Ask Kadian with Kadian Grant

I am your Life Transformation Coach and my role is to help you achieve as much success, happiness, and fulfillment that you can achieve in all areas of your life. I get to observe and partake on your beautiful journey and I love the outcomes that each of you produces. As your A.I.D. to living a successful life, I will help you to identify what's holding you back and help you make the changes necessary for your transformation. Change can occur in multiple areas of your life such as career, relationships, stress level, developing new and healthier habits, and spiritual development to name a few. Our goal together is to connect you to the passion, purpose and joy you've been longing for.
The acronym A.I.D. stands for A.spiration, I.nspiration, D.edication. This is a process I developed to assist in your transformation and the phases is an integral part of a fulfilled, happy life.
Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting
Connecting to Your Greatness, January 17, 2016 | with Kadian R Grant |
All about New Year's Resolutions, January 3, 2016 | with Kadian R Grant |
I am the author of the upcoming book "Climbing Your Happiness Ladder: Shedding the Unfulfilled, Disconnected You". In my book, I unveil my discovery of a process (A.I.D.) that guides us to our true selves and heart's desires.