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Guest Occupation: Author/Researcher
Guest Biography:

DAVID RAY GRIFFIN is Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Emeritus, Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California, where he remains a co-director of the Center for Process Studies.

He has published (as author or editor) 34 books, primarily in theology, philosophy, and philosophy of religion, with special emphases on the problem of evil and the relation between science and religion.

Seven of his books deal with 9/11: The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 (2004), The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (2005), Christian Faith and the Truth about 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action (2006), 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out (2006, co-edited with Peter Dale Scott), Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory (2007), and 9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press, and The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé (2008).

His 9/11 books have been endorsed by Michael Chossudovsky, William Sloane Coffin, Harvey Cox, Richard Falk, Catherine Austin Fitts, David Griscom, Jim Hightower, British MP Michael Meacher, Mark Crispin Miller, Rosemary Ruether, Marcus Raskin, Paul Craig Roberts, Peter Dale Scott, Gerry Spence, Lorie Van Auken, Howard Zinn, and former CIA officials Robert Baer, Bill Christison, and Ray McGovern.

Four of these books have been given special recognition: The New Pearl Harbor and The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortion received the 2006 Helios Foundation Award for 2006. Debunking 9/11 Debunking was a Bronze Medal Winner in the 2008 Independent Publisher Book Awards. The New Pearl Harbor Revisited was named a “Pick of the Week” in 2008 by Publishers Weekly.

His essays and interviews about 9/11 have appeared in such disparate publications as Zion’s Herald, Hustler Magazine, Global Outlook, LA Times Magazine, Conversations in Religion and Theology, Penthouse Netherlands, Whole Earth Times, Tikkun, and Le Monde Diplomatique.

He has also been featured on “The Richard & Judy Show” (London), C-Span, ABC News Radio, “Tucker” on MSNBC, CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corporation), the BBC’s “Heaven and Earth,” and over 300 radio talk-shows. Many videos of his talks and interviews are available on the Internet.

On November 24, 2008, his New Pearl Harbor Revisited was selected by Publishers Weekly as its “Pick of the Week.”


God Exists But Gawd Does Not by David Ray Griffin

"God" has been the most embattled idea in the modern world. The lives of many people revolve around God; without God, they believe, life would be unbearable. Others regard the idea of God as the worst, most destructive, idea ever invented. The one group finds the evidence for God overwhelming; the other group finds the same for atheism.

The debate has centered around the idea of God as the creator of the world. Many philosophers, theologians, and scientists have assumed that, if we would simply add up the good arguments for and against the existence of God, we could reach agreement, one way or the other.

But in this book, David Ray Griffin argues that progress on this issue will be impossible unless we distinguish between two radically different ideas of a divine creator, which he calls "Gawd" and "God." Whereas there is overwhelming evidence against the existence of Gawd, there is also overwhelming evidence for the reality of God.

After looking at this evidence, the book illustrates the importance of this distinction for the issue of climate change.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, News, Science, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Registered Clinical Counsellor and Trainer
Guest Biography:

Dale Trimble is a Registered Clinical Counsellor who has a Masters degree in humanistic psychology. With more than 30 years of experience working with anger and aggression, Dale is a pioneer in the field of family violence. He set up the first program for court ordered men who have assaulted their wives in British Columbia. He is a founding member of the B.C. Association of Counsellors of Abusive Men and received their Distinguished Service Award. He now travels across Canada and the U.S. providing training and consultation in the areas of conflict resolution and risk assessment and management in the workplace for professionals, companies, agencies and government.

Guest Category: Education, Kids & Family, Psychology, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Contemporary/Integrative Physician, Lecturer, Author
Guest Biography:

Michael Finkelstein, MD, FACP, ABIHM, aka The Slow Medicine Doctor®, is the author of Slow Medicine: Hope and Healing for Chronic Illness, endorsed by Andrew Weil, MD and Mehmet Oz, MD. Dr. Finkelstein is the founder and medical director of SunRaven: The Home of Slow Medicine; he is an adjunct professor at SUNY Binghamton; he has been featured in top media outlets including The New York Times, CNN, and Real Simple; he has presented at leading venues including GE Corporation, Stanford University, and Omega Institute; and he blogs on the topic of Slow Medicine for The Huffington Post.

