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Robin Armstrong
Your Pitch

Astrology, I Ching and meditation. Spent 13 months in solitude meditating and had visions of astrology and music. Have taught astrology for over 45 years, willing to give a RASA School of Astrology scholarship to home study astrology (3yr curriculum) to listeners. Anything on astrology-maybe twins! Doing something on twins would do justice to the owners and it would be interesting to talk about astrological similarities and differences. We could talk about how the age of the bitten word parallels the age of the written word 1400s and 1900s. We could even do individual phone call ins if you would like, where I give a brief forecast or statement about each person calling in. Or I could include an overview for each sign of the zodiac for the year ahead. We could leave it open and I could answer questions. Astrology is a language and there are many different levels and areas of astrological literacy. It is considered the mother of all sciences. Astrology applies to every individual regardless of race, nationality or sexuality. We are all going beyond where we are, and it is just as challenging for me to go beyond where I am as for you to go beyond where you are. One of the few things that we can be certain of in life is Change! Astrology is the study of change and relationships.


Professional Astrologer, international lecturer and musician. Hundreds of talk shows on astrology. Invented and buit the Celestial Harp, A 72 stringed instrument to play a horoscope. Built Forest Woodhenge, spent 13 months in solitude meditating in India. Have taught astrology for over 45 years. Author of The Sequence of Change:an Astrological Perspective on the I Ching. Recently teaching in China and on line. I also ran a Mystical library for 30 years.

Sequence of Change: Astrological Perspective on I Ching