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Guest Name
Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the UFO Phenomenon
Guest Occupation
Daniel Sheehan is a Harvard College, Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School–trained Constitutional Litigation and Appellate Attorney.
Guest Biography

This episode is about Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the UFO Phenomenon. My guest is Attorney Danny Sheehan who is the legal representative in the fight with the Pentagon to quicken UFO Disclosure and the ET question of Contact. Daniel P. Sheehan is a 1967 Harvard College-trained American Government & American Foreign Policy Scholar; a 1970 Harvard Law School-trained Constitutional Trial and Appellate Attorney; and an expert in the field of Comparative Social Ethics & Alternative Human Worldviews. Over the past 50 years, as a trial attorney, public speaker, and university educator, Daniel has helped to expose injustice, protect fundamental human rights, and elucidate a compelling vision for the future for our human family. In no field has his work been more appreciated than in the vastly important field of. He is serving as legal counsel for DOD Special Agent Luis Elizondo.