Dr. Finkelstein was trained at premier institutes for both conventional and integrative medicine – including The University of Pennsylvania, where he received both his Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Medical Degree (MD) and where he was awarded the honors of Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude, and Dean’s List; and The University of Arizona College of Medicine, where Dr. Finkelstein completed an Associate Fellowship in Integrative Medicine, studying directly with integrative medicine pioneer Andrew Weil, MD

Certified in both Internal Medicine and Integrative-Holistic Medicine, Dr. Finkelstein is the recipient of numerous distinctions, including Fellow of the American College of Physicians; The John O. Vieta, M.D. Award for Academic Excellence and Personal Achievement; and “Attending of the Year, “an honor he received two years in a row. Over the past three decades, Dr. Finkelstein has distinguished himself not only as a doctor in private practice but also as the Medical Director of several major hospitals and health institutes, including two Integrative Medicine hospital departments/programs that he founded. Drawing from this diverse medical expertise, Dr. Finkelstein offers both a micro and macro point of view on today’s healthcare needs and challenges, and he provides a tried-and-true solution for healing individual patients and the medical system as a whole: Slow Medicine.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Retired Vietnam Vet
Guest Biography:

Stan Mardula was born on November 25, 1948 in Tuxedo New Yok He Grew up in Sloatsburg New York with his two brothers John and Mark. He worked for Orange and Rockland Utilities in Spring Valley, New York for 32 years as Gas Serviceman, until he retired due to agent orange related health problems. He currently lives in Sun City West, Arizona with his wife Claire and they have been married for 44 years. Stan comes from a long line of family who served in the armed forces. War has affected Stan’s family for over 100 years.

Stan served in the U.S. army from September 1966 until June of 1969. In the Army he served 2 tours in Vietnam from March 18, 1967-June 4, 1969. He was with the 5th Battalion Automatic Weapons 2nd Artillery Self Propelled. He served on the M42A1 Dusters and tracked vehicles with two 40mm guns. He also served with the I battery 29th Artillery in fared search light jeeps.

John Mardula Stan’s oldest brother served in the Marine Corps from 1966-1970. He was a combat veteran who received 3 Purple Hearts and 5 air medals, the combat Air Crew wings for aerial combat and the Combat Action Ribbon for ground combat. John was crew Chief on Helicopters in Vietnam.

His Father was a Veteran of WW2 and he served in the Merchant marines from 1943-1945. His father received the Merchant Combat Bar with 2 Silver Service stars which denotes ships sunk due to enemy action.

His Father’s Brother Henry Mardula also served in the Merchant Marines with him until the ship they were on was torpedoed and sunk. Henry was wounded and his brother helped save him. After this incident they did not serve together again due to their mothers concern.

Stan’s father’s parents were from Poland and they had close relatives that served in the Austrian-Hungarian Army in WWI. Stan Also had a great uncle that was in the concentration camp at Auschwitz during WWII.

His mother was an Englishwoman who served in the Royal Air Force from 1943-1945. She lived in London and went through the Air Bombing and V1 and V2 rocket attacks from 1940-1945.

His mother’s father John Thomas Blackman (1878-1948) served in the British Army from 1914-1918 in France. While serving on the western front his brother was killed in action and his body was never found. During this time while in France his first wife died and he was left with 5 children. His eldest son John also served in the British Army in WWI. When he returned from his service, he married woman named Mary Richardson whose husband was also killed in the war. She had 5 children. They married after WWI and had 3 additional children together, Stan’s mother Ivy being one of them.

Stan planned to make the Army his career but after the second tour in Vietnam he was burned out. He was 20 years old when he was discharged and he felt like an old man. He feels a civil war began in his soul between the “old man” and the “Kid”.

The “kid” wanted to have fun and make up for the years that were lost to war. He wanted to date girls, go to college, the beach and take vacations. He wanted to have fun, meet new people his own age, buy a new car and experience the good things in life. He also wanted to be praised for serving his country and for his friends that were killed in Vietnam to be honored.

The “Old Man” was always putting a damper on things. The “Old man” questioned things to hide the pain. Stan turned to Alcohol. Stan had a few veterans he hung out with and they mostly kept to themselves, didn’t talk about the future and only lived for the day.

