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Lindsey Van Wagner
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For upcoming stories, please consider Lindsey Van Wagner, MS, author, speaker, instructor, and wellness advocate, known for empowering clients to live with intention, higher purpose, and greater peace. Her passion stems from overcoming her own personal experience and hardships, powered by her knowledge of behavior change theory and the principles of health psychology. She is on a mission to guide others in their transformation of mind, body, and spirit. 

Her new book Spirit Vigilante: Telling My Truth to Help You Live Yours helps readers with the unrest and discontentedness of not living one's truth. Examples of common pain points that serve as entry points to access these practices include complacency in career, confusion over unhealthy relationships, denial around addictive behaviors, and more.

Spirit Vigilante uses practical techniques rooted in health psychology to break free from old patterns, overcome inner obstacles, and embrace one’s authentic self, balancing clinical and spiritual forms of health and wellness. 

Lindsey says, "​​Looking back on my life’s trials and tribulations, I developed a Spirit-centered framework and methodology of lessons to support and strengthen the mind-body connection, melding the clinical and mystical, the logical and intuitive. These juxtapositions complement and corroborate one another, working in tandem rather than as opposing forces." 


Lindsey Van Wagner is an author, speaker, instructor, and wellness advocate, known for empowering clients to live with intention, higher purpose, and greater peace. Her passion stems from overcoming her own personal experience and hardships, powered by her knowledge of behavior change theory and the principles of health psychology. She is on a mission to guide others in their transformation of mind, body, and spirit. 

United States
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