Time for what? you may ask.
And to what extent is anything about time since as I like to think,
"Eternity Takes No Time At All"Well here are some options that we may consider on our show tonight:
It's about time we as citizens take more responsibility for sustaining our democracy.
It's about time we realized that duality is an illusion.
It's about time we forgive ourselves and anyone else for whom we still have a grievance.
And maybe, if you're not already, it's about time to give some thought to the kinds of issues that affect our lives at a deeper level.
Or maybe it's about time to take ourselves less seriously...
If that's the case, you'll enjoy being with us tonight and listening to our conversation which will include insights, humor, music and surprises.
Until we talk tonight at 7 PM (PT), it's about time to hop into the Present, where there is no time...... at all.
Errol & Rochelle