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Earth, we know, is a living creature recycling living creatures. But for Roger Spurr, Earth is formed of carcasses of dead creatures to its very core. Its every stone is a body part. The most remarkable of these abundant "mudfossils", he says, are those of giants who fell to earth from heavenly battles. Some of these carcasses, of massive humanoids and dragons, stretch for hundreds of miles.

ET Yoga with Charles Green This episode was about a hot tip for 'Reality Creation', a new perspective on Karma, dealing with difficult people and specifics on the connection of Higher Self and imagination. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green This episode was about Yogic, Extra-terrestrial and Extra-dimensional influences on American society. Also, hot tips on Reality Creation and the foundation for health. 

Equisport News with Les Salzman

EquiSport News with Les Salzman

Guests, Anthony MacDonald, Margaret Audley and Fred Hudson

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode was about new concepts regarding 'Reality Creation' ,healing and the 'Root Cause of Disease'. Specific techniques related to new inner technologies and reprogramming beliefs were also included.

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode was about connecting 'Inner Technologies' related to healing and reality creation. How Xi Gong and Reality Creation techniques use the same recently discovered energy field and link heart/brain synchronicity. The neural center in the heart is 5,000 times magnetically stronger than the brain in the head. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode contained links between the most recent scientific discoveries and different levels of perception on the Spiritual Path and levels of creating and maintaining optimum health. Key information concerning some of the secret inner teaching of Xi Gong. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode was mostly about a spiritual journey and specifying different levels of consciousness. Multiple techniques were interwoven connecting Yoga or 'Union with Higher Self' and extraterrestrial teaching.

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode was about the foundation of language on Earth and its connections to ET civilizations which contribute DNA and creating different races on the planet. Also, included was info on several ET races, Reality Creation tips and amazing new products to promote exceptional health. 

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland & Guest, Lisa Renee discuss Ascension, the "Quickening," energy shifts, Ultradimensionals, Extradimensionals & other Universes.