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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Life Changes Show Guest, Alan Wilzig June 14, 2021
Entrepreneur, philanthropist, championship-winning race car driver, and restaurateur


Alan is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, championship-winning race car driver, and restaurateur. Born in Clifton, NJ to the late Siggi Wilzig, an Auschwitz survivor, and Naomi (Sisselman) Wilzig. Alan’s father came to America with nothing and rose to fame in the finance industry.

When his father retired from the Trust Company of New Jersey (TCNJ) shortly after being diagnosed with multiple myeloma, Alan took over as CEO. Under Alan’s leadership, TCNJ doubled in market value from $385 million to $765 million, and Alan engineered the merger between TCNJ and North Fork Bank of Long Island in 2004.

Alan has a degree from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.

In addition Alan is owner, team leader, and soul of Team Wilzig Racing, and Wilzig Racing Manor, which embody and demonstrate a lifelong obsession with all facets of motorsport & racing on both two and four wheels… He and his companies collect, commission, restore and create special projects & vehicles, and compete in professional automobile racing on a National level.

In 2011 and again in 2012 Alan (as owner / driver for Wilzig Racing)  won the IMSA Prototype Lites  L2 Masters Championship.

In 2013 Alan competed in select ALMS/IMSA events at Sebring and the new Circuit of The Americas (COTA) while commencing the “race-build” of a newly acquired Lotus model 2-Eleven for 2014 Florida Winter training and development – and then competed in the 2014 Lotus Cup USA Championship  (a West Coast series)  and select other events in the Northeast. It will be Alan’s first foray into “Light GT” class racing Vs pure Prototype full-ground-effects cars.

In 2017 Alan made his return to IMSA prototype racing with the Ginetta LMP3.

Alan has been a passionate, lifetime motorcycle enthusiast and has a collection of 120 rare sport and racing motos on display in a purpose-built 15,000 sq ft private museum and race shop / HQ, located at Wilzig Racing Manor.

Wilzig Racing Manor is a personal motorsports paradise located near Hudson NY, exactly 100 miles North of Manhattan / NYC.

WRM’s is comprised of 300 acres which include  (among many other things!) a 15 acre lake, ponds, 150 acres of open fields, a 60 acre wooded section with 20’ wide trails as well as challenging terrain areas for off-roading, spectacular waterfalls and natural beauty………and a 1.15 mile FIA/FIA-spec  13m / 40’ wide road racing circuit with 9 turns and 100’ of elevation-change. In fact it is the ONLY professional spec , privately owned “personal use” circuit in the world. No races are held at WRM but personal, charitable and other spectacular private events are hosted on a regular basis.

Alan’s passion for motorsport and powersports spans all seasons and very much includes snowmobiling and SnowHawking (a single ski snow-motorcycle). After the sale of the bank Alan ran until 2004, he began to make certain strategic “Angel” investments the most significant of which is in Brammo Electric Motorcycles.

Alan has been extremely active in numerous philanthropic and charitable endeavors including active board membership roles for Wilzig Hospital, The Rainforest Alliance, and JCP Downtown, and along with his siblings and mother supports over 100 different charities and worthy organizations.

Alan’s other great passion is his family; 10yr old son Siggi (named in memory of Alan’s father) and 8 yr old daughter Winni.

Alan’s first training in automobile racing was at Race Resort Ascari , 45 mins from Marbella, Spain. Additionally Alan has attended various Skip Barber and other domestic racing schools as well as over 17 days with California Superbike School over the last 10 years. These days “Race Weekends” provide for some “time alone, together” in addition to the thrill of competition!

Life Changes Show Guest, Sarah McCrum June 07, 2021
Author and educator


Sarah McCrum is an author and educator who specializes in teaching people how to transform their relationship with money so they can grow their business and their inner peace. A significant part of her work is creating experiences for people that transform their energy through the use of words and resonance, or energy transmission.

This skill developed through 22 years of training with Chinese Masters and a deep connection with music since childhood.

When she met Gary Malkin their mutual love of resonance and subtle communication brought them together to develop a new genre called “transformance,” which is an improvised transformational performance combining words and music.

Life Changes Show Guest, Gary Malkin June 07, 2021
Seven time Emmy award-winning composer, producer, performer, public speaker and Experiential Strategist


Gary Malkin is a seven time Emmy® award-winning composer, producer, performer, public speaker and Experiential Strategist dedicated to making a difference in the world by creating music-driven media and experiences that inspire the heart and catalyze individual and societal healing.

As a keynote presenter, he is passionate about the vital role music, media, and the arts must play during these extraordinary times of change as an innovative tool to enhance our humanity, deepen our sense of meaning in our lives, and cultivate greater emotional/social intelligence in an increasingly complex world. As a composer for numerous award-winning television and film projects for nearly thirty years – as well as an immersive Experiential Strategist for conferences worldwide, Gary is known for participating in countless globally acclaimed projects that support environmental sustainability, spiritual tolerance, children’s health and welfare, cancer research, and cross-cultural healing.

