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Johanna Mosca
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Unlock Inner Peace and Life Success with Johanna Mosca’s Sedona Soul Stretch

Sedona, AZ — Johanna Mosca, Ph.D., a seasoned Yoga instructor and the founder of Sedona Spirit Yoga & Vortex Journeys, is proud to announce the release of her new book, Sedona Soul Stretch: 10 Ancient Yoga Principles to Heighten Consciousness and Performance. This transformative guide empowers readers to achieve inner peace and life success by applying ten ancient Yoga principles in their daily lives.

With over 33 years of experience in Yoga and meditation, Johanna draws from a rich tapestry of wisdom, blending her Ph.D. in Writing Research and Theory from NYU, certifications in i-Rest Meditation, Shamanic Energy Medicine, PSYCH-K® belief change, and various forms of Yoga with her passion for guiding others towards a more centered, fulfilling life. Her business, Sedona Spirit Yoga, has been recognized with the the Best-of-Sedona Award for Yoga Instruction for six consecutive years, 2019-2024, underscoring her commitment to excellence in the field.

In Sedona Soul Stretch, Johanna delves into five social codes and five internal practices derived from ancient Yoga teachings dating back to a few hundred years before Christ, offering practical advice and reflective exercises to help readers excel in their professional and personal lives. The book is more than just a treatise on Yoga philosophy; it’s a series of real-life vignettes that showcase Johanna’s journey and the profound impact these principles can have on anyone’s life. Laced throughout the book are inspiring quotations attesting to the benefits of practicing these principles from renowned professionals in the worlds of art, science, education, and business throughout the ages.

Johanna Mosca is available for interviews, guest articles, and speaking engagements on topics such as:

  • The ten ancient Yoga principles that can transform your life.
  • Ways to cultivate compassion, truthfulness, and contentment in today’s world.
  • Benefits of employing timeless Yoga wisdom in modern business environments.
  • Powerful tools for team building and personal development from ancient Yoga masters.
  • Easy steps to create greater discipline, productivity, and satisfaction with life.

For more information, to schedule an interview, or to request an article or a review copy of Sedona Soul Stretch, please contact Johanna at 928-282-9900 or



About Johanna Mosca
Captivated by the mystical beauty of Sedona, Johanna Mosca left a successful career in NYC to immerse herself in Yoga and meditation. Today, she leads Sedona Spirit Yoga, Healings & Vortex Journeys, offering transformative experiences to individuals seeking greater peace and purpose. Johanna’s passion lies in guiding others to discover their best selves through ancient Yoga principles, meditation, Yoga, Inner Restoration Yoga Nidra, Shamanic energy clearing practices, and PSYCH-K® belief change.