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R Royale
Your Pitch

China Untold is a nonfiction intense drama based on a true story about how an African American man ventures off to China. This charismatic songwriter and music producer takes the “American Dream” overseas to China in hope of hitting it big in the world’s hugest market with his musical talent. But unexpectedly, he encounters a massive resistance from the communist culture and its powers. Royale accepts an invitation to teach English in Jinan Shandong China first at a university there before testing the music market. With all the attention that he attracts, it builds him enormous fame around the city of Jinan. And with so much hype surrounding this particular American, things begin to heat up when many department leaders from his employed university and some local government officials plan to put a halt to his free-spirited and passionate desire for success in China. Many people in the Chinese government are in fear of his infectious ideas for human rights and freedom, doesn’t want such behavior to influence the students who follow him with great ambition. These authorities are afraid the events could be heading towards rekindling what had happened in the Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989, in Beijing China.


The Author of this book is R. Royale and he’s from the United States of America. His educational background consists in the area of business. He attained a Business Administration degree from both the University of Texas at Dallas and Brookhaven College. Since 2004, Royale taught “Oral Business English” courses for two universities in China, many different training schools, English learning institutions and workplaces that are also located in China. This author continued teaching the Chinese spoken English as he traveled throughout the country from Provinces in the northeast, all the way down to the more southern parts, to Shanghai. He’s given numerous English lectures to many of the surrounding universities in the north on the topic, “American Pop-Culture.” Then later, starting in 2009, he produced and hosted (with a native Chinese person) an online show called, “Close Casting from China,” which are studio pod cast shows for Chinese learning English. They’re now available on under movie & TV video-on-demand. Going back a bit, the Author’s earliest writing experience came when he had written a few small columns in his high school paper and was voted Writer of The Month in the spring of 1987. He also wrote a script for the schools’ drama club that year. In 2010, he developed and had written his story in a screenplay titled, ‘The Only Black Tiger,” a non-fiction biography about his life in China as an inspired performing artist and working as an English teacher in the process of reaching his music dream. He self-published a book titled “China Untold” on There’re some achievements, awards, and certificates to note. But first, as just mentioned, Royale is also an artist who writes songs and produces music as well. He’s a member of ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers); a member of WGA (Writers Guild of America); a UCC (Uniform Code Council) member; and he was awarded two English speech Certificates from the English First (EF) training school in China. He attains a certified English Foreign-Expert teaching certificate issued by the Chinese Embassy. Royale also has a legal Chinese Trademark from the Chinese government in Beijing to be used in the areas for book publishing, organizing competitions, trainings, education, entertainment, performances, production, live performances, gym and models for artists. This books’ Author has participated and won many English competitions as the coach for students in China’s CCTV contests in 2006 and 2007. And, he appeared on quite a few local and national English television and radio programs discussing English culture and English language learning.

United States
Venture to China in order to break into the Chinese music market