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Nancy E Bailey
Nancy E Bailey
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Guest Occupation
Author, education activist and a former special education teacher
Guest Biography

I taught special education for many years. I left teaching due to the current reforms that are taking over the nation’s classrooms. I am now committed to writing about the profession that I hold dear and the public schools that are critically important to the future of America and its children.

Along with my book, Misguided Education Reform: Debating the Impact on Students, I have been published in Phi Delta Kappan and Education Week. I am an activist on the issue of safe school facilities. In 2012, I was invited to speak about school building safety at the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute’s annual meeting in Memphis, Tennessee.

I have a B.S. degree in special education from Central Michigan University, a M.Ed in special education from the University of North Florida, and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Florida State University. I earned credentials in teaching students with emotional disabilities, learning disabilities, developmental disabilities, and school administration. I also obtained post-doc credentials in teaching gifted and talented from the University of South Florida. My student teaching involved working under wonderfully talented veteran teachers who I still hold in high regard.


Dr James Miller

14 May 2015

‘A Conversation with Nancy E. Bailey’ an education activist and a former special education teacher. Her book 'Misguided Education Reform: Debating the Impact on Students' argues for reforms that will help, not hurt, America’s public school students. Early childhood education, testing, reading, special education, discipline, loss of the arts, and school facilities, are all areas experiencing reform in the wrong direction. This book says “NO” to the reforms that fail, and challenges Americans to address the real student needs that will fix public schools and make America strong. On the show we will be discussing with Nancy her views on education reform, the effects of high stakes testing on students and teachers, the trouble with testing and common core standards, the abandoned commitment to special education and her plea to return childhood to our children.