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Kornelia Stephanie
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Call to Action Now.The 3 Top Ways for Creating Inner Peace claiming your spiritual power in the Midst of Turmoil”  We must learn to be masters of our emotions.  

With the global dark night of the soul playing out in our personal lives,  family, and business relationships all are about deep change growth. From politics to our inner communities new foundations are being built, old ones are falling away.  

We are in trying and challenging times.  While all these challenges seem overwhelming they don’t have to pull you down. Yes, Change can be difficult yet — Change is the only constant and the truth is you are stronger than you think you are.   These are perfect opportunities to re- claim your inner power, and be the authority on your own life.  

If you have charged reactions to the events in the world such as frustration, fear, anger, judgment  or jealousy these are all old suppressed feelings coming up to the surface so you can release them once and for all from your physical body.  These energies have been stored suppressed in your DNA based on our conditioning from the past. When these energies were stored they were strengthening the victim consciousness archetype and the emotional core wounding of the old suppressed human. The activated human is now releasing this old energy reclaiming empowerment.

It is important to not repress or suppress the energy yet at the same time, it is equality important not to be projecting these issues onto others.  How do we do that? ——First.- Remember you are stronger and more powerful than you think you are.

All this change is happening for your empowerment and your freedom. Use these energies to liberate yourself.  What are your relationships, events of the world mirroring to you?  In making peace with the opposing forces that are at war within yourself.  YOU are being the change you want to see in the world.  Peace is an inside JOB.  We must master the emotional waters of our body. Taking the trigger inside alchemizing your trigger into wholeness.  Be willing to examine what is being shown to you and transform the core wounding, powerlessness of negative beliefs dysfunctional patterns and habits into pure empowerment.

Healing our emotional core wounding of feeling betrayal,  feeling not good enough and feeling like we are victims is the release of the old human.  The opposite of betrayal is trust and the events happening are triggering us to release the old so we can reclaim our inner power and embody trust.  The world is an inside job, Peace is an inside job.

YOU are the one that can make a difference and together we are building a world that is rooted in love peace trust and unity consciousness. Claiming our inner power is being spiritually mentally emotionally responsible for ourselves as spiritual sovereign beings this is our call to action now.  

Using the power of your emotions as a guide to liberation, Kornelia Stephanie will share practices that deliver the key to your well-being and health as you claim your power in all areas of your life. You will learn a practical approach to self-healing and empowerment using your body as a tool to release anger, illness, suppression and emotion. Release yourself from your inner prison. Underneath the victim consciousness archetypes are energies of feeling powerless and when we get angry about something, there is a truth waiting to be claimed.  Release feelings powerlessness, victimhood, lies, and old limitations that do not resonate truth for you. Emotion/ Anger is our key for personal and collective and spiritual liberation.


Kornelia Stephanie- ­ Founder of Empower Network.

Catalyst for Global Evolution in the 21st Century

Kornelia  is  respected  as  a  leading­ edge  ‘evolutionary’  for  personal  transformation, leadership, and the birthing of the consciousness of the New Human. She is passionate about humanity’s sovereignty, the authority over one's own life as empowered creation.  A multi­ dimensional master, her journey has led her to walk intimately with her shadow, and  in  healing  the  wounds  of  the  past  she  has  embraced  her  divinity.  Her  deep understanding  of  the  relationship  between  her  physical  body  and  that  of  the  primary relationship  with  her  Soul/Source  is  the  foundation of  what  she  teaches  others: embodiment of the Divine in the physical. Kornelia is an author, intuitive mystic, international speaker, a self ­life mastery expert, an ascension guide, and, most importantly, a way­ shower of transformation. Her life's work has been undoing all the old conditioning, old beliefs, and healing her emotional core wounding. Through this work, she achieved self and life mastery. Because of your her own transformation - having emotionally processed the entire Universe though her physical body - she is now out of the way to passionately lead others into themselves. As a Way-shower, her role is to demonstrate how it's done and share the experience along the way. She specializes  in  ‘Emotional  Processing.’  Created  the  ‘Universal Wholeness  Program’  heal thyself and help others establish their own coaching business so that they can offer their gifts by coaching others into unconditional self-love.  Kornelia  regularly organizes and facilitates retreats in and near her home town of La Conner, WA. Check her website for her retreat and events schedule.Kornelia’s  newest  online  creation,  An online membership portal- Creative Light Vibration is  an  innovative  catalyst  to assist  all  to  embody,  through  their  own  experiences,  the  consciousness  of  the  living word.  Speaking our world into being.  Her Divine Purpose is to lovingly engage others, in the most practical ways, “How to live” in the new earth  in harmony with your true divine nature.

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