There was a song he identified with by Harry Nilsson called Everybody's talking at me. The lyrics “Everybody's talking at me I don't hear a word they're saying, only the echoes of my mind” really resonated with him. This was during the anti-war movement and the “Old Man” points out and says “Here is your reward for your service, demonization”. Without realizing it the “Old Man began to take control of his life. During this period in his life no one offered him any help. Stan knew something was wrong with him but he did not know what it was. He learned later in his life that he had all the classic symptoms of PTSD.

In April of 1970, he met the woman who was to become his wife. Stan’s feels she is the best thing that ever happened to him and still is. He often wishes he could go back in time and make-up for the heartache he caused the wonderful girl, who only wanted to love him with all her heart.

He married Claire in September 1971 and in 1977 they welcomed a daughter, Carrie. After years of heavy drinking, Stan went to his first AA meeting in 1978 and has not had a drink since. He says he was lucky that his two daughters never saw him drink. They welcomed their second Daughter Laura in 1979.

Stan was diagnosed with in 1992 with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from the VA and it was then, that he finally realized what is was he was dealing with and learned how to live with it. He feel it’s important for people to realize PTSD is very common, especially for those that have served or been through traumatic experiences.

This also helped Stan realize that many of his own family members suffered from PTSD as well. He remembers being told about his grandfather who had bad temper and was a raging alcoholic. His own father always kept to himself and worked constantly, had a bad temper and could not sleep well. His mother would often stay to herself and would stare at the wall for hours and suffered bouts of manic depression. She would also have night terrors where she would scream out in her sleep and never slept a lot. His Uncle Henry was like a rolling stone. Always moving around and never going anywhere. Stan feels that he and his brother were a lot alike in that they buried their pain, but then they got help for it.

Stan is the last combat veteran left in his family. The others including his brother John who died of Agent Orange related lung cancer, are all gone. He feels that due to his own experiences with his family and how the time he served in Vietnam affected him, that it’s necessary to get the word out about PTSD, and to let others know that there is help out there.

Stan served as a non-commissioned service officer for the DAV and has helped many veteran over the years get the benefits they were entitled to. Although he is no longer involved with the benefits side of things he is active in the American Legion, DAV, VFW, Vietnam Veterans of America and several other organizations to help veterans get the help and care they need.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Self Help
Guest Occupation: Fashion Designer, Entertainer, Actor, Comedian
Guest Biography:


Laverne, Shirley, beer and Kato are four of the most famous things to come out of Milwaukee, WI.  Who else do you know that has had questions about them on Jeopardy, Who wants to be Millionaire, and The Weakest Link? The answer?  Kato!  He even has an episode about him on Beavis and Butthead. After moving out of Wisconsin, Kato attended Cal State Fullerton majoring in communications. He landed his a national commercial for Coca Cola in his first audition out of college.

Currently awaiting the release of his new line of loungewear called “Kato Potato,” Kato recently finished shooting over 140 episodes of “Filmon Presents  Kato Kaelin” and “Tailgating with Kato,” which is seen in select US cities and over 16 million homes in the United Kingdom.  In September 2014 Kato will be hosting a show for the Movie and Music channel. The show will feature all things “pop culture” and the zeitgeist.

His TV and Film credits include: Bill Maher’s HBO series, “Real Time,”  “Lopez Tonight,” “Unhappily Ever After,” “The Norm Show,” “Sabrina the Teenage Witch,”  “Off Hollywood,” “The View,” Comedy Central’s “Tosh.0,” “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” Fox Reality Channel’s “Gimme My Reality Show,” “Eye for an Eye”,  National Lampoon’s Viral Videos, and  “OuttaBounds.” Kato also toured in the comedy play “The Weenie Manologues,” the male response to “The Vagina Monologues.”  He even had his own tv show called “Houseguest” on the FX Network.

You can find Kato in National commercials for, Jack in the Box restaurants, and Trivial Pursuit games.  Kato also appears in, “National Lampoon films Dorm Daze 2” and “Ratco the Dictator’s Son”.

