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James Duignam
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I would like to be interviewed about my new book, Soular Return, Soulutions For Body, Mind and Soul, and the work I do as a Health Coach. The book is about spirituality, focusing on reincarnation, Self-discovery and a holistic approach to supporting the body, mind and soul. The book’s title Soular Return means “soul return.” A soul that has returned (reincarnated) for its development and evolution in a human body. The book is a culmination of ten years of studying about the body, mind and soul, and working with clients.

I begin the book by sharing about the seminal events that shaped my life that guided me to become a health coach, such as overcoming depression and heartbreak. And from my heartbreak experience I found my purpose in life, and embarked on a journey to understanding life, who am, why am I here, who is God, what happens when we die and what is my life purpose. All of these lay dormant as potential within me, until I had a heart breaking experience that opened me up, and showed me new avenues to pursue in my life, and put me on my path to health and wellness.

From there (in the book), I segue into my understanding of reincarnation, self-discovery and the Absoulute, the Creator. Then I describe about the body and mind, and conclude by offering Soulutions to support them (body, mind and soul).

Topics discussed in the book include:

  • The Soul and Reincarnation (Soular Return)
  • Self-discovery
  • The Creator: On a mission from God.
  • The Body and Mind: the Human Energy Fields
  • Soulutions for the Body, Mind and Soul

Moreover, I believe that we are at a pivotal time in our evolution. It is a time of transition and transformation, to a new age of consciousness. A time for cooperation and community, for working together, for opening our hearts, and living from the higher Self, our soul, instead of the fear-based ego and intellect. With more interest in spirituality, alternative healing and wellbeing, I am passionate about sharing my message of hope and understanding in these times of chaos and uncertainty. I wish to inspire and empower others to live their best life possible and to realize we are a conduct through which the universe or God works through. We are co-creators with the divine and have a divine and sacred nature to our life. We are here to develop and evolve our soul, maybe pay a karmic debt, and fulfill a purpose, if we choose to do the work.

Also, I would like to share about my approach to supporting my clients and  the modalities I use such as health coaching, Reiki, kinesiology, the Emotion Code and tapping to address the underlying causes of a client’s health issue.

My approach to working with clients is through the education and energetic model. I work the interface between the body, mind and soul, helping clients make connections and connect the dots. By working together we move from where they are to where they want to go. By setting goals I set markers for a client to work towards, and I provide support and guidance for the client along the way.


James Duignam is a Health Coach who has been helping people take a holistic approach to their health, by supporting their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs for ten years. In addition to being a health coach, James is a Reiki and BKP Kinesiology practitioner, and employs different modalities to address the underlying causes that contribute to people’s health issues. Whatever your health goals, James will support you to make gradual, lifelong changes, that will enable you to reach your current and future goals, successfully. Moreover, James will show you how a holistic approach to health, can be the most effective way in supporting your overall health needs.

Additionally, James is the author of “Soular Return, Soulutions For Body, Mind and Soul”, and “Why Meditation Works: A Glimpse Inside Your Mind and Brain.”

United States
Book Cover