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David Brower
Your Pitch

Having lost the love of my life after 27 years of a beautiful marriage, I had to get back to loