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Guest Occupation: Radio Host/amateur astrophysics and geophysics researcher
Guest Biography:

RICK CHICAGO (AKA Earthplay) is an amateur astrophysics and geophysics researcher. A former Fire Safety officer for NASCAR, and a former Hot Air balloon operator for the last 5 or 6 years, Rick has studied the anomolies in our solar system and the events of the ever changing earth and its cycles and has come to some chilling results.

Rick's weekly coverage on Liberation Nation radio show has given him a reputation as a straight talker about topics to do with coming earth changes. His specialities include the methane hydrate eruptions now taking place, the fukushima extinction level event and the earthquake cycles attributed to inner magma movements within the earth. Rick is also a wilderness enthusiast, and a pro-nature advocate who is self trained in survivalist scenarios.

TERRAFORMING EARTH INTERNET RADIO with Earthplay (Rick Chicago) and Billy Hayes


The Terraforming Earth Research team consists of many individuals and researchers who have evolved together and morphed into a congealed group of reporters, researchers and enthusiasts keen on tracking the ever changing world around us and its' impact on the Human species living within.


No man can fully grasp how far and how fast we have come as a planetary species, but condense, if you will, the 50,000 years of man's recorded history in a short two hour event, The Terraforming Earth Show comes close ... We aim to cover as much of the ancient knowledge, the hidden stories and the forbidden news unreported by Mainstream Media (aka Lamestream Media) as possible.


Our team of skeptics and Press officials can dig in deep into any story to find out the facts and bring them to the enquiring publics attention. Nobody else today quite speaks the same breadth and scope of topics in one singular online radio show.


We are contantly developing a formatted show with topics, call in time and Special Guests to constantly improve the quality and quantity of valuable information and invited speakers to the show. Listen in and be amazed.

Rick's youtube channel:

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education, Science, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Alan Watts Archivist
Guest Biography:

MARK WATTS, the eldest son of Alan, continues to preserve the legacy of his father through maintaining a library of writing and recordings – both visual and audio at the Alan Watts Mountian Center. In addition to online publishing, the Center’s goal is to continue make the Alan Watts archive accessible for education and creative productions by providing materials to libraries, educators, producers, writers, musicians, editors, animators, and others.

About Alan Watts

Early Years

Alan Watts was born in London in 1915, at the start of the first World War. At a young age he became fascinated with the Far East, and at fourteen he began to write and was published in the Journal of the London Buddhist Lodge before writing his first booklet on Zen in 1932. He moved to New York in 1938 and then to Chicago, where he served as an Episcopal priest for six years before leaving the Church. In 1950, he moved to upstate New York before going on to San Francisco to teach at the Academy of Asian Studies. Among Alan Watts' earliest influences were the novelist Sax Rohmer and Zen scholars D.T. Suzuki and Christmas Humpreys. In late 1950, he visited with Joseph Campbell and composer John Cage in NYC.


Alan Watts was profoundly influenced by the East Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Buddhism, and by Taoist thought, which is reflected in Zen poetry and the arts of China and Japan. After leaving the Church, he never became a member of another organized religion, and although he wrote and spoke extensively about Zen Buddhism, he was criticized by American Buddhist practicioners for not sitting regularly in zazen. Alan Watts responded simply by saying, "A cat sits until it is done sitting, and then gets up, stretches, and walks away."

1950's and early '60's

After teaching at the Academy of Asian Studies in San Francisco, he became Dean and began to give regular radio talks on KPFA, the Berkeley free radio station. In 1957, he published his bestselling Way of Zen, and in 1958 returned to Europe where he met with C.G. Jung. He was an early subject in pioneering psychedelic trials, and, after recording two seasons of the public television series Eastern Wisdom and Modern Life, traveled to Japan several times in the early sixties. By the late sixties, he had become a counterculture celebrity, and traveled widely to speak at universities and growth centers across the US and Europe.

Later Years

By the early seventies, Alan Watts had become a foremost interpreter of Eastern thought for the West, and was widely published in periodicals including Earth, Elle, Playboy, and Redbook. He appeared on CBS television's Camera Three in 1969, and in 1971 he recorded a pilot for a new show titled A Conversation with Myself for NET, the precursor to PBS. When the series was not produced, he recorded the shows with his son Mark and his long-time audio archivist Henry Jacobs in 1972. Overall, Alan Watts developed an extensive audio library of nearly 400 talks and wrote more than 25 books during his lifetime, including his final volume, Tao: The Watercourse Way. Alan Watts died in his sleep in November of 1973, after returning from an intensive international lecture tour.


