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Michelle Baxo MA
Your Pitch

Extraordinary women deserve extraordinary love.  Unfortunately, some of the most high-achieving women find themselves settling in relationships or giving up on love altogether.  I work with women to remove their blocks, change their patterns, attract the right people and fall deeply in love without compromising themselves.  

I'm sure there is an audience here that would love this sort of empowered discussion. 

Topics could include:

- Personal Development and Finding Love

- The Brain's way of preventing us from finding our match

- How to stop destructive patterns in relationships

- Affective ways to manifest love

- The truth about powerful women

- and more... 


I was already a psychotherapist, mind-body healer, and transformational coach, so you'd think my love life would have come easily to me.  After all, I had all the answers, right?  Wrong. My love life was a mess. 

Years ago, I was tired of dating the wrong men. Quite frankly, I would have rather been single then waste my time settling for someone who wasn’t my match. I was frustrated with flip-flopping between desperate and resigned, which is when I created my first project called “My Single Best Idea”.  I was the guinea pig. 

Very quickly I went from contemplating settling for some guy, to attracting the love of my life, Tommy.

Now, I’m here to make sure women fall in love and have the same kind of mind-blowing, delicious relationship I have.

As an International Love Coach, I work with people around the world to remove emotional and cognitive blockages so they can love themselves, love their life and fall in love, without compromising themselves. I have a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and a rich background in results-based counseling, intuitive healing, and action-based mindset guidance. I help powerful women like you align their mindset, desires, and actions. The result is women attract the men they really want without compromising their personal power and accomplished life.

I am a relentless stand for you to love yourself, love your life, and fall in love.
