Personal Planetary Healing Meditation, September 2, 2012
The Debut of Personal Planetary Healing Meditation radio show with Wynn Free on BBS Radio!
Wynn Free is most known as the principal author of the book – The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? In addition to presenting an impeccable case, proving for most readers, that Edgar Cayce has returned, the book gives a most credible understanding, from a cosmic perspective, as to what’s really happening on planet earth, concerning the dimensional shift and ascension. The source of the readings has identified itself as the Ra Confederacy – a group soul.
Wynn, who has a background as a physics major in Berkeley, began writing the book from a scholarly standpoint. Then two years into the writing (April 2002), to his own astonishment, he learned that he was under direct observation from intelligences on the other side when they initiated a series of communications, speaking to Wynn through two consecutive personal relationships. Initially, he had to decide if it was real and if it was positive. He was invited to ask questions and diligently recorded the answers to evaluate over time. The intelligences speaking to him identified themselves as the Council of Elohim, which is the name the Bible refers to as the Creator God of this realm.
After five years of these communications, all recorded, Free has come to the conclusion that they just might be who they say they are with numerous instances of future prognostications, miracles, and wise counseling. Many of the premises in The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, concerning ascension, were independently verified by the communications of the Elohim.
For the past months, Wynn has been moderating a telephone conference line, where the communications of the Elohim and the Ra Confederacy are shared with participants, many of whom claim to have had huge personal transformations and miraculous interventions as a result of their involvement. The call is now broadcast live and worldwide over the internet at on Monday nights at 6:30 pm PST.
Wynn has done numerous media presentations including the nationally syndicated Coast to Coast AM and Good Morning USA. He has also been a featured speaker at many spiritual/New Age venues including the New Living Expo in San Francisco, the Holistic Living Expo, Unity Church of Flagstaff, and The Church of Religious Science in La Crescenta, Ca. He cohosted one of the original bbs shows with Don Newsom, founder of BBS Radio, "The Don and Wynn Show" which ran every Saturday evening for about 3 years. You can download Wynn's new book for free - The Creator Gods of the Physical Universe Want to Talk to You at intelligent-infinity dot com
Personal Planetary Healing Meditation

Wynn Free is a Talk Show Host, Author, Physician, Researcher, Scholar, Songwriter, Poet, Contactee of the Elohim and Spiritual New Age Speaker.
Wynn Free is also the principal author of the international best seller - The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? with David Wilcock.
Wynn Free had the unusual experience of having a voice talk to him via two women with whom he had personal involvements. This voice said they were the original Creators of the physical universe.
This is our "Sunday Grid Healing". To listen to this program on Wynn's regular conference call dial 712-432-0075 and use listener code 940658#