Why Not Now? is a documentary film on the life and works of Alan Watts, and follows his life-journey and philosophy as it emerged and was embraced by the youth of the counter culture and subsequent generations. Why Not Now? has was been screened before half-a-dozen audiences and met with enthusiastic applause, with one viewer commenting that it was "a time machine that takes you back to the real heart of the revolution!"

The documentary includes classic interviews, vintage film, art, and photos. to which we added contemporary footage of Japan and Big Sur, music by Garth Brooks, animation by Simpson's animator Eddie Rosas, and Japanese-style woodcut prints by Tom Killion, brought to life by special effects artist Bruce Walters. The result is a refreshing and engaging look at Alan Watts in the language and media of his time, directed by his son, Mark Watts. Each film comes with a bonus DVD disc with an hour off additional material, The Essential Alan Watts, a well as "The Animated Alan Watts", featuring vintage animations from The Fine Art of Goofing Off and shorts by the creators of SouthPark.

Guest Category: Education, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: author, spiritual teacher
Guest Biography:

David Spangler, MCS is a visionary, author and spiritual teacher, and Lorian priest. A lecturer and teacher since 1964, David has written numerous books which include: The CallEveryday MiraclesBlessing: The Art and the PracticeManifestation: Creating the Life You Love and Incarnational Spirituality.

From 1970 to 1973 David was a co-director of the Findhorn Foundation Community in northern Scotland. He is a co-founder of the Lorian Association and a Fellow of the Lindisfarne Association. Currently he serves as Director of the Lorian Center for Incarnational Spirituality and is primary faculty for the Path of the Chalice Program. David is married with 4 children and lives in Washington.

Guest Occupation: Writer
Guest Biography:

Matt Bracken was born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1957 and graduated from the University of Virginia in 1979 with a degree in Russian Studies. He was commissioned in the US Navy through the NROTC program at UVA, and then graduated from Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training class 105 in Coronado California. He served on east coast UDT and SEAL teams, taking a Naval Special Warfare detachment to Beirut in 1983. Mr. Bracken left active duty after Lebanon, upon completion of his obligated military service, but he remained in an active reserve status through the remainder of the 1980s. Since then he has lived in Florida, Virginia, South Carolina, Guam and California. In 1993 Mr. Bracken finished building a 48-foot steel sailing cutter of his own design, on which he has done extensive ocean cruising, including a solo voyage 9,000 miles from Panama to Guam and two Panama Canal transits. Matt is a self-described freedomista who loves ocean sailing for the pure freedom it often permits. He is a constitutionalist who believes in the original intent of the founding fathers of our country. He lives with his family in North Florida and longs for the wide blue ocean.

Guest Category: Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Award-winning biologist, photographer, conservationist, author and filmmaker
Guest Biography:


Rob Stewart is an award-winning biologist, photographer, conservationist and filmmaker. Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Stewart began photographing underwater when he was 13. By the age of 18, he became a scuba instructor and then moved on to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, studying in Ontario, Jamaica and Kenya.

Before making Sharkwater (2007), Stewart spent four years travelling the world as chief photographer for the Canadian Wildlife Federation’s magazines. Leading expeditions to the most remote areas of the world, Stewart has logged thousands of hours underwater using the latest in camera and rebreather technologies. Stewart’s highly sought after images have appeared in nearly every media form worldwide.

While on assignment to photograph sharks in the Galapagos Islands, Stewart discovered illegal longlining, indiscriminately killing sharks within the marine reserve. He tried promoting awareness through print media, but when the public didn’t respond, Stewart decided to make a film to bring people closer to sharks. At the age of 22 he left his career behind and embarked on a remarkable journey over four years and 12 countries, resulting in the epic Sharkwater.

When Stewart boarded Sea Shepherd’s ship, Sharkwater took a turn from a beautiful underwater film into an incredible human drama filled with corruption, espionage, attempted murder charges and mafia rings, forcing Stewart and his crew to become part of the story. During filming, Stewart encountered life threatening obstacles, including diseases such as West Nile, tuberculosis, dengue fever and flesh eating disease.

