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Guest Name
Stanley Bartlett, aka: AAGA
Stanley Aaga Bartlett
Guest Occupation
Feng Shui
Guest Biography

Born in and grew up in Mt Kisco, NY, after my parents moved from France following WW II

Good family, good parents, good education, a successful athlete and business experiences, well off. Then came marriage, children, divorce, wife got all the wealth and I was cut off from contact with my children.

Next came Harmonic Convergence 1987 and my spiritual awareness became very strong. Soon afterward came Feng Shui. I never studied it but immediately knew what to do and a Chiropractor I was seeing said from her muscle testing that she could confirm that I was supposed to do it and would I begin by doing her office.  Then others heard about it and started calling me. Soon I was famous in the US and was traveling extensively.

Included in the Feng Shui connection was the use of my special gift of having extreme sensitivity to energies and a deep connection to the earth's energies and Gaia. While traveling in every state in North America, it was the activation of crystalline energies and stargates.

The next chapter moved me to Vermont to reduce all the travel while making Feng Shui videos and the construction and movie of How To Build The Perfect Feng Shui house. The budget for construction was limited and although the house was mostly completed and is very livable, it is not fully completed and hence the movie is currently not completed. The house did get an Award From Efficiency Vermont for the most energy-efficient home built in Vermont. The name of the property is "Hearts Landing" and has a heart-shaped pond on 12 acres located in beautiful pristine mountains in the part of Vermont known as the NORTHEAST KINGDOM. 

Another story for next time is 2 major sightings from my window with millions of ships visiting me.  Tara and Rama always called me Galactic Commander so maybe they are right! Susan was in contact with me while she was in the body for one of the sightings.