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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, Christine Breese PhD January 22, 2020
Founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center, and Founder of Free Retreats For All

Christine Breese, PhD is the Founder of: University of Metaphysical Sciences, Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center, Wisdom of the Heart 501(c)3 Non Profit Free Retreats For Everyone, Radiant Life Academy

She is 54 years old but still has youthful enthusiasm and vitality. She also has wisdom far beyond her years. She attributes it to the spiritual self-work she did to transcend depression, abuse, suicidal feelings and learning how to enter the realms of joy and happiness.

Because she has overcome the depths of despair she can help you do it too. For the past 30 years, she has been leading workshops, retreats, spiritual courses, and helping others find happiness too. She spent much of her own spiritual journey without money for retreats or workshops, so she wants to give you the chance to be in Satsang whether you have money or not.

Christine is in high demand with millions of views on her videos and tens of thousands of followers, but she wants to make time for you. She travels with her team to bring these retreats to a place near you so you don’t have to travel. She is often referred to as the “Mother Theresa” of spiritual retreats because she cares deeply about those in need who are disadvantaged.

Christine is dedicated to the awakening of humanity, changing the world for the better, and helping those who are trying to improve their lives and attain an understanding of spirituality. Christine leads powerful meditations in these retreats to take you deep into who you are. Come and realize yourself for who you really are.

Christine Breese books:

Reclaiming the Shadow Self

Fearlessness in the Paradigm Shift

and the soon to be released:

Choose Yourself: The Power of One to Change the World

and Integrity Handbook for Leaders, Teachers, Healers and Students

A Quote from Christine Breese:

“In the silence of your heart, you will find the truth. No one can tell you what is right for you better than you. You are gazillions of years old. You are wiser than you know. You are God dreaming, learning, and growing on a journey of self-exploration. You are a collector of experiences for Godself. It is all the same one living all these lives and having all these experiences. It is the same one in you, the same one in me, the same one in a blade of grass, experiencing creation from that particular point of view. How much more worthy can you get than that? You are the center of the universe from your point of view!”

“So awaken angel, and get back on mission. I am here to remind you of who you already know yourself to be, or at least encourage you on your path. Let go of the past and who you thought you were. Dream a good dream now. You are allowed! Take back your power from the places you lost it (fear, sadness, anger, loneliness) and be the creator being that you are. We have a world to change, and it first starts with each of us becoming that which we already are!”

The Veterans News Hour Guest, John B Wells, founder of Military-Veterans Advocacy January 27, 2020
Executive Director, Military Veterans Advocacy, Inc.; Lawyer, Veterans Advocate, Retired Navy Officer

Attorney John B. Wells is a retired Navy Commander (Surface Warfare) and a disabled veteran, who served from 1972 until 1994. He was assigned to six ships and several shore commands. He is qualified in all aspects of surface warfare including command at sea. He is a graduate of the Surface Warfare Officers School Department Head and PXO schools. Mr. Wells served as a Special-Court Martial convening authority, member, senior member and witness before administrative boards and courts-martial. He has administered non-judicial punishment under Art. 15 of the UCMJ. Mr. Wells attended law school at night while still on active duty. He was a member of the Law Review Staff and contributed to several law school publications. Upon retirement from the military, Mr. Wells settled in Slidell Louisiana and opened a general law practice that emphasized military and veterans law. Mr. Wells has represented military members and veterans throughout the country. He is at home in both state and federal courts and travels often to Washington, D.C. for cases there.

Commander Wells was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in November of 1994, the Supreme Court of Louisiana in October of 1995 and the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in April of 1996. He is also admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States. In addition, Mr. Wells is admitted to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth, Federal and District of Columbia Circuits. He is also a member of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces and all service courts. He is admitted to practice before the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and the United States Court of Federal Claims. Mr. Wells is also admitted to many federal district courts including the District of Columbia.

Mr. Wells is married to Janice Burton Wells of Perth Australia and has two daughters, five grand-children and one great-grand son. He has spoken before numerous groups on militaty and veterans issues. He is also a frequent guest on the Fox News Channel.

The Veterans News Hour Guest, Rear Admiral Kent Davis US Navy Retired January 13, 2020
Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs

Rear Admiral Kent Davis, USN (Ret.), is the Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs. In this capacity, he manages the agency’s operations, coordinates mission execution and oversees 112 state employees in 67 counties as well as over 900 contract health service providers. He also manages an agency budget of over $200 million.

