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The Debut of X-Squared Radio talk radio show with Dr. Brooks Alexander Agnew, PhD on BBS Radio.

The Debut of You Got Questions? We Got Answers! with Wynn Free on BBS Radio!

"Wynn Free queries celestial sources live with listener submitted questions"

The Debut of Personal Planetary Healing Meditation radio show with Wynn Free on BBS Radio!

Wynn Free is most known as the principal author of the book – The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? In addition to presenting an impeccable case, proving for most readers, that Edgar Cayce has returned, the book gives a most credible understanding, from a cosmic perspective, as to what’s really happening on planet earth, concerning the dimensional shift and ascension. The source of the readings has identified itself as the Ra Confederacy – a group soul.

The Debut of ZERO POINT with Dr. Christopher Holmes on BBS Radio!

Another wonderful show with host Marty Ford, YOU BOUT READY?

the Debut of Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio on BBS Radio!

Debut of From Shelter Dog to Service Dog with Janice Wolfe on BBS Radio!

Janice Wolfe, the founder of Merlin’s Kids, and a cancer survivor, searched for a reason why she survived while so many others did not. As a result, she has dedicated herself to helping to provide and train service animals for special needs individuals.

Janice is known as “The Lady” Dog Whisperer and “New Jersey’s Dog Whisperer” for her unique abilities with dogs with behavioral issues. Janice has rehabilitated over 25,000 dogs.

Yes, I know we live in a time of fast and fat foods for sale, that medical authorities and the media are telling us the dangers of overeating on the one hand but also providing us with spectacular access to volumes of fattening foods on the other, that medicines and diets don’t always do what they promise, and that doctors with their magic scalpels and hundreds of tummy-tucks cannot surgically alter the rule that mandates the nature of the human body: too much eating without much activity leads to being overweight.  Modern medicine has not as yet realized that you cannot have your cake

Who’s getting the better bargain in this democracy of ours, the power brokers or the common folks like you and me?  Well let’s see.  On the one hand, it’s sad to know that you go to bed at night thinking that you sleep under the blanket of privileges a democracy promises, and rest under the constitutional protection that you think a bill of rights can give you.  Then you wake up the next morning to realize that much of what you once thought was true now turns out to be a compromised political illusion that remains ill-defined and lingers uncertain for many of us that once dep

Sports used to involve the simple love of the game; today, it’s a high stakes, high-stressed business that consumes every morsel of financial interest that stands in the way of club owners and financiers that bankroll them into successful seasons year after year.  But in a way, it’s really a question of values: what do you value?  A future, I’m sure, but what kind?  Will it be a kind to be short-lived, racked with injury, arthritis, and mental lapses of inadequacies that carry you with a lifetime pension, or will it be the turtle in the race with the hare, which won that race