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John Cowie
Your Pitch

(I, Douglas Newsom, of BBS Radio, had a wonderful conversation with John! I HIGHLY encourage all of our hosts that have an interest in UFOs and genetic manipulation, to call John and have him appear on your radio show as a guest. He is very interesting!)

The Alien Visitor Gene Theory

Is the arrival of extra-terrestrials on our planet in our pre-history the only viable explanation for our incredible evolution and worthy of serious investigation? 

Did they genetically experiment with numerous specious on Earth to suit their purposes?  Did one of these experiments involve the genetic manipulation of our Homo sapiens ancestors, maybe our mitochondrial DNA, creating the human race?

As per Darwin's theory, those Homo sapiens possessing the alien visitor gene had a significant advantage and began to replace those that didn't - resulting in a dramatic change in Homo sapiens evolution creating the human race.  The highly intelligent human race quickly evolved from this distinct “Eve” point.

I believe we are beginning to waken up to this possibility and that we have all inherited amazing knowledge via a trans-generational memory gene that has been passed down to us from our first ET/Homo sapiens offspring!  We all have amazing knowledge hidden in our unconscious memory. At each generation some of this hidden knowledge, regardless of status or wealth, is rediscovered through the process of "genius". 

Inspired by some of the amazing inventions in our lifetime, the author explores the incredible legacy we inherited from our extra-terrestrial ancestors, including the development of the silicon chip, the evolution of computer/telecommunications technology, the rapidly expanding information superhighway and the fantastic advances in DNA technology.


John Cowie is a veteran of the semiconductor revolution. As a former senior executive with Intel Corporation, his original intention was to write a book based on the characters he met and his first-hand experiences during his many years in this exciting young industry. But as he watched the remarkable evolution of the silicon chip and in turn the computer and telecommunications industries, he began to link these extraordinary envisioneering achievements with the human brain. Regular journeys past the ancient sites of Silbury Hill and the standing stones of Avebury prompted him to consider where our knowledge could have come from and the seeds of the Alien Visitor gene theory began.

Over the past 20 years John has promoted his theory in numerous articles, radio interviews, videos and lectures including Glastonbury Symposium and the first Bosnian and Bases Conferences.

United Kingdom
Silbury Dawning The Alien Visitor Gene Theory


John Cowie (not verified)

8 October 2019

A podcast of my “Alien Visitor Gene Theory” interview on Swindon 105.5 ‘Outer Limits’ radio program is now available.

The book 'Silbury Dawning The Alien Visitor Gene Theory' is available from Amazon