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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 26 October 2021

Miss Tina Show

Miss Tina Show
Talk Show:
Show Host:
Miss Tina

Dear Friends, 

I have helped thousands of people regain clarity, peace of mind, and spiritual freedom over the past 40+ years with my intuitive, spiritual, and healing gifts.

And if you haven't noticed, your world is changing at a very alarming rate. The old paradigm created in the '40s & '50s is decomposing rapidly right in front of your eyes. The old belief systems are being challenged every day and dismissed worldwide.

So, what does this have to do with you? Everything. And that's why you have found me. More than likely, you are still holding on to your old paradigm and way of life. One that has been repeatedly telling you “This is what you must do in order to become a successful and happy human being."

But it's not working anymore. Is it? And it's getting harder and harder for you to function "like a good little human." No matter how tight you are clutching on to your old way of life - it will not rescue you. It will inevitably fail you.

It feels like you are in the midst of an enormous tsunami. That is forcing you to let go of everything you have ever been taught or told, and taking you downstream to a new and unknown reality. Frightening - isn't it? But it doesn't have to be. I can help you make the transition (shift) from the old paradigm to what is awaiting you.

The most important message I can share with you is - the shift of consciousness that is occurring throughout mankind will not stop - until it has completed its own spiritual evolution. The question you need to ask yourself - are you ready to let go of your past, the 3d reality that you have based your entire human existence and purpose on?

Are you ready and willing to "shift" your own consciousness and belief system? And go with the flow - instead of resisting? You do have "free will and choice" and can hold on to the old paradigm but sooner or later, you will come to realize - you held on too long.

JOIN me every Wednesday evening LIVE at 8 PM EDT on The Miss Tina Showheard worldwide on over 100 of the World’s Largest Broadcasting Networks, in over 36 countries, podcasted on the most trafficked Social Networks & the largest Podcast Portals on the Planet!

The Miss Tina Show can also be heard on: iHeart, Stitcher, SoundCloud, Spreaker, Google Play, Apple/iTunes, Tunein, Spotify, SoundCloud, Sonos, Streema, Radios, iVoox, Alexa and more!

So, ENJOY the Show!

SUBSCRIBE to the Show!

And SHARE it with EVERYONE on the PLANET!

I can also help you (1:1) with Intuitive Spiritual Consultations, Spiritual Life Coaching, and many other spiritual & healing modalities – available Worldwide On-Line Sessions via – Zoom

I specialize in:

  • Intuitive Consultations

  • Spiritual Life Coaching

  • Energy Healing

  • Loss of a Pet

  • Loss of a Loved One

  • Alien Abduction Consultations

  • Child - Alien Abduction Consultations

Much Love & Light,

About the Host:

RADIO TV HOST of – The Miss Tina Show, Bestselling Author, Gifted Healer, Intuitive, Empath, Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Age Regressionist, Certified Past Life Therapist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Grief Counselor & Licensed Ordained Minister. Miss Tina is also a Respected Researcher of the Alien Abduction Phenomenon.


Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Miss Tina Show, December 22, 2021 How to Raise Your Emotional & Spiritual Vibration
Miss Tina Show, December 15, 2021 Searching for a Life Partner or Soul Mate? Secrets Revealed to Finding Real Love
Miss Tina Show, December 8, 2021 Why Don’t My Relationships Work? What I AM Doing Wrong?
Miss Tina Show, December 1, 2021 Are You an Empath, Sensitive or Star Child and Having a Difficult Time Adjusting to Earth Life? I Can Help
Miss Tina Show, November 24, 2021 Free Will. Free Choice. How to Choose & Create Your Own Reality.
Miss Tina Show, November 17, 2021 Why is Mother Earth getting ready to evict nearly 80% of its human visitors?
Miss Tina Show, November 10, 2021 Astral Projection - Leaving Your Body at Night (Spiritual Awakening)



Miss Tina
Other Websites:
Radio TV Host of, The Miss Tina Show, Bestselling Author, Gifted Healer, Intuitive, Empath, Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Age Regressionist, Certified Past Life Therapist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Grief Counselor & Licensed Ordained Minister

Miss Tina was born in a challenging and violent area of Chicago, Illinois in 1955. And was repeatedly told from her Roman Catholic Italian parents, BVM Nuns & Catholic Priests - that because she was a "girl", she would never become as valuable as a man, and therefore did not require a formal education or purpose in life, other than to become a submissive and obedient wife and to bear her husband “boy" children. 

But despite her upbringing, Tina's true soul's purpose and God-given spiritual gifts revealed themselves to her. And at the mere age of 10, she left her earth parents’ home and every belief system associated with it and lived on the streets of Chicago for several years. 

She was determined, even as a child to become her true authentic self and refused to conform to the belief systems of others - that did not resonate "true" with her own soul.

And because of the choices she had made as a young child, Miss Tina has been able to assist countless individuals and pets with her spiritual, intuitive & healing gifts over the past 40+ years.

She is also a best-selling published author under her full legal name – Clementina Marie Giovannetti. And has been featured on over 2000 Radio/TV Shows Worldwide. Her first media appearances began at the mere age of 17 yrs. of age.