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Guest Occupation: Personal Tranformational Expert, Integrative Life Coach, Author, Speaker, Teacher, Trainer, Philantrhopist
Guest Biography:

Join #1 New York Times best-selling author Debbie Ford in one of the most important conversations you will ever have to expose the pervasive and often hidden impulses that influence your everyday decisions. As seen in The Shadow Effect movie, learn how to unlock the mystery of your dark side, begin to understand what robs you of your self-respect, courage, creativity, and dreams, and gain access tools to break free from the prison of fear, shame, regret, and self-sabotaging behaviors.

Inspired by famed psychiatrist Carl Jung, Debbie Ford is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. Creator of the Shadow Process Workshop and founder of The Ford Institute for Integrative Coaching, Debbie is a pioneering force in incorporating the study and integration of the shadow into modern psychological and spiritual practices. Featured ABC's Ex-Wives Club, Debbie has also appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, Larry King Live, The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, and Fox & Friends. Debbie's seven groundbreaking books, including The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, Spiritual Divorce, Why Good People Do Bad Things, and just release The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse have sold over 1 million copies, are translated into 32 languages, and are used in institutions of learning worldwide.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help, Motivational, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Professor, Chairman Emeritus, Spine Surgeon, Consultant Reviewer, Editor, Author
Guest Biography:

Mark D. Brown is Professor and Chairman Emeritus of the Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He has been a practicing spine surgeon for 35+ years, with his Ph.D. thesis and all of his research being devoted to the cause, prevention, and cure of painful spinal disorders. He is a founding member of the International Society for the Study of Lumbar Spine, and his other memberships include the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, American Orthopaedic Association, Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons, the Cervical Spine Research Society, Medical Advisory Board of PinnacleCare, and the North American Spine Society. He serves as a Consultant Reviewer for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, on the Board of Associate Editors of Clincal Orthopaedics and Related Research, the Associate Editorial Board of Spine, and the Editorial Board of Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques.

Guest Category: Medicine
Guest Occupation: Associate Professor, Osteoarthritis Expert, Writer, Educator, Director, Presenter, Consultant
Guest Biography:

Dr Phillip Cheras received his PhD from the University of Queensland in Australia in 1993 and has been an Adjunct Associate Professor with NatMed Research at Southern Cross University in Australia since 2007. He has received international attention for his doctoral research which lead him to propose a new paradigm for the causation of osteoarthritis. He has published his "Vascular Concept of Osteoarthritis Causation" and presented it at numerous international conferences and symposia. In 2001 he was a core member of the team that established the Australian Centre for Complementary Medical Education and Research (ACCMER), a joint venture of the University of Queensland and Southern Cross University, and became the foundation Deputy Director.

Dr Cheras has been the Principal or Co-investigator of clinical trials in complementary medicine valued in excess of $5 million. He has fostered links between the complementary medicine industry, academia, government, and entrepreneurial investors.

Dr Cheras reviews for a wide range of journals and organizations including the Cancer Council of Australia. In 2007, he was appointed as Interim Executive Officer for the newly created national Institute of Complementary Medicine (NICM) with the University of Western Sydney. He is a consultant to the Complementary and Alternative Industry and has co-authored both national and international reviews.

Guest Category: Medicine
Guest Occupation: Anesthesiologist, Philanthropist, Medical Director, Spokesperson, Physician, Pain Management Expert, Writer, Author
Guest Biography:

Eugene Lipov, M.D., DABA, FABA
Medical Director/Founder
Board Certified in Anesthesiology and Pain Managment

To describe Dr. Eugene Lipov, people often use the following three words: Innovator, Leader, Philanthropist. As medical director of Advanced Pain Centers in suburban Chicago, director of pain research at Northwest Community Hospital and medical director of Chicago Medical Innovations, a non-profit he founded, Lipov brings these terms to life every day, steering cutting-edge research to develop new approaches for conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), menopausal hot flashes and more. In addition, he has become a spokesperson on his use of the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) to treat these conditions, being featured in medical journals, military publications, newspapers and television programs throughout the U.S.

Dr. Lipov was born into a family of physicians as his parents were among the first group of doctors to take care of the Russian émigrés in the 1970s and ‘80s in Chicago. Born in 1958 in Tcheracy, Ukraine, Lipov came to the U.S. in 1973. After receiving a B.A. in biochemistry from Northwestern University in 1980 and his M.D. from Northwestern University in 1984, he completed fellowships in anesthesiology, pain management and cardiology at Rush Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago. He opened his private practice in 1996.

