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Jennifer A Whitaker
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High Function Autism is a new finding. Many of you could be surrounded by high function autistic and not even know it. How can you help them? Find out from a high function autistic with national recognition for being in the Top 3% of the Nation. Hear what Ms Whitaker has to say, learn how she over came her autism, how she discovered it, and more. People cannot tell Ms Whitaker is autistic because of the steps she took to over come them. At that, she has at least 9 disabilities in total. Be inspired, and educated on how you can be the next to successfully fight your condition excelling to reach your goals in life. Ms Whitaker has been a tutor for 19 years, is recognized as a National Scholar, since age 16, and has been an author for at least 25 years. Her first book was published at age 21 which she wrote in high school. Do you think you have a reason to stop where you are with your condition in which you deal? Why? Host Jennifer Whitaker on your show and learn for yourself, and listeners alike, how she not only overcome 9 disabilities but also was 4 times recognized in the Top 3% of the Nation, and owned what was recognized as Top in the State of Texas Among its Industry tutoring company. Learn how she did it and start your path following behind her today! 


Author since age 8, educator since age 16, Jennifer A Whitaker thrives with success in her career with 9 disabilities and counting. Diagnosed with epilepsy at age 18 months, and many more through years, until her latest was PTSD within the last year. From day one, even before understanding she was disabled, Jennifer always pushed herself to make all A's, be in the top, earn Awards, and be a leader. 

After reaching 10th grade with straight A's and in special needs classes, while academic courses were Honors, teachers sent Jennifer to the elementary school in which would attend the same high school. At age 16, she was "forced" to be an educator to elementary age kids with special needs. This is where her tutoring career began, and her career as an author first flourished to write her first professional book. 

In the 19 years of tutoring, many have wondered how, with 9 disabilities, she became so successful. Parents of students, students and others who just knew Jennifer, constantly said she should be a motivational speaker as they, plus many others, would want to follow in the same footsteps. 

Though she never made a presentation as a motivational speaker, it is not too late to host her on your talk show where she can inspire and motivate your listeners. At the same time, Jennifer focuses her books on these very topics. Her disabilities, success, steps there, and motivation to follow her steps. She is a role model many who wish they knew. 

Jennifer is a 4 times National Leader with 4 Recognitions for being in the Top 3% of the Nation. In high school, she was recognized as a National Scholar for scholarly writing at age 17. Later, recognized at age 17 and 18 for being in the Top 3% of the Nation Among American High School Students for leadership and academics. Finally, in 2011, she was recognized for being in the Top 3% of the Nation Among Executives and Entrepreneurs. Lastly, in 2015, her tutoring company was recognized as Top in the State of Texas Among Its Industry. 

United States
Emotional Rollercoaster: Young Adulthood by Jennifer A Whitaker