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Inelia Benz returns for an update on her new books, life, and raising the vibration of the planet.

Transition Radio Show with Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw

Today we discuss transitions to save our seas and making the right choices to change the way that we treat our environment.


Our guest, Don Kent, shares practical solutions to the most critical conservation challenges facing the marine ecosystem and species.


Guest Penny Kelly is a noted expert on consciousness research.  Tonight, we began by talking about "the end times", which she defines in a non-linear manner.  Subjects included the technology of Crop Circles, Plasma energy, the Deep State, and we were ending on Orbs when Skype dropped!  This was such an interesting show, that I've invited her back to share more of her decades of knowledge and wisdom.  Enjoy!

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick

Meta Mondays with Adena Bannick  Gale Glassner Twersky was with Adena Today.  Gale is a Hypno Counselor and Top Selling Nightingale audio CD Book Author and Best Selling 2016 Gildan Seminars  Audio/Book author. Gale is the original author of her  Nightengale 9-CD program in 2005 Re-program Your subconscious. How to Use Hypnosis to Get what you really want.

Justin Deschamps returns with updates and news from his blog, Stillness in the Storm.

Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio

Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio and cohost Mark Laisure

“Primal Communication,” with Guest Dr. Gary Shapiro, Doctor in Zoology, Retired Government Scientist, and Co-Founder of the Orang Utan Republik Foundation; and Musical Guests, Singer / Songwriter, Mercedes and Guitarist and Songwriter, Bruce Gowdy, on The LIFE CHANGES Show


Jordan Sather shares his views on awakening, and how important it is to hear and see the truth, to make right decisiona.

Ruffina Anklesaria has had a unique ability for over 20 years, which involves the opening of another person's 3rd eye.  Often, past lifetimes will be seen by the participant, shedding light.  There is also an "etheric" quality which comes from the golden white light that begins to flood the room, and transform it into a higher, Divine state of bliss, love and joy.  We talk about what Shaktipat is, and about some of the participant's unique experiences.

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode was about the  upcoming total eclipse and astrological configurations as they relate to timeline splits and the Merkaba technique. The process of placing positive spin on outer circumstances was reviewed. 

Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves

Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves and guest Paco Alarcon Kahan

Are you ready for the answers to the following questions?