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Guest Name
Susanah Tamar Magdalena
Susanah Tamar Magdalena
Guest Occupation
Channel, High Priestess of Mary, Creator, Teacher, Reiki Master, Kabbalist
Guest Biography

Susanah Tamar Magdalena

Susanah Tamar Magdalena is a Channel & High Priestess of Mary, the Magdalene, a Battle Healer, as called by the Archangel Michael, and Cheaylia (KeyHolder of the lost memories of Lemuria). 

She is the Creator and Teacher of Healing Path of the Rose, a Reiki Master/Teacher, and a Kabbalist.

Susanah has said that, “From the time I was a child, I knew there was more, and this has always been my search. To find that which isn't always seen but, in my experience, always felt.

“This has been a search into the inner recesses of BEing. I now understand the wisdom that was being presented to me to find the core of my Innate Being—my Divinity.

“Throughout my life, and intensely for 25+ years, this has been my dedication to self—to find and bring to life the Rose Heart place of existence,. as this is the place of the I AM Presence within us all.

“The seed that I plant is always enhanced with Empowerment. The Divine Feminine is awakening through intense healing and revealing wholeness. These factors bring forth Empowerment. 

“The magnitude is quickening within us all, without distinction of male/female factors.

“Only through this Portal Opening does the Sacred Masculine have the potentiality of finding the same.”

To learn more about Susanah, please visit her website:

To reach out to Susanah, email:

You can find The Beloved Heart Source on Meetup, YouTube, Facebook, Eventbrite, and Google Blogger.

Susanah offers Private and Personalized Spiritual Mentoring. Contact her to schedule a complimentary consultation session.