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Rich Procida
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News from Rich Procida

May 6, 2019

Rich Procida (562) 665-3317

Silencing Progressive White Men is Not a Good Idea!

Progressive Writer Answers Question that has Baffled Presidential Candidates

Author, attorney, and activist, Rich Procida, has published an article at entitled “Progressive White Men Need to Step Up, Not Back!”<>  The idea that white men should step down to allow people of color and women their turn to lead and govern has cast an illusion over the left. The issue has come up in discussions with presidential candidates and no one has been able to come up with an answer.

In his article, Procida argues that there is no lack of opportunity to participate in the movement. “There is no shortage of free speech and  no scarcity of freedom of expression.” He writes:

Shutting out white progressive men weakens the movement because it in effect silences and suppresses the participation of fellow progressives. This is exactly what our enemies want us to do: censor and repress one another so that they don’t have to. When we silence white progressive men, we silence the movement.

“What we need is more speech. More people rising up. More people speaking their truth. . . We do not need to censor any progressive voices,” Mr. Procida argues.

Mr. Procida is available to for interviews some mornings and most afternoons and evenings. He is an attorney and he produces a podcast so he is comfortable with public speaking. He has a Yeti microphone so the sound should be good. He recently MC’ed an event as part of the California Poor People’s Campaign Bus Tour. He writes about politics and progressive Christianity for and on his blog at feel free to reply to this email or to call him at (562) 665-3317. He lives in Whittier, California.


Rich Procida is an attorney and author who writes about Progressive Christianity, social justice, and the supernatural for and He also produces a podcast called "Bible Study for Progressives.'   He is especially adroit at discussing the intersection between religion and politics.

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