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Debbie Johnson
Your Pitch
Hi There Metaphysical Heroes!
Would your audience like to hear about more miracles (I know you have plenty!) or the healing aspects of de-stressing relationships? My films (free for a few months on Roku tv).

Intterview or film review? These films have won awards, even though first-time filmmaker, no film education! (one of the many miracles).

Feel free to share the trailer: 
Film for your eyes only :): :

Thank you for your time and all you do to make the world a better place!

Debbie Johnson - 952-443-0112 (land line- CST, USA)

Debbie Johnson is an award-winning filmmaker and best-selling author who didn't know anything about writing books or making films! But Spirit called her and led her to do both, making miracles happen before, during, and after!

United States
Angels-in-Training feature film starring Timotha Lanae