Sharkwater has been hugely successful, premiering at the Toronto International Film Festival and winning a “Canada’s Top Ten” award. Sharkwater made history with the largest opening weekend of any Canadian documentary, and was the most award-winning documentary of the year, winning over 35 awards at prestigious film festivals around the world. As of 2012 it is the third highest grossing Canadian documentary in the last ten years, next to the high budget films, Nascar and Oceans.

Stewart’s hardcover book, Sharkwater: An Odyssey to Save the Planet, was released in October 2007 by Key Porter Books. His book Save the Humans was be released in the Fall of 2012 by Random House.

Stewart continues to work towards conservation and environmental education, speaking at the University of Victoria, Yale University, Vancouver Aquarium, ROM, various TEDx events, and others.

For More Information on Rob Stewart or “Revolution” Visit:

Guest Category: Arts, Earth & Space, Plant & Animals, Education, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Science, Spiritual, Travel & Leisure
Guest Occupation: Musician
Guest Biography:

Hear Michael Vincze’s Music

Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: Inventor and founder of Garden Tower Project
Guest Biography:

We are Garden Tower Project, a small company with big ideas right here in Bloomington, Indiana.

We're committed to socially-responsible practices at every level, and our mission is no less than to help transform the face of gardening and food sustainability in our world.  To us, food security is more than just growing your own food, it is about growing healthy food. In an era of rapidly rising food prices and industrial farming practices that strip our food of nutrients essential for good health, we believe the Garden Tower is one small step in empowering people towards their own food security. To this end, we plan to launch GrowingCircles as support becomes available.  Moreover, support from customers and partners alike brings us closer to full-scale production of our future tower, the next generation of the ultimate patio farm -- The Garden Tower!    

Our Team: Garden Tower Project is the brainchild of a few social entrepreneurs from Bloomington, Indiana AND our partners: Colin Cudmore: inventor and founder of Garden Tower Project Tom Tlusty: project partner and health professional Joel Grant: project co-founder, environmental scientist and applied expert in natural systems Benedict Jones: creative consultant and networking guru David Huber: business and creative development consultant And several contributing local craftsmen & craftswomen! - See more at:

The Garden Tower Story, by Colin Cudmore

I've been concerned for years about environmental and sustainability issues.  But it was not until my green-thumbed mom dragged me to a lecture at Indiana University by Will Allen that I really woke up to the nature of the food crisis in our world and the ways people are trying to address it.  Will Allen and his internationally-known organization, Growing Power, are at the forefront of the fight, and his presentation so inspired me that I knew I had to be a part of the solution. Soon afterwards in July of 2010, I was volunteering at my local farmers’ market in Bloomington, Indiana. During a break I sat down and watched hundreds of people milling about. One of the vendors closest to me was selling starter plants for gardens. All the time I sat there, not a single person bought a starter plant from him, yet the vendors all around him had a steady supply of customers buying fully-grown, ready-to-eat vegetables. As someone passionate about sustainability and food security, I was surprised and dismayed that people in my community did not seem to be interested in buying plants to start their own gardens.  I approached the vendor and asked why he thought people weren’t buying his starter plants. He said, “It’s because people think they don’t know how to do it, or think they don’t have the time.”

Guest Category: Plant & Animals, Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Nutrition, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Animal & Plant Communications, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author, education activist and a former special education teacher
Guest Biography:

I taught special education for many years. I left teaching due to the current reforms that are taking over the nation’s classrooms. I am now committed to writing about the profession that I hold dear and the public schools that are critically important to the future of America and its children.

Along with my book, Misguided Education Reform: Debating the Impact on Students, I have been published in Phi Delta Kappan and Education Week. I am an activist on the issue of safe school facilities. In 2012, I was invited to speak about school building safety at the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute’s annual meeting in Memphis, Tennessee.

I have a B.S. degree in special education from Central Michigan University, a M.Ed in special education from the University of North Florida, and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Florida State University. I earned credentials in teaching students with emotional disabilities, learning disabilities, developmental disabilities, and school administration. I also obtained post-doc credentials in teaching gifted and talented from the University of South Florida. My student teaching involved working under wonderfully talented veteran teachers who I still hold in high regard.

Guest Category: Education, Kids & Family