Kato was critically acclaimed by New Yorker Magazine for his recurring role on Showtime’s “Beggars and Choosers,” and has hosted his own radio show in Los Angeles as well as numerous shows across America.  Look for Kato hosting on XM Satellite National Lampoon Comedy Radio.

From Vanity Fair to Time Magzine, “Entertainment Tonight” to “NBC’s “The Today Show,” Kato has been featured on nearly every entertainment and news program and publication.

As a Fashion Designer, Kato Kaelin’s clothing line is called Slackerwear and has been featured on CNN, Entertainment Tonight, and Access Hollywood.

To see Kato Kaelin’s Slackerwear Clothing Line Visit

Guest Category: Arts, Fashion, Comedy, Philosophy
Guest Occupation: Singer, Pianist, Composer
Guest Biography:


Singer, Pianist, Composer

CHRIS BENNETT, one of America’s premier entertainers and artists, has released SAIL AWAY: The TAHITI SESSIONS, her 11th studio CD recording, securing a revered place as one of an intimate handful of successors to Peggy Lee, June Christy, Shirley Horn, Anita O’Day and the classic American female jazz vocalists. “She’s divine”, raves Sandy Shore, of Smooth Jazz Radio, “her crystal clear voice, jazzy phrasing, and dynamic range has placed her in a small handful of the legends before her.”

At times a stylist and, more often, the singer of self-composed music and lyrics, she is always a genuine artist in performance A lifetime of entertaining combined with a disciplined regimen of daily practice and consistent training is evident in masterful live performances and timeless studio recordings. 
Like songbirds Helen Morgan, June Christy and Anita O’Day, Bennett is originally from Illinois, where she grew up on a musical diet of Big Band melodies and Broadway show tunes. A love of performing lead to a passion for dance and, while in high school, she opened a dance studio at the age of 14. Bennett danced her way through college majoring in dance education and performance and, soon after, headed to UCLA and California to pursue her musical dreams.

With a dancer’s skills and a vocalist’s talent, Bennett was selected by Jim Nabors to join his Las Vegas revue which toured cross-country. Performing onstage every night in new venues, playing to fresh audiences in different cities, Bennett gained the confidence and experience of a seasoned professional. Soon, she would go on tour to headline her own shows across the globe. From choreographing her dancers to selecting the repertoire of her band, Bennett incorporated contemporary pop covers and jazz standards in her shows. She also cultivated a new passion: songwriting.

By her mid-twenties, Bennett was already a well-traveled woman and, certainly, a vocalist of the world. While on tour in Germany, she was scouted and hand- picked by multi-Grammy and multi-Academy Award winning composer/producer Giorgio Moroder to join the popular disco group Munich Machine. He chose Bennett to be the lead vocalist for their sophomore album which would contain a dance version of the Procol Harum rock classic A Whiter Shade of Pale. Bennett not only recorded the entire album, she also posed for the groundbreaking cover art. Bennett’s runway model’s body and movie star looks caused an international sensation and made for one of the highest charting and highest grossing disco albums of 1978.

A full fledged dance music diva under the guidance of Moroder, Bennett was signed to Casablanca Records as a songwriter and recording artist. She recorded as one half of Giorgio & Chris for the only duet album of Moroder’s entire career, Love’s In You, Love’s In Me. Her distinctly clear voice and high range also backed up some of Donna Summer’s biggest hits, most notably the certified Gold single Heaven Knows and the number one certified Platinum Live & More album. Bennett again made international headlines when the song she co-wrote and sang the theme from Midnight Express was nominated for a Grammy.

By the 1980s, Chris Bennett had established herself as a successful singer, songwriter and producer, occasionally singing back-up for Rita Coolidge and Johnny Mathis. Her songs were being recorded by the likes of Tina Turner and The Manhattan Transfer. She co-wrote and co-produced for The Three Degrees, the final Munich Machine album Body Shine and the Suzi Lane album Ooh La La. She also played a key role in producing and writing with up-and-coming Grammy-award winning Blues artist Keb Mo.

In the 1990s, Bennett reflected on her career as an accomplished singer, noteworthy producer, and popular songwriter. Having performed for others behind the scenes primarily throughout the 1980s, she made a promise to return to the recording studio and the concert stage, this time, for herself. It would also be a return to her first musical love: jazz.