A sought after spokesperson on the subjects of pain management, anesthesia, hot flashes, hybrid stimulators and now PTSD, Dr. Lipov has led approximately 50 lectures around the world. In addition to his current book Exit Strategy, a discussion of the diagnosis and treatment of PTSD, he has authored The Adventures of Captain Heart (co-authored with his then 4-year-old son, now nine) which explains how 3-7 year-olds can maintain a healthy heart) and Menopause -- A Cool New You (which discusses hot flashes and his method for treating them). Dr. Lipov is also the co-author of more than 50 abstracts and presentations. In addition, he testified in 2010 before the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs to receive funding for his scientific study of SBG for PTSD.

In 2008, Dr. Lipov founded his non-profit organization, Chicago Medical Innovations, to further develop and research various pain mechanisms and new applications for the treatment of PTSD and hot flashes. He has personally raised more than $100,000 to help fund the research and used his own money to fly suffering soldiers throughout the U.S. to his office in Chicago for free SGB injections. The organization is presently raising money to assist women who have suffered trauma through a sexual assault and are now diagnosed with PTSD. Many of his patients, both men and women, have long suffered with the disorder, on the brink of suicide and other life disasters. They have claimed this experimental treatment to have saved their lives.

Dr. Lipov is an active member of the American Society of Anesthesiology, American Academy of Pain Medicine, American Society of Regional Anesthesia, International Spinal Injection Society, International Association for the Study of Pain, American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians and the North American Spine Society.

Guest Category: Medicine
Guest Occupation: Toxicologist, Scientist, Author, Expert in Reproductive Toxicology
Guest Biography:

Dr. Staninger, author of the international environmental bestseller the Comprehensive Handbook of Hazardous Material: Regulations, Monitoring, Handling & Safety, Lewis Publishing/ CRC Press, is among the leading international scientists in the field of industrial toxicology.  Known affectionately as "Dr. Hildy," she is an expert in reproductive toxicology and uses ancient healing principles for today's modern, toxic world.  She pioneered the use of biological monitoring tests for targeting organ exposure to parent compounds, metabolites and their xenobiotics.  Her research has opened the door of protenomics, enzynomics and genomics as recognized by Johns Hopkins University, Pandey Lab and Harvard University Medical College's small molecule genome project.  Dr. Staninger is a former president of the Florida Chapter of the American Industrial Hygiene Association and is a former President and founder of the International Academy of Toxicological Risk Assessment (IATRA), which celebrated its 25th Anniversary in 2005.  Additionally, she was the first Industrial Environmental Toxicologist Registered by the National Registry of Environmental Professionals ( and is a Certified Safety Executive by World Safety Organization and Inspector General for the International Environmental Intelligence Agency (IEIA), a division of World Life Research Institute.  She received the prestigious 7th U.S. Army and Greater Stuttgart Community Award for her work during Operation Desert Shield in preventing increased chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) from the Kuwaiti burning oil fields during Desert Storm.  Dr. Staninger is recipient of two Presidential Awards from Mr. Walter Lowry, Martin Marietta Orlando Aerospace President, for her work involving "Pregnant Women in the Workplace" and the "Increased Risk of Genetic Mutations in Contaminated Ground Water."  Her knowledge base and compassion are ever more necessary as cleanup work takes place in the Gulf from the oil spill and in an ever increasing polluted world.

Guest Category: Medicine, Science
Guest Occupation: Diplomate, Investment Counsellor, Professional Futurist, Speaker, Author, Lecturer
Guest Biography:
Jens Jerndal is a Swedish-born internationally recognized authority on the now occurring Paradigm Shift. He has authored four published books. He is a political scientist, economist, former diplomat, former investment counsellor and CEO, and a former professor of holistic medicine. Now he is an author, speaker, coach, consultant futurist and holistic philosopher.

He is the father of three sons and the godfather of two girls and two boys.

In 2003 Dr. Jens set up his headquarters in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but he continues to travel extensively all over the world. He now dedicates himself to writing and lecturing about the Paradigm Shift and the emerging Aquarian Paradigm.

If you care about your health, if you yearn for a long and happy life, if you seek fulfillment of your dreams in adverse conditions, then Dr. Jens is the person who can help you achieve your goals.