Mr. Davis is an accomplished leader with more than 30 years of senior communication, management, legal, and military experience, retiring in 2016 as Vice Chief of Information for the Navy at the rank of Rear Admiral (Lower Half). He previously served as the first Chief Communication Officer for the Commander and President, Air University, Maxwell AFB, Alabama, as the Director of Communication and Outreach efforts in support of all Air Force education programs presented by Air University. He also served as Director of Economic Development & External Affairs and City Manager for the city of Anniston, Alabama and for 14 years in the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a senior attorney and executive. Prior to his job with DHS, Mr. Davis worked for two years as an attorney at the distinguished law firm of King & Spalding in Atlanta. Among many other deployments, in 2006 and 2012 he completed lengthy combat zone deployments in conjunction with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Mr. Davis is a native of Montgomery, Alabama, and also grew up in Atlanta and New Orleans. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Louisiana State University and a Juris Doctor (magna cum laude) from Georgia State University College of Law. He is a graduate of the Joint Senior Public Affairs Course, Defense Information School, Fort Meade, Md.; the US Army Judge Advocate General’s School (Honor Graduate), Charlottesville, Va.; and the US Navy Supply Corps School, Athens, Ga. He also received a Certificate in Comparative Dispute Resolution from Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz, Austria.

Prior to his simultaneous civilian and Navy Reserve career, Mr. Davis served as an active duty attorney in the US Army Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) Corps, serving as Trial Counsel at US Army Reserve Command and Ethics Counsel at US Army Forces Command, both located at Fort McPherson, Georgia. Before that, he served as an active duty officer in the US Navy, completing tours of duty aboard the battleship USS Missouri (BB-63) and the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72), as well as a lengthy shore assignment at Naval Air Station Atlanta.

Mr. Davis is a former editor-in-chief of the Georgia State Law Review. He has published numerous scholarly pieces in legal journals, college textbooks, and defense publications, including “Protecting a Criminal Suspect’s Right ‘To Be Let Alone’ in the Information Age,” “Swords Into Plowshares? The Dangerous Politicization of the Military in the Post-Cold War Era,” and Chapter 6 of the legal textbook Sports Law and Regulation.

Mr. Davis has received various personal awards including a Legion of Merit medal, a Defense Meritorious Service Medal with an oak leaf cluster and a Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal with three gold stars. Additionally, he received Georgia’s 2017 most powerful and influential attorney award from Women Works Media Group for his work in establishing the Freedom Riders National Monument.

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, Shira Plotzker January 22, 2020
Psychic, Medium, and Pet Communicator

Shira is an internationally sought out Psychic Reader, Psychic Medium, and Pet Communicator who currently resides in Nyack, New York. She has been reading professionally for more than 25 years and is fully fluent in Tarot Cards and Numerology. Can’t visit her in person? She is also available on Skype.

Shira is a highly gifted and spiritual intuitive who will reveal many things that can transform your life. Many of her clients describe the experience as insightful, uplifting, extremely powerful, and accurate as well as entertaining.

As a Psychic Intuitive, Shira is able to guide you in your next steps and prepare you for what’s to come. She will give you insight and information that is geared towards your greatest good for the answers to the questions that you seek.

As a Psychic Medium, Shira is able to talk to loved ones who have passed on. During personal face-to-face sessions, loved ones who have crossed over will be able to see you through Shira’s eyes. This has allowed for healing to take place and closure to occur.  If you would like to talk to loved ones who have passed, please schedule your session

As a Pet Communicator, Shira is able to talk to pets both living and those who have passed. She has been featured in the New York Times and on for her pet communication skills. Most recently, she was featured on Celebrity Catwalk

According to one of Shira’s clients, “I was offered a bereavement class after my pet recently passed, but I didn’t want to talk about my pet, I wanted to talk to my pet and Shira made that happen.” Shira is also able to communicate with your pet and can tell your pet what you would like to tell him or her as well. Shira can help with behavior issues with pets and is able to intuit information regarding your pet’s health and has been known to locate lost and missing pets. Shira is available for many charitable pet and animal events.

Non-believers and skeptics are welcome. People have said that a session with Shira has changed their lives.

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, Sharon Green aka Empress Em Sharon Yisrael January 27, 2020
Author of Trees of Righteousness, Motivational Speaker,Artist, and Podcast Host

WARRIOR QUEEN! Empress Em' Sharon Yisrael is the Author of Trees of Righteousness; a book based on biblical facts about who African American people are, and what destiny holds for them. Her MISSION is to educate the world about the stolen identity of the slave descendant from the African Diaspora in the form of one-of-a-kind works of art and information.

Sharon Green is her earthly name. Empress Em Sharon Yisrael is her spiritual name appointed to her by God. Empress Em Sharon has biblical knowledge about the true identity of Africans of the Diaspora.

She was a Christian her whole life until she came into biblical prophetic knowledge on this people’s identity. She then became an expert on the subject taken from a biblical point of view.

Empress Em Sharon has been given a spiritual assignment by YHWH, our Heavenly Father to tell the world about the true identity of the Africans of the Diaspora. She was raised in the church and grew up in the knowledge of the Bible in her adult years.

She experienced many surgeries in her body between 2014 and 2017. During her healing time,  she was given her book to write about the true identity of Africans of the Diaspora. Next, she received a strong unction to put that information into songs. She then became a songwriter and started to write music. She is also the host of an internet radio show Eyes Can SEE where she enlightens her audience on a weekly basis.

Sharon Green is a Motivational Speaker who host workshops and an author who teaches from the book, Trees of Righteousness. She is also an artist who performs music from her Cd War Cry. Sharon designs beautiful hand-crafted jewelry and accessories.

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