A self titled CD release in 1993 marked the welcome return of Chris Bennett as lead vocalist. Utilizing the talents of celebrity musicians and introducing new artists, Bennett specialized in creating a musical experience of self composed pieces, some jazz classics, and a contemporary cover or two. The success of her debut jazz CD led to a series of future releases that capitalized on this combination. Jazz magazines critically praised her, noting “after a successful career as a background performer, it is a pleasure to welcome Chris Bennett to center stage.”

Since then, Bennett has been a staple of Jazz radio programmers and Music TV stations everywhere.

The success of her concerts, CD sales, and consistent critical triumphs have led to sold-out performances throughout Europe, New York supper clubs and Chicago cabarets. At home in Los Angeles, she continues to be a popular solo artist, but also keeps busy in her studio on the Venice Canals producing demos for a new Broadway show and recording tracks for a new “super-group” made up of Chris Bennett, Pattie Brooks, Suzi Lane, and Billie Kaman, called CLUB MAJESTIC, and featuring songs like YOUNG BOYS AND IT’S RAINING MEN, to be released in discos worldwide this summer. 
Chris Bennett has 11 CDs available which include a Christmas Jazz CD, a Latin Jazz CD, and all girl CD called Girl Talk, two live CDs recorded in Berlin, and an import-only live CD released in 2004.

A humanitarian of the first order, she has also co-written and recorded a song in memory of the Holocaust survivors, Remember, as well as a song in support of marriage equality, Everybody Has The Right. Chris and fellow Disco Diva, Pattie Brooks, are currently performing the song at Marriage Equality events and their rousing dance anthem is charting on I-Tunes. An outspoken artist for social change and an advocate of community activism, locally and globally, Chris is often called upon to perform in benefit of organizations such as SHARE, The Torch Foundation, HoLa, and many others.

From disco diva to jazz chanteuse, the musical journey of Chris Bennett has been the evolution of an artist come full circle. An accomplished vocalist, pianist, composer and producer, she recently added Broadway musical composer to her repertoire. 
Her live “Majestic Show” with full jazz orchestra will tour Europe this summer beginning in Berlin at the A-Trane in August and ending up in Zagreb, Croatia, on September 18th for Croatian National Television.

Her latest CD is a return to her roots as a singer-songwriter. Combining self-composed ballads and unusual jazz standards,
SAIL AWAY: THE TAHITI SESSIONS is her most powerful album to date… and her most personal.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, Music
Guest Occupation: Author, Speaker, Historian, Jouranlist
Guest Biography:

WILLIAM J. FEDERER is a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching America's noble heritage.

Bill's AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature is broadcast daily across America and by the Internet. His Faith in History television airs on the TCT Network on stations across America and via DirectTV.

TELEVISION: A former U.S. Congressional Candidate, Bill has appeared on: CSPAN, FOX, Hannity & Colmes, O'Reilly Factor, NPR, MSNBC, ABC-Time Warner Affiliates, CBN, TBN, INSP, TCT, FamilyNet, FamilyLand TV, Coral Ridge Hour, 700 Club, AT&T Cable, Charter Cable, Danny Fontana Show, iLife TV, FOX Strategy Room with Brian Kilmeade, hosted CSPAN's George Washington Book Festival-February 26, 2000, CTN with Herman & Sharron Bailey, Grizzly Adams Television Production documentaries, and numerous local programs.

RADIO: Bill has been interviewed on thousands of radio programs, including Focus on the Family, Janet Parshall's America, Point of View, USA Radio Network, Salem Radio Network, Bott Radio Network, Michael Medved, Common Sense Radio w/Ollie North, D. James Kennedy's Truths that Transform, Phyllis Schlafly Live, Beverly LaHaye Live, G. Gordon Liddy, Janet Folger's Faith to Action, Clear Channel Radio, VCY America, RadioAmerica, BQ, Armstrong Williams, American Family Radio, Family Life Radio, USA Radio Network, Judicial Watch,, Martha Zoller Show, Chuck Harder's For the People, Derry Brownfield, Michael Reagan and others.

Bill's AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature is broadcast daily across America and by the Internet.