Deepening the role that the arts and music can serve in addressing key challenges in our society, he is the co-creator (with music pioneer and award-winning filmmaker, Michael Stillwater) of the internationally acclaimed CD/book, Graceful Passages: A Companion For Living and Dying, released by his life-enhancing media company, Wisdom of the World, which offers aesthetic ways to help face life transitions with greater mindfulness, presence, and compassion.

In 2011, he co-authored another groundbreaking CD/Book called Safe in the Arms of Love, utilizing the power of music to raise awareness about a pressing social issue involving the ubiquitous digital distractions that threaten the essential bonding process for parents and newborns. Constantly reinventing new ways in which media can serve as a resource for a more positive purpose, he has just released a new genre called WisdomFilms™ – Media for Human Being, short-format films for stress reduction and heart/mind integration (available now on

In 2008, Gary was commissioned by the CEO and curator of TED, Chris Anderson, to create the opening and closing music for the global broadcast phenomenon, Pangea Day. He also has served as Artistic Director and Experiential Strategist for the Quest for Global Healing Conferences in Bali, Indonesia, (which featured Archbishop Desmond Tutu, among other Nobel Laureates) and was asked to present on the healing power of music on the stage of the Great Hall of China during the Beijing Olympics.

An in-demand public speaker, he has presented his vision of new ways to use music for life-balance and social intelligence at places such as Google, Harvard’s Conference on Spirituality and Health, Scripps Integrative Clinic, Google, Kaiser Permanente and UCSF Medical School. He was recently featured on the national PBS Series, Healing Quest, the Huffington Post, and countless radio talk shows promoting a greater understanding of the power of music and the arts as an essential resource for inspiration, emotional intelligence, enhanced creativity and life/balance integration.

Life Changes Show Guest, Gabriella Kapfer May 31, 2021
Cellist and co-founded Resounding Earth


Gabriella Kapfer, born in Germany, trained in farming, psychotherapy, music and later forging metal sound instruments, created a new unique form of Sound Healing and co-founded Resounding Earth, an impulse to raise the vibration on this beautiful planet. She traveled the world as a Bard for Peace for many years from 2004 – combining her many skills creating music, sound and experiences for individuals and groups that facilitate people to access deeper parts of themselves, their connection with Nature and the greater whole.

In the late 1990s she lived with Louis and Sandra Bohtlingk in the north of Scotland for some years where the Care First money transformation impulse was received and applied in many ways – including a small retreat house on the edge of the wild. During this period Gabriella learnt much from Nature through inner attunements that invited her to work with sound in a new way – work that facilitates molecular change and realignment through what we now refer to as Sound Weaving.

Passionate about teaching and modeling co-creative partnership with Nature and the Earth, Gabriella has been co-facilitating vibrational healing workshops and alchemical forge retreats as well as transformational journeys and pilgrimages to sacred sacred sites working with sound and Nature for many years. As a creator and sound alchemist she brings the wider consciousness of co-creating with all of life towards facilitating others to be aligned  with their deeper nature and with the Earth. 

She knows that when we truly re-member our interconnectedness with all of Life, we will naturally move towards a state of being, where we act from Care as we see ourselves as part the whole.

She currently lives in Portugal and is involved with a wide range of regenerative projects that are working to create an Earth school. 

Life Changes Show Guest, Louis Bohtlingk May 31, 2021
Intuitive and psychic counselor, certified bookkeeper, workshop leader and founder of World Finance Initiative and Care First World


Louis Böhtlingk, born in the Netherlands, trained intuitive and psychic counselor, certified bookkeeper, workshop leader and founder of World Finance Initiative and Care First World. Louis is the author of Dare to Care – a love based foundation for money and finance – written in co-operation with Hazel Henderson and of Care First written in Dutch.

Louis works internationally with facilitating the shift from a Money First to a Care First world. Care First means, that money serves the well-being of people and the Earth and is not used at their expense (Money First).

He works with a powerful transformational workshop Meeting the Mystery of Money since 2004 on and off-line. It addresses our relationship with money on a deeply experiential level, assisting us to move from fear to trust and from a victimized to an empowered experience in our dealings with money. It portrays the archetypal story behind our relationship with money, its purpose, challenge and outcome and sets a new tone for the future of economics.

Louis lives in Forres near Findhorn, Scotland with his beloved wife Sandra. They have become an active part of the Findhorn Community. Louis received the inspiration for Care First in 1997. It has inspired many worldwide since and made a further breakthrough Oct 2020. We are now pursuing an effort to see how we can communicate the message of Care First in the most effective and impactful manner and how to build a Care First World together.

Louis describes a Care First World as a world in which care for the well-being of people and our planet comes first. Money is used to make well-being possible. Everyone can provide for their basic human needs and develop themselves. We care for the Earth, who provides us with so much materially. We experience the Earth as a gift we can share with each other.

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