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Lynne Cockrum-Murphy
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Living Hope: Steps to Leaving Suffering Behind

By Lynne Cockrum-Murphy, ED.D.

Lynne Cockrum-Murphy Shows How to Surmount  the Tough Times and

Pain in Life To Find the Awaiting Joy  in this Amazon #1 Bestseller

She is the Ultimate Survivor and Thriver, Healing Others Along the Way

As an infant, Lynne Cockrum-Murphy survived the tragic house fire that claimed her father and two sisters with severe burns over much of her body. She lived most of her life with a severely depressed and alcoholic mother, and saw her mom contemplate suicide with a razor blade in hand. She endured sexual abuse by a trusted male relative, along with a gang rape in a darkened station wagon. She lived through her stepfather being crushed to death in a logging accident and her mother being murdered in a bar-room robbery.

If--after all she has been through--Lynne Cockrum-Murphey is radiantly happy and living a life of pure service to the world, don't you think she can teach you a thing or two? 

Indeed she can! Living Hope: Steps to Leaving Suffering Behind is Cockrum-Murphy's empowering new book, an Amazon #1 best seller, taking people from hopelessness to hope. This is the woman you want at your side when you are in such deep pain and chronic misery that you don't see the way out. And you can't understand why bad things keep happening to you or to other "good" people you love.

With a transcendent spirit that knew there must be something better ahead, she kept searching for answers and with much time, trial and error, wise teachers, communal support, deep research and reading, and personal introspection, she ultimately triumphed over her pain and suffering, finding the steps to a joyful, deeply fulfilling life that includes a loving partner and a calling to help others. It's those steps she interweaves in her book as she tells her own remarkable story that takes her from surviving to thriving.

Today, Cockrum-Murphy is an intuitive consultant specializing in bringing guidance to those who seek assistance with their spiritual path, in additional to facilitating physical healing, emotional growth and removing blocks to a life of joy, meaning and purpose. She has a doctorate in education, is a licensed substance abuse counselor, an Access Bars® instructor, an advanced level ThetaHealer® and course instructor. She continues to teach at Northern Arizona University and maintains a private practice in Phoenix, AZ.    

Lynne's common sense and compassion are evident through the book, as she guides people through the dawning awareness that changed her life. Hers is a model of hope, action and success.

Your listeners will discover:

--How they can end the karma that has them on a hamster wheel of suffering

--How they can escape the powerlessness that has them in its grip

--How to live through loss, poverty, depression and find the joy in their soul

--How to learn to trust-even after being betrayed and deceived

--How to make life-affirming decisions

--How to leave behind their "smallness" and rise into their greatness

Says Cockrum-Murphy today, "I just never expected life to be so good!" Now there's someone to follow!

To interview Lynne Cockrum-Murphy to experience Living Hope and her Steps to Leaving Suffering Behind, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details. Lynne is available beginning Jan. 4.

Jackie Lapin

(818) 707 1473                                          

Lynne Cockrum-Murphy is an intuitive consultant specializing in helping people move forward on their spiritual path. She channels, offers ThetaHealing®, readings, Access Bars and facilitates physical healing, emotional growth and removes blocks to a life of joy, meaning and purpose. 

With decades of experience teaching and counseling, she uses her skills to guide people forward in their quest using a variety of tools to fit each individual’s circumstances.

Lynne received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Nevada, Master’s Degree from the University of Oregon and her doctorate from Arizona State University.  She is a certified ThetaHealer® and Instructor, a certified Access Consciousness Bars® healer and Instructor, a channel, a licensed substance abuse counselor since 2003, adjunct university professor, meditation instructor and a best-selling author.

She recently released her second book, Living Hope: Steps to Leaving Suffering Behind(available through Amazon) which describes the trauma of her childhood and how she moved beyond the dysfunction and events of her past.  The book is a model of hope, action and success for those who also suffered trauma and seek a life of spirituality and inner peace. 

Lynne has led group meditations and taught throughout the Northwest, Southwest and Caribbean. She has a private practice in the Phoenix - Scottsdale, Arizona area.  Lynne offers one-on-one services, group sessions, training and private consulting.


Living Hope