PUBLICATIONS: Bill has been quoted or referenced in USA Today, Human Events, New York Times, Washington Times, Washington Post, Roll Call, Harper's Magazine, The Wanderer, George, St. Louis Post Dispatch, Fort Lauderdate Sun-Sentinel, Ted Baehr's MovieGuide, England's Surrey Hants Star, Insight Magazine,,,,,,,, and other publications.

BOOKS: Bill's first book "America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations" has sold over a half-million copies. His works, which have been quoted by authors, politicians, leaders, journalists, teachers, students and in court cases, include:


*AMERICAN MINUTE-Events of American Significance Remembered on the Date They Occurred


*BACKFIRED-A nation born for religious tolerance no longer tolerates religion

*CHANGE TO CHAINS-The 6000 year quest for control- Volume 1: Rise of the Republic

*ENDANGERED SPEECHES-How the ACLU, IRS & LBJ Threaten Extinction of Free Speech

*GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER-His Life & Faith In His Own Words

*ISLAMIC CONQUEST-PAST & PRESENT-A captivating 5-part DVD series on Political Islam's 1400 year War with the West


*PRAYERS & PRESIDENTS-Inspiring Faith from Leaders of the Past

*SAINT PATRICK-The Real Story of His Amazing Life from Tragedy to Triumph

*THE FAITH OF FDR –From Franklin D. Roosevelt's Public Papers 1933-1945


*THE ORIGINAL 13-A Documentary History of Religion in America's First Thirteen States

*THE TEN COMMANDMENTS & their Influence on American Law

*THERE REALLY IS A SANTA CLAUS-History of Saint Nicholas & Christmas Holiday Traditions

*THREE SECULAR REASONS Why America Should be Under God



Bill contributed chapters to other books, including:

*JUDICIAL TYRANNY-the new kings of America-Mark Sutherland

*FREEDOM-foreword by Dr. Benjamin Hooks


*MIRACLES IN AMERICAN HISTORY-32 Amazing Stories of Answered Prayer

SPEAKING: Bill has spoken across America, at events from Mount Rushmore to the Lincoln Memorial to the U.S. Capitol. He has addressed audiences with Congressmen, Senators, Candidates, Sports Stars, Military Officers spoken at political conventions, debates, U.S. House Conference Committee, U.S. Military Bases, State Capitols, Legislative Hearings, National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences St. Louis/Mid-America Emmy Awards, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion Posts and Conventions, National Day of Prayer Events, U.S. Military Chaplains' Conventions, Officer Candidate School Graduation-Ft. Benning, Colonial Dames, Daughters/Sons of the American Revolution, FreedomWorks Conference, National Lawyers Association, National Conference on Christian Apologetics, Federalist Society, Mayor's Breakfasts, Given Key to the City, American Association of Retired Persons, National Postal Mail Handlers Union, Retired St. Louis City Employees, Kiwanis Clubs, Jaycee Chapters, Rotary Clubs, Knights of Columbus, Zig Ziglar Corporation, AT&T/Southwestern Bell Office Fellowships, NFRA Conventions, Eagle Forum Conventions, Donna Hearne's Constitutional Coalition-Educational Policy Conference,CNP, Concerned Women for America, TeenPact, Pachyderms, Reclaiming America Conference, Family Policy Councils, Bill Gothard's Advanced Training Institute Conferences, Missouri Farm Bureau, Adopt-a-Farm, National Honor Society, Student Leadership Conferences, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Public/Private High School Assemblies, Graduations, PTA Meetings, Universities, Colleges, Institutes, National Parks, Washington University Weidenbaum Center debate, Council for Secular Humanism debate, Retired Teacher's Association, Home School Meetings, Verity Institute, The Pillar Foundation, Liberty Classical School, Political Townhall Moderator for State Rep. Alan Icet, Business Luncheons, Boy Scouts of America Courts of Honor, Storytelling Festivals, Cruises, CBMC Meetings, Council for Extended Care Charity Auction, Contractor Association, Hospitals, Prisons, Pastor's Conferences & Churches, Mark Skousen's FreedomFest, Little Creek Naval Base, Fort McPherson, Fort Hood, Fort Benning, Charles Melvin Price Base and others.

