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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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Affirmations For Living Guest, Linda Martin February 07, 2013
Reverend, Metaphysician, Doctor, Reiki Master, Teacher, Spiritual Healer, Color and Sound Practitioner, Spiritual Counselor, Medium, Ministry Founder

Rev. Dr. Linda M. Martin is a metaphysician, certified as a reiki master teacher, spiritual healer, color & sound practitioner, registered spiritual counselor, and spiritual medium.  She founded The Dove of Light Healing Ministry in Belle Vernon, PA, where she offers individual healing and counseling sessions in person or by phone as well as spiritual workshops.   Linda received her degrees from Delphi University, the Patricia Hayes School of Inner Sense Development and the Arthur Ford Academy in McCaysville, Georgia.  She has studied with the Laika Shaman of Peru and many spiritual healers throughout the U.S.  She is recognized and registered with the International Registry of Spiritual Healers.

Affirmations For Living Guest, Linda Martin February 07, 2013
Doctorate in Education, Social Worker, School Psychologist, Therapist, Mental Health Researcher, University Professor, Consultant, Rehabilitator, Psychotherapist

Dr. Nickolas Martin has masters degrees in the areas of social work and school psychology, as well as a doctoral degree in education.  He is also a certified school psychologist, nationally certified school psychologist, and licensed psychologist in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  He has worked as a therapist in a mental health clinic for 22 years, taught as a university professor at the undergraduate and graduate levels for 24 years, and served as a consultant for the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation for 22 years.  These professional experiences include having conducted several thousand psychotherapy sessions, psychological evaluations, and class meetings.  He notes that all of these experiences have taught him about the centrality and paramount importance of ego within a person’s life.

Affirmations For Living Guest, Anthony Lamar Smith February 14, 2013
Producer, Screenwriter, Speaker, Actor, Comedian, Turn-Around Expert, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Neuro Linguistic Programming Teacher


Prior to starting his own consulting firm, co-owner of Dramatic Impact Productions of Redondo Beach, CA, and authoring his first self-improvement book “L.I.F.E Intentional, Living In Fullness Everyday”, Anthony worked as a professional speaker and teacher of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) for world-renowned author and speaker Anthony Robbins and ARA, Inc. He is currently combining his talents as a producer, screenwriter, actor and comedian with a feature film in pre-production, and hosting the highly successful talk show “Trending Topics w/Ant&Shira”.


In the course of a diverse 12-year career in all aspects of mortgage sales and real estate investments, real estate investment management, financial/assets portfolio management and employee benefits development, Anthony L. Smith has proven to be a skilled executive, visionary entrepreneur and trouble-shooter and turnaround expert.


Anthony leveraged his skills in his personal and spiritual life, health, and relationships; as well as professionally with award winning, high profile Realtors, developers and construction companies, network marketing organizations, friends, students, and a host of other people and institutions, throughout the Chicago land area and Southern California; established employee benefits with companies as large as Methodist Hospitals of Northwest Indiana, Majestic Star Casino, City of East Chicago (just to name a few); while specializing in meeting the needs of these professionals and organizations.

“Failure is not an option…therefore, success is inevitable!”

For readers, executives and professionals, owners of closely held businesses and other clients requiring assistance with advanced strategies for personal and/or business development and management, and consistent increase in profit margins, and those wanting above average individualize success, Anthony L. Smith brings a wealth of experience and strategies to help facilitate your goals.

Affirmations For Living Guest, Kane February 28, 2013
Founder of the Clearing Institute, Spiritual Seeker, Kundalini Experiencer, Healer, Philosopher, Researcher, Energy Conduit, Reiki Tummo, Advanced Pranic Healer, Akashic Records Consultant, Quantum Entrainment, Reiki Usui

Kane is the founder of The Clearing Institute (also creator of the Flow Meditation). He has been an avid spiritual seeker since early childhood and has spent many years studying and researching spiritual literature and healing methods as well as becoming certified in many of them.

Besides completing his catechism at an early age, some of the cultures, religions and philosophies Kane has researched and studied include Buddhism, Gnosticism, Hinduism, Kabbalah, “New Age-ism”, Shamanism, Sufism and Taoism. He has explored India and Nepal while living in Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries and a Hindu Ashram as well as spent time in a Zen Buddhist Monastery nestled in a national forest in Brazil.

Since his kundalini spontaneously awakened after a series of spiritual events, Kane embarked on an intense 9 year spiritual clearing/purification process when his own clearing took place to the point where he can now be an open conduit for higher levels of awareness and energies.

"At first you are with The Flow. Then you are in The Flow. Finally, you ARE The Flow."
- Kane

Kane has many years of experience in helping others through their clearing processes via individual sessions, group gatherings and workshops. His aim is to continue and expand his work via the The Clearing Institute so he may benefit the greatest number of people he is able to in accordance with his Soul’s Purpose.

Certificates: Kane is certified in Reiki Tummo under internationally known Master Rama, a senior disciple of founder GrandMaster Irmansyah Effendi. Kane is certified in Advanced Pranic Healing under internationally known Master Stephen Co, a senior disciple of the late founder Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. Kane is certified in Akashic Records Consultation under internationally known teacher Gabrielle Orr, a member instructor of Akashic Pathway Teachings. Kane is certified in Quantum Entrainment under internationally known founder Dr. Frank Kinslow. Kane is certified in traditional Reiki Usui and Magnified Healing. Kane has also studied/researched other modalities.

Affirmations For Living Guest, Linda Martin March 14, 2013
Reverend, Metaphysician, Doctor, Reiki Master, Teacher, Spiritual Healer, Color and Sound Practitioner, Spiritual Counselor, Medium, Ministry Founder

Rev. Dr. Linda M. Martin is a metaphysician, certified as a reiki master teacher, spiritual healer, color & sound practitioner, registered spiritual counselor, and spiritual medium.  She founded The Dove of Light Healing Ministry in Belle Vernon, PA, where she offers individual healing and counseling sessions in person or by phone as well as spiritual workshops.   Linda received her degrees from Delphi University, the Patricia Hayes School of Inner Sense Development and the Arthur Ford Academy in McCaysville, Georgia.  She has studied with the Laika Shaman of Peru and many spiritual healers throughout the U.S.  She is recognized and registered with the International Registry of Spiritual Healers.

Shadow Politics with U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown
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Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett
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Responder Resilience, July 13, 2022 Firefighters—Get Fit, Stay Fit! Guest, Sara Beckert, Exercise Physiologist and National Fire Academy Instructor
True Voice with Dr Fred
True Voice, July 12, 2022 Guest, Dr Amy Robbins, spiritual transformational experiences, Life, Death, Consciousness & What it All Means