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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Shadow Politics Guest, Phil Portlock August 29, 2021
Photographer, Film Maker & Social Justice Activist

Phil Portlock retired from Metro, where for 29 years he was a photographer chronicling such things as the construction of the transit system.

Phil hadn’t had his first camera very long when he went to the  Washington National Cathedral to see the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. deliver a sermon titled “Remaining Awake During a Great Revolution” on March 31, 1968.

After King's assassination, Phil saw parts of his hometown aflame and walked through DC taking pictures. And then got into his car and drove to the National Arboretum. Seeking peace — and seeding it — became part of Phil’s life.

He became active with the Poor People’s Campaign and a student of the civil rights movement and the legislation that resulted from it: the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  Voting is the way citizens — Black and White, young and old, native-born and immigrant — make their voices heard.

In 2013 the Supreme Court considered the case of Shelby County v. Holder, which sought to strike down parts of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. For 29 days, Phil and his wife, Pat Sloan, held a vigil outside the court, urging the justices to leave the protections in place. On June 25, 2013, the court declared that Sections 4(b) and 5 of the act were unconstitutional, relaxing federal oversight of jurisdictions with a history of voter suppression. It would be harder to vote, but even more important, Phil and Pat decided.

Phil Portlock and his wife Pat Sloan put together a documentary on how Black Americans gained the vote after the Civil War, saw it threatened by Jim Crow laws and violent voter intimidation and protected by the 1965 act, only to see it threatened anew.

Phil delivered “Voting Rights: The Struggle to Be Counted” in libraries, churches and on campuses. When the coronavirus pandemic struck, he started offering his voter education seminar online. Phil and Pat spent every Sunday evening since early August 2020 remotely offering a whirlwind history of African American voting rights in the United States — and the recent threats to it.

Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Melissa Ross August 31, 2021
Mindset Mentor and Clarity Coach, Founder of Storytime Yoga

Welcoming: Melissa Ross, BA, CMCP, RYT200, RCYT

Mindset Mentor and Clarity Coach

"How to Embrace the Mess and Forget the Stress"

With 20 years experience in the field of yoga and mindfulness, Melissa is a leading authority on healing and growth. As a leader and the founder of Breathe With Me Yoga, Melissa has influenced thousands of kids to connect with their mind, body and spirit through breathing, relaxation and mindfulness. As a speaker, coach, and author, and the founder of Rise2Wellness Inc., she uses her own experience with postpartum depression and anxiety to work with a wide range of individuals inspiring and empowering them to navigate – and overcome – stress, anxiety and depression. As a founding partner of the League of Giants, Melissa is on a mission to change 100 million lives.

After helping her son navigate anxiety at an early age and spending time in the classroom with so many children, it became Melissa’s biggest passion to help children and their parents navigate their way through anxiety, bullying and positivity. Melissa has helped countless families to find strategies that work. It has also become her passion to help all women step into their purpose and power. Melissa is the host of Story Time Yoga (for children 5-9 years and families 2-9 years) on the Roku, Apple and Amazon “In the Limelight” channel (, Mat Chat (where she discusses wellness topics from her yoga mat), and the Wake Up With Giants show on Kat Country Radio ( She is an international best-selling author, an award-winning speaker and entrepreneur, a 200-hour RYT, a 95-hour RCYT, and a proud mother of two.

Her story...

"Buried. As I ran from my home leaving behind my baby girl and my 2-year-old, the tears streamed down my face. I got into my car and drove into the night, not knowing where I was going. Anywhere, in the quiet car was enough. I knocked on a friend’s door not knowing how I got there or why, and when I entered her home I was acutely aware of her own children, the same age as mine, sleeping not far away. I apologized for intruding and as I fell into a chair, buried, was the only word that came to me. Not buried beneath piles of dirt per se, but having fallen into that deep dark place. Unable to climb from the bottomless hole, alone, cold and dark. As I cried sitting in her living room, not even her presence took away the feelings of despair and loneliness that I felt. I didn’t know how to climb out of the hole. It would be another year before I discovered that ‘buried’ was a gift, an opportunity to grow..."

There is so much more to share with the deeper learnings in this story of rising from tragedy to triumph!

