Full name:
Kadian Grant
Life Transformation Coach, A.I.D. Process Creator, Author and Speaker
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I am the author of the upcoming book "Climbing Your Happiness Ladder: Shedding the Unfulfilled, Disconnected You". In my book, I unveil my discovery of a process (A.I.D.) that guides us to our true selves and heart's desires.
The acronym A.I.D. stands for A.spiration, I.nspiration, D.edication. This is a process I developed to assist in your transformation and the phases is an integral part of a fulfilled, happy life. The phases are designed to work in tandem with each other and if one is left out, you will become stuck, or worse, veer off the course of your true path. Most of society stay in one phase for most of their lives (the A.spiration Phase) and rarely visit the other phases, leaving them unfulfilled and unhappy.
A.spiration is the motivational phase. This is the doing phase, where goals after goals are set, doing physical things to feel that brief moment of achievement and external happiness. The five senses, willpower, and motivation is dominant in this phase. But motivation wears off and loses momentum because you are not doing from the standpoint of your soul but doing from a path that was influenced by others. You will never unlock your own source of inspiration in this phase. Motivation is fueled by you being in an inspired state - the next phase.
I.nspiration is internal, from the inside out. It is the fuel needed to keep motivation going and in the right direction. This direction is steered by your soul and your life plan. I.nspiration requires shedding the unfulfilled, disconnected you to get to your soul (true self) by unloading your past, its hold it has on you, through facing it and releasing your old story. In this phase, patterns are eradicated, belief systems aligned and upgraded, and expansion of your perspective and perception are necessary to get to who you really are. Without inspiration, you will always feel stuck and blocked. Once you've unblocked your own personal inspiration, tending to your true self and your true path is a must - the next phase.
D.edication is that tending. It requires you taking the time and effort to be that individual you were designed to be and to stay on your true path. While staying with the tending of your unique path, new and deeper levels of who you are will emerge, beckoning you once again. I am here to guide you towards that beckoning. To keep you focused, motivated, and inspired, as you move forward to your next level of greatness.