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Life Changes Show

Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio
Show Host
Filippo Voltaggio

Come and join the conversation about what's going on and what we can do together about it, with it, and for it. We have the choice, we have the power. We can do magic if we just believe!

A show about the changes going on in us, to us, around us, and because of us. Therefore, it's technically a show about "Everything," only with a how to make it better, see it better, be better.

In the show, there is talk about, and with, people who have either been through major changes, are helping others with major changes, or people who are changing the world for the better in a major way.

The show is a one-hour talk show format with a monologue by the host, a 30 minute interview with a guest of note, capped by a "Producer's Wrap" segment, in which Filippo and Co-Host Mark Laisure, and sometimes surprise guests, bring it all home for the listeners in a sometimes humorous and sometimes touching, but always entertaining conversation.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
9:00 pm CT
9:55 pm CT
0 Following
Broadcasting Date

Guest, Myrna James

Guest Name
Myrna James
Myrna James
Guest Occupation
humanitarian and Spiritual Warrior, Blogger, Book Publisher, Consultant and Datasets Connector
Guest Biography


Myrna is a humanitarian and Spiritual Warrior who finds herself at the nexus of science and spirituality. After working for national magazines in Chicago for a decade, she did her first “life course-correction” – traveling the world solo for 18 months, blogging before it was a word. This was when she realized she is a seeker of truth and beauty.

Course-correction number two was starting her own media company 20 years ago, publishing 9 books and 80+ issues of Apogeo Spatial magazine (, which is about data from space to study the earth. This experience has given her a broad view of how data is used, allowing her to see hidden connections. As geodata became immersed into most datasets, and is being used to program algorithms for ML (Machine Learning) and AI (Artificial Intelligence), the need for ethics in AI became evident. She now consults with companies to create those boundaries so that humanity remains in the center of the process, rather than robotics or transhumanism (

Similar to how her role as publisher allowed for a broad view of geodata, seeing the earth from space expands perspective to wholeness, to Oneness (called “The Overview Effect”). This view shows the exquisite beauty of the planet without the visible separation of national boundaries. We can see that we are all here together – we are One. Images show truth, and the earth from space is pure beauty. This expanded worldview from viewing the earth from space or from traveling the world increases our consciousness.

She hosts a live show for Her Many Voices (, and serves on the Global Advisory Board at Geoversity ( She just wrapped a tv show about space interviewing astronauts and entrepreneurs, which will air on PBS later this summer (

Myrna’s third course-correction was getting divorced. The pain of divorce set her on the path of deep reflection, and personal and spiritual growth. She recently wrote about the power of intuition and empathy in the international best-selling book, “U Empath You,” sharing her personal story of healing and transformation.

The thread that runs through her life is the importance of health for humanity (physical, mental and spiritual), and how it is tied to the health of the planet. All of life resonates at certain frequencies according to quantum physics, and we can control our energy by consciously connecting our hearts with our minds, creating a healthy energetic coherence. As sovereign beings, we have agency and can create Oneness and unity. This is the nexus of science and spirituality.

Myrna lives with her awesome adopted autistic teenage son in Denver near a creek where she walks every day when she’s not traveling.