Dr. Jens´ vast experience, knowledge and wisdom have helped countless people become aware of their potential and turn their lives - and their health - around. A good place to start is to read his books and follow his blog and video programs online.

Dr. Jerndal has traveled to 76 nations and lectured in 23 countries around the globe. He is a professional member of the prestigious non-political organization of futurists World Future Society, a long-standing member of the Scientific and Medical Network, and also of the Institute of Noëtic Science (IONS), founded by astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell and featured in Dan Brown´s bestseller The Lost Symbol.

For a full CV or resumé, go to DR. JENS´ CV

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Medicine, Politics & Government, Spiritual, Astrology
Guest Occupation: Writer, Radio Show Host, DNA Researcher
Guest Biography:

Shawn Sinclair - The Ulvungar DNA Project

Shawn Sinclair is the owner of the Ulvungar Dynasty DNA Project, a published writer, and the host of The Hidden History Hour radio show. Shawn’s research has revealed that the DNA of one common family is spread throughout various Royal Houses of Europe, including the Merovingians, the Capetians and the St. Clairs (Sinclairs). He has found evidence of Middle Eastern DNA, perhaps from Palestine, in this extended royal family.

Guest Category: History, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Alternative Cancer Treatment Researcher, Writer, Author, Talk Radio Show Host, Reporter, Cancer Coach, Air Force Retired Colonel, Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:

Hi. My name is Bill Henderson. In November 1990, my late wife, Marjorie, began her four-year bout with ovarian cancer. She died on November 1, 1994. Her many operations, chemotherapy treatments and intense pain made her wish often in her last two years for a quick death, or "transition," as she called it.

After watching that, it was hard for me to believe that millions of people each year had to endure that same torture. I now believe that the treatment she received was the cause of her death, not the cancer.

I have read widely in the ensuing years, searching for alternative cancer treatments. I have found over four hundred.

My first book "Cure Your Cancer" was the result of my search. First published as an e-book in November, 2000, it quickly became read all over the world, thanks to the power of the Internet. Readers in 86 countries have used the information in that book to become cancer-free. It was also published as a paperback and hard cover book in July 2003. My newer book "Cancer-Free" was first published as an e-book and paperback in November, 2004. The same "Cancer-Free" book [offered at this web site] is a Fourth Edition of this book. It contains all the information I have learned in the seven years since the First Edition was published.

By publishing an Internet newsletter for eleven years to over 34,000 readers, I have built a vast network of cancer doctors, nurses, cancer survivors and cancer crusaders like me. These wonderful people give me daily feedback on what works for them and new discoveries they make. 

In fact, one of the holistic physicians who has healed lots of cancer patients has agreed to become the co-author of the latest edition of my book. We are close friends and believe in the same principles about healing cancer. His name is Dr. Carlos M. Garcia, M.D.

You can now listen to my web talk radio show called "How to Live Cancer-Free." Every week, I interview experts and cover new topics related to cancer prevention and healing. There you will be able to listen to my current hour-long show or listen to or download any of my previous shows.

I am not a medical professional, just a "reporter." However, I have been able to exchange information among my readers, put them in touch with each other and with doctors, clinics, web sites and other resources. I am proud that I have been able to provide them with much-needed confidence and helped over eight thousand of them become cancer-free. I will gladly perform the same service for you or your loved one. You will find information about my telephone "coaching" service for cancer patients at the Coaching page of this web site.

My aim with the book, the radio show, the monthly newsletter and the coaching service is to arm you with information. You do not need to be a victim of the "system," as Marjorie was. The power of the Internet will allow you to co-doctor intelligently with the knowledge I give you. I will even show you how to find a doctor and dentist who are sympathetic with your quest for a gentle, non-toxic therapy with NO side effects.

My passion is to help many more people work around the obstacles of the medical "system" and conquer their cancer.

My background is in computer software and marketing. After retiring from the Air Force as a Colonel in 1977, I founded a software company that sold specialized software to architects and engineers. It was the first of its kind in the world. We had clients in 42 states and 4 Canadian provinces. I sold that company in 1995.

In addition to my medical research, I tried several Internet ventures, with some success, from 1998 to 2001. I have a Masters in Business Administration from George Washington University.

My wife and I live in San Antonio, Texas. I have nine great-grandchildren, most of whom live in Michigan. My full-time job now is helping cancer patients like you or your loved one become cancer-free. It is purely a "labor of love."

To your health!!

Bill Henderson

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Medicine