AWARDS: Bill gained national recognition for lecturing and writing, receiving an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities from American Christian College in 2004; and an Honorary Doctorate of Global Leadership from Midwest University in 2013; George Washington Honor Medal by the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Broward County Chapter; Bott Radio Network Great American Award, honored by the American Legion Defense of Veterans Memorials Project, Rees Lloyd, Director; Eagle Award from Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum, Delegate Republican National Convention, 2000. In addition to serving on numerous advisory boards, Bill is an original signer of the Manhattan Declaration.

CONGRESSIONAL CAMPAIGNS: Bill's campaign for Congress in 2000 was key in keeping the U.S. House in majority control, as his opponent, Minority Leader Dick Gephardt, had to give up plans of campaigning for other candidates. Gephardt boasted of being the next "Speaker" but instead had his toughest re-election, spending $6 million against Federer's $3 million from 35,000 contributors across America, in the nation's 3rd most expensive Congressional race that year.(US News & World Report, 11/7/06, listed nationally among the most expensive House races of 2000 & 2004). President Bush's uncle, William H.T. "Bucky" Bush, co-chaired Bill's finance committee. Speaker Dennis Hastert, Majority Leader Dick Army, Conference Chairman J.C. Watts, Jr., Ambassador Alan Keyes, Phyllis Schlafly, William J. Murray, David Limbaugh, Chief Justice Roy Moore and other national leaders campaigned for Bill. Written and/or radio endorsements were received from Pat Boone, Chuck Norris, Ted Nugent, Art Linkletter and Dr. James Dobson. "Highly effective political machinery" was Gephardt's reluctant admission of Federer in an appeal letter, as Bill received the most votes ever against him! The same week Bill won in court against Gephardt's machine, Gephardt announced he would not seek re-election. Bill ran in 2004, winning Jefferson County and receiving 47% of the vote, the highest number of votes received in Missouri's 3rd Congressional District by a Republican since statehood.

BIOGRAPHY: Born October 1, 1957, Bill was raised in south St. Louis, 5th of eleven children, Bill lettered in wrestling, football and was a state finalist in track-high hurdles. He graduated from St. Louis University High School ('76), studied at University of Dallas, Texas ('76-`78); in Rome, Italy ('78), and graduated from Saint Louis University (`80) with a degree in Accounting/Business Administration.

After college, Bill worked for Federer Realty, founded in 1913 by his grandfather, William A. Federer, who was president of the St. Louis Board of Realtors, as was his father Richard L. Federer, building large portions of the city and county. His uncle and namesake taught at St. Louis University, led retreats at White House Retreat Center and worked with native Americans, seniors and inner-city poor. His father's cousin, Charles A. Federer, Jr., was founder of Sky & Telescope Magazine at Harvard.

Bill worked in real estate, oil & gas industry (Santa Fe Industries `81-`84), and held positions with community organizations, charity groups, churches - working with youth, families, elderly and minorities. He served as a Scoutmaster, having been an Eagle Scout.

FAMILY: Bill married his high school sweetheart, Susan Maria Misko, on May 2, 1981. Susan received the Jefferson Award for Outstanding Community Service by U.S. Senator John Danforth in 1980 for being spokesperson of the Missouri/Illinois Red Cross Blood Services and working with elderly/handicapped. Sue graduated with honors from Cor Jesu High School ('76), Fontbonne College ('80), worked for St. Louis Union Trust. Sue became a licensed real estate, an insurance agent, and is a broker-specialist. Bill and Sue have four grown children.

Guest Category: Education, History, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Grace of Gratitude Journal Author
Guest Biography:

Deborah Perdue RScp has been a license practitioner for the Centers for Spiritual Living since 2006. She lives in bautiful Southern Oregon on five acres with her husband and pups.  Deborah teaches spiritual classes, and facilitates workshops and retreats on the topics of gratitude, abundance and how to live a life of joy.

She has a chapter in the two books "The Energy of Expansion," and "The Energy of Creativitiy." She publishes blogs and articles on inner peace and gratitude. It is her intention to continue to expand the potent spiritual practice of gratitude in the world!

Guest Category: Kids & Family, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help