Suzy Hansen is a former professional educationalist, author, researcher, experiencer, and public speaker. Suzy is from New Zealand and has had an impact on the UFO field worldwide.
She is the author of The Dual Soul Connection – the Alien Agenda for Human Advancement, with contributions by Dr. Rudy Schild, Emeritus Professor of Astrophysics, Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA.
Suzy is the founding Director of the UFOCUS NZ Research Network (NZ UFO sightings), and co-ordinator of Communicator Link (advocacy & support for experiencers/abductees). She was instrumental in lobbying for the release of the NZ MoD UFO Files in 2010/11.
Suzy has lectured internationally since 1997, in the USA, UK, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Australia and New Zealand, about NZ UFO sightings and her own contact experiences with non-human intelligences/extraterrestrials. She has featured in interviews, articles and documentaries (including NZ’s 60 Minutes – The Truth is out there, Korean TV, National Geographic’s Invasion Earth series), and writes for international UFO magazines.
“The Dual Soul Connection” documents Suzy’s lifetime of experiences with extraterrestrials and non-human intelligences.
“The Dual Soul Connection” addresses aspects of spirituality, consciousness, metaphysics, and alien culture, alongside scientific concepts of physics and advanced organic “conscious” technology, all within the framework of alien contact, highlighting our interconnection with a wider universal family.
Significantly, the book outlines Suzy’s participation in complex multi-layered alien programs, a positive agenda designed to assist and advance humankind and her experience of a dual soul identity central to this agenda. Her presentations transport the audience “onboard the craft”, enhancing their understanding of what occurs in this physical, and sometimes non-physical (pure consciousness) environment.
Her book also covers her experiences of telepathy, animal communication, pre-cognition, life-between-lives, out-of-body experiences, and spirit communication.
Suzy’s focus for the last decade has been on engaging members of the scientific community to participate in examining the wealth of science-related detail contained in accounts of human interactions with extraterrestrial species/consciousness, as well as aspects of UFO sighting investigation data relating to technology and physics.
She believes one of the major issues facing mankind in the future will be open contact with other civilizations in the Universe. In the meantime, there is much to be learned from humans who have already made this tremendous leap in consciousness, and who have witnessed the vast array of potential benefits available to mankind and our environment through such associations
Communicatorlink is a support, information and research network for first-hand experiencers of:
- contact with alien/extraterrestrial species (sightings, communication and interaction)
- other anomalous experiences, which are sometimes related to those above