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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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A Night At The Roundtable Guest, Stanley Bartlett, aka: AAGA May 14, 2020
Feng Shui

Born in and grew up in Mt Kisco, NY, after my parents moved from France following WW II

Good family, good parents, good education, a successful athlete and business experiences, well off. Then came marriage, children, divorce, wife got all the wealth and I was cut off from contact with my children.

Next came Harmonic Convergence 1987 and my spiritual awareness became very strong. Soon afterward came Feng Shui. I never studied it but immediately knew what to do and a Chiropractor I was seeing said from her muscle testing that she could confirm that I was supposed to do it and would I begin by doing her office.  Then others heard about it and started calling me. Soon I was famous in the US and was traveling extensively.

Included in the Feng Shui connection was the use of my special gift of having extreme sensitivity to energies and a deep connection to the earth's energies and Gaia. While traveling in every state in North America, it was the activation of crystalline energies and stargates.

The next chapter moved me to Vermont to reduce all the travel while making Feng Shui videos and the construction and movie of How To Build The Perfect Feng Shui house. The budget for construction was limited and although the house was mostly completed and is very livable, it is not fully completed and hence the movie is currently not completed. The house did get an Award From Efficiency Vermont for the most energy-efficient home built in Vermont. The name of the property is "Hearts Landing" and has a heart-shaped pond on 12 acres located in beautiful pristine mountains in the part of Vermont known as the NORTHEAST KINGDOM. 

Another story for next time is 2 major sightings from my window with millions of ships visiting me.  Tara and Rama always called me Galactic Commander so maybe they are right! Susan was in contact with me while she was in the body for one of the sightings.

RADIO TONI Guest, Kathleen Jordon May 13, 2020
Executive Coach

Kathleen studied psychology, English and modern history at Melbourne University and subsequently studied postgraduate criminology.

Applying what she had learned to her personal and professional lives became a passion. This led to the development of a personal program of continuous learning and to the creation of her company, Intuitive Insights, which focused on executive development, leadership coaching and community engagement.

The company concentrated on helping leaders, individuals and teams to understand the essence of who they are and how they can choose the way forward to give their work and life meaning and purpose.

Kathleen has coached over 300 executives around the world.

This balanced and fulfilling life came to a sudden and distressing full stop on 23 August 2011 when she suffered a major stroke.

Determined that her experiences might have lessons for others, and while she was still recovering in hospital from operations and treatment, she began the writing of Standing Up!. Given the state of her health, this was challenging enough, but the death of her parents within a few months of each other in October 2012 and February 2013 further tested her resolve to complete the book.

A further heavy blow came when one of her much-loved daughters, Dr Lucinda May Jordan, was diagnosed with breast cancer, also early in 2013. She subsequently passed away in May 2015.

Lucinda had been working with the McAuley Community Services for Women in Victoria. McAuley supports women and children experiencing family violence or homelessness.

Proceeds from the sale of Standing Up! are donated to McAuley Community Services.

RADIO TONI Guest, Dr Nick Brink May 13, 2020

Nicholas Brink received his PhD in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles (1970).  He was a psychologist and Director of Psychological Services at Danville State Hospital, Danville, Pennsylvania, beginning his private practice as a clinical psychologist in 1982.  He is a past president of the American Association for the Study of Mental Imagery and a past board member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams.  Besides numerous journal publications and conference papers and workshops he has published seven books:

Brink, N. E. (2002). Grendel and His Mother: Healing the Traumas of Childhood Through Dreams, Imagery and Hypnosis.  New York, NY: Routledge.

Brink, N. E. (2013). The Power of Ecstatic Trance: Practices for Healing, Spiritual Growth, and Accessing the Universal Mind. Rochester, VT: Bear & Co.

Brink, N. E. (2014). Baldr’s Magic: The Power of Norse Shamanism and Ecstatic Trance. Rochester, VT: Bear & Co.

Brink, N. E. (2016a). Beowulf’s Ecstatic Trance Magic: Accessing the Archaic Powers of the Universal Mind. Rochester, VT: Bear & Co.

Brink, N. E. (2016b). Trance Journeys of the Hunter-Gatherers: Ecstatic Practices to Reconnect with the Great Mother and Heal the Earth. Rochester, VT: Bear & Co.

Brink, N. E. (2017). Ecstatic Soul Retrieval: Shamanism and Psychotherapy. Rochester, VT: Bear & Co.

Brink, N. E. (2019). Applying the Constructivist Approach to Cognitive Therapy: Resolving the Unconscious Past. New York, NY: Routledge. 


RADIO TONI Guest, Kathleen Jordon May 13, 2020
Executive Coach

Kathleen studied psychology, English and modern history at Melbourne University and subsequently studied postgraduate criminology.

Applying what she had learned to her personal and professional lives became a passion. This led to the development of a personal program of continuous learning and to the creation of her company, Intuitive Insights, which focused on executive development, leadership coaching and community engagement.

The company concentrated on helping leaders, individuals and teams to understand the essence of who they are and how they can choose the way forward to give their work and life meaning and purpose.

Kathleen has coached over 300 executives around the world.

This balanced and fulfilling life came to a sudden and distressing full stop on 23 August 2011 when she suffered a major stroke.

Determined that her experiences might have lessons for others, and while she was still recovering in hospital from operations and treatment, she began the writing of Standing Up!. Given the state of her health, this was challenging enough, but the death of her parents within a few months of each other in October 2012 and February 2013 further tested her resolve to complete the book.

A further heavy blow came when one of her much-loved daughters, Dr Lucinda May Jordan, was diagnosed with breast cancer, also early in 2013. She subsequently passed away in May 2015.

Lucinda had been working with the McAuley Community Services for Women in Victoria. McAuley supports women and children experiencing family violence or homelessness.

Proceeds from the sale of Standing Up! are donated to McAuley Community Services.

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