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Shamans Keep

Shaman's Keep with Caroline King, banner
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Shaman's Keep

Shaman's Keep offers a glimpse into the mysterious world of the Shaman. What do they really do and how do they do it? What are Power Animals? Why do people need Soul Retrievals? And what in the world is a Psychopomp? Each week Caroline will discuss some of these topics and interview famous people in the world of Shamanism. You'll hear exciting stories about journeys out of body and into the Spirit Worlds, and amazing healings of body, mind, and spirit.

Shamanism is the oldest belief system in the world dating back more than 40,000 years, and it is just as viable today as it was in ancient times.

Tune in to learn about the compassionate Spirit Beings who want to help us, and who can bring about positive changes in our lives by removing obstacles, and healing karmic patterns and trauma.

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Guest, Star Savoy

Guest Name
Star Savoy
Star Savoy, Warrioress, Religion Researcher, Cherokee, Astrologist
Guest Occupation
Warrioress, Religion Researcher, Cherokee, Astrologist
Guest Biography

At a very early age, I felt a strong connection to “Mother Earth” and Native American memorabilia. I was a warrioress from the beginning (Moon in Aries-Red Hawk) and moved into the city, on the streets at 13. I grew away from the sacred and moved into the survival mode, however, this heightened my “connection” to my feelings and ability to hear. At the same time I  also had been fascinated with the stars and my relation to them, giving me an advantage when I could “read” people when I knew their Sun sign, (or so I believed) which was so important to my survival. Life is my teacher and I am so grateful for the protection of Great Spirit and my Guides, walking on a path that could have had a completely different outcome!

During the course of my lifetime, I have studied many of the world’s major religions and continue to study, learn and teach about my findings. Especially of note here, I later found out about my own Cherokee heritage and when I started reading and researching the Native American ways I woke up. Lynn V. Andrews was my first, later it would be the works of Sun Bear and Wabun Wind, Brooke Medicine Eagle and her music, Mary Summer Rain, and the quest continues with great awe! I am humbled and honored to share this information. Also reading all of Sun Bear’s & Wabun’s books helps to embrace nature in such a beautiful way. It certainly feels like the time is NOW … Mother Earth needs us to LOVE her back. So Be It!

Thank you for visiting our website and we hope you return often, we are posting new information all the time! In gratitude for all the love and support … AHO Mitakuye’ Oyasin (To All our Relations), Star Savoy from the Heart Tribe

P.S. In 1986 I married my Beloved Twin Flame in a sacred ceremony “where the two shall be as ONE” … We are Star and continue shining our Light wherever we are!