosticism, Hinduism, Kabbalah, “New Age-ism”, Shamanism, Sufism and Taoism. He has explored India and Nepal while living in Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries and a Hindu Ashram as well as spent time in a Zen Buddhist Monastery nestled in a national forest in Brazil.

Since his kundalini spontaneously awakened after a series of spiritual events, Kane embarked on an intense 9 year spiritual clearing/purification process when his own clearing took place to the point where he can now be an open conduit for higher levels of awareness and energies.

"At first you are with The Flow. Then you are in The Flow. Finally, you ARE The Flow."
- Kane

Kane has many years of experience in helping others through their clearing processes via individual sessions, group gatherings and workshops. His aim is to continue and expand his work via the The Clearing Institute so he may benefit the greatest number of people he is able to in accordance with his Soul’s Purpose.

Certificates: Kane is certified in Reiki Tummo under internationally known Master Rama, a senior disciple of founder GrandMaster Irmansyah Effendi. Kane is certified in Advanced Pranic Healing under internationally known Master Stephen Co, a senior disciple of the late founder Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. Kane is certified in Akashic Records Consultation under internationally known teacher Gabrielle Orr, a member instructor of Akashic Pathway Teachings. Kane is certified in Quantum Entrainment under internationally known founder Dr. Frank Kinslow. Kane is certified in traditional Reiki Usui and Magnified Healing. Kane has also studied/researched other modalities.

Reaching For The Gold Guest, Bob Linscott September 24, 2013
Advocate for Seniors

Bob Linscott is assistant director of the Boston-based lgbt aging project. In that position, he works to make certain that aging people with alternative life styles have an opportunity to enjoy as much support as anybody else might. He also works to bring together intergenerational groups. That can become quite a challenge considering the vast social changes that have occurred in the past few decades. At one point, gays, lesbians and others were obligef to hide their identities. Now, young children claim, for example, that they are girls even though they have been designated as being boys. 

Reaching For The Gold Guest, Bob Linscott September 24, 2013
Author, Junior High Principal

Innumerable books have been written about care giving for the elderly. But Carolie Warren's volume - But Mama How Come Grandpa Get's To Put His Feet Up on the Couch?" talks a fresh approach. it is written to help children better understand the need to remain patient and loving when dealing with the elderly. How can they become part of a circle of love that surrounds and supports this person?

An important part of this message: This elder deserves respect becaue of the work they have done on this earth and the fact their efforts helped support many poeple.

Ms. Warren is a principal at a middle school so she has viewed aging from two perspectives: Young people coming into their maturity and aging people leaving their final mark.

The People Speak Guest, Cindy Sheehan September 24, 2013
Author, Nobel Peace Nominee, Anti War Activist, Anti War Tax Resistor

Cindy Sheehan, Author - Nobel Peace Nominee! Anti War Tax Resistor

Cindy Sheehan, is the internationally known anti-war activist whose son Casey died in Iraq. Sheehan gained national attention in early August 2005 when she traveled to President Bush's Prairie Chapel Ranch just outside Crawford, Texas, during his five-week vacation retreat there. Demanding a meeting with the President and an explanation of the "noble cause" for which her son died, she created a peace camp called Camp Casey by pitching a tent by the side of the road and announced her intention to stay, day and night, for the full five weeks, or until such a meeting was granted. She has also promised that, if she was not granted a second meeting, she will return to Crawford each time Bush visits there in the future.

Since the first Camp Casey, Cindy has established or inspired similar camps and protests all over the USA. Her journeys on behalf of the Peace Movement have taken her all over the world - Australia, South America, Europe. In all her travels and talks, she touches on how the president has betrayed the American people and exploited the brave men and women in uniform to bring more profit to his friends. "My goal is to bring our troops home to try and save another mother from going through what I am going through."

by Cindy Sheehan

The Obama Files is Cindy Sheehan's latest book. The book is a six-year long chronicle of the hypocrisy of the US Empire and the abdication of the "left" in calling out the war crimes of "the first black US president."

Cindy's work shows clear-thinking and understanding of the truth behind the Empire of lies, but this is not a book about "gloating:"  meant to awaken people to these truths that should be "self-evident" by now!

The Obama Files is now in its final stages of production and if you pre-order a copy today, you will get one of the first ones hot off the presses, signed by the author.


Foreword to The Obama Files: Chronicles of an Award Winning War Criminal
by Larry Pinkney

Though often hidden or distorted, human history is replete with examples of courage and sacrifice by a relatively few political dissenters sounding the alarm and speaking truth to power. These dissenters are scorned and ridiculed by those who control the corporate mass media and its concomitant systemic machine of perpetual war, death, and destruction. Yet, US society in particular, and Mother Earth as a whole, are in dire need of these principled dissenters whose stories represent the very best of struggling humanity. This is the essence of Cindy Sheehan and why her actions and writings over many years are of such invaluable and enduring significance. She has repeatedly actualized the words of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., when he said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter...”

Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg
Signs of Life - Personal Experiences, July 28, 2022 hosted by Betty Kovacs, Kim Saavedra and Janet Mayer
Reclaiming Authenticity with Dr James Houck
Reclaiming Authenticity, July 29, 2022 Long Time, No See: The Universal, Multiple, and Spontaneous Nature of After Death Communication
Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free
Personal Planetary Healing Meditation, July 24, 2022 with Wynn Free, Terry Brown and Friends
Spouting Off with Karen Kataline
Spouting Off, July 29, 2022 Guests, Rabbi Yaakov Menken and Greg Hartman