More about Melissa here:

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Dr. Steve Turley August 27, 2021
Scholar, speaker, author

Steve Turley (PhD, Durham University) is an internationally recognized scholar, speaker, and author who is widely considered one of the most exciting voices in today’s growing patriot movement.

Dr. Steve's popular YouTube channel has over 760K subscribers and daily showcases his expertise in the rise of nationalism, populism, and traditionalism throughout the world. His videos, podcasts and writings on civilization, society, culture, education, and the arts are widely renowned and can be accessed here at!

Dr. Turley  is the author of over 20 books, including The Return of Christendom: Demography, Politics, and the Coming Christian Majority, The New Nationalism: How the Populist Right is Defeating Globalism and Awakening a New Political Order, and Classical vs. Modern Education: A Vision from C.S. Lewis. 

A frequent guest on numerous talk radio shows, Dr. Steve is best known for his optimistic and upbeat analysis of current events in light of conservative trends which never fails to excite and inspire audiences all over the world, including the World Congress of Families in Verona, Italy and the Association of Classical and Christian Schools nationwide. His research and writings have appeared in such journals as Christianity and Literature, Calvin Theological Journal, First Things, Touchstone, and The Chesterton Review.

He and his wife, Akiko, have four children and live in Newark, DE, where they together enjoy fishing, gardening, and watching Duck Dynasty marathons.

A Night At The Roundtable Guest, Susanah Tamar Magdalena August 26, 2021
Channel, High Priestess of Mary, Creator, Teacher, Reiki Master, Kabbalist

Susanah Tamar Magdalena

Susanah Tamar Magdalena is a Channel & High Priestess of Mary, the Magdalene, a Battle Healer, as called by the Archangel Michael, and Cheaylia (KeyHolder of the lost memories of Lemuria). 

She is the Creator and Teacher of Healing Path of the Rose, a Reiki Master/Teacher, and a Kabbalist.

Susanah has said that, “From the time I was a child, I knew there was more, and this has always been my search. To find that which isn't always seen but, in my experience, always felt.

“This has been a search into the inner recesses of BEing. I now understand the wisdom that was being presented to me to find the core of my Innate Being—my Divinity.

“Throughout my life, and intensely for 25+ years, this has been my dedication to self—to find and bring to life the Rose Heart place of existence,. as this is the place of the I AM Presence within us all.

“The seed that I plant is always enhanced with Empowerment. The Divine Feminine is awakening through intense healing and revealing wholeness. These factors bring forth Empowerment. 

“The magnitude is quickening within us all, without distinction of male/female factors.

“Only through this Portal Opening does the Sacred Masculine have the potentiality of finding the same.”

To learn more about Susanah, please visit her website:

To reach out to Susanah, email:

You can find The Beloved Heart Source on Meetup, YouTube, Facebook, Eventbrite, and Google Blogger.

Susanah offers Private and Personalized Spiritual Mentoring. Contact her to schedule a complimentary consultation session.

Life Changes Show Guest, Madison Farrish August 23, 2021
Artist, songwriter


“Made of the Sun and molded by the moon, Madison Farrish is who comes to mind when I think about living life dancing on the silver line of harmony. Driven by inner development and the magic of harnessing authentic play in life, she embodies soul nourishment and creative expression.

Madison Farrish is an artist discovering her sound at the intersection of alternative and R&B. Her vision is to create music that gives the listener space to meet themselves again. She has created The Free Artist Movement L.L.C., which sparked a series of virtual conferences focused on artist empowerment, wellness, and the healing power of creativity. She’s currently creating a third series called The “Write To Freedom” Series, which is for songwriters to learn how to monetize songwriting and create freedom in their lives. 

As an artist living in the desert of Joshua Tree, California, Madison has been challenged with learning how to build a life full of freedom, creativity, and play; to dismiss the idea of the “starving artist” and establish an unwavering love that fuels all of her endeavors. Her playground exists in the continuous experimentation with practices and perspectives of wellness and inner guidance. In this space, she noticed a shift of awareness and sensitivity to feeling aligned with a deeper rhythm of living. A place of peace and rawness to create from, and to exist within.

She looks to our heart as one of our greatest teachers and believes we all have the tools ourselves to create a home within, to come back to, and extend to all we encounter while on our adventures in life

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