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Guest Name
Robert MacPhee
Improve any area of your life or business
Guest Occupation
Coach, Consultant, Facilitator of Change
Guest Biography

ROBERT MACPHEE Founder - Excellent Decisions

Robert MacPhee is a leadership coach and consultant. He is the former Director of Training for Jack Canfield, (Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Success Principles), a Founding Member of the Transformational Leadership Council, a Co-Founder of the Southern California Association of Transformational Leaders, the author of the “Manifesting for Non-Gurus” book and partner journal and the creator of the Excellent Decisions approach to effective leadership. Robert teaches people how to thrive, achieve at a very high level and be truly happy, (see below), by making decisions and taking actions driven by their vision and values rather than all of the stress and pressure we are faced with in today’s world.  

Ancient Greek Definition of Happiness: “The experience of joy while in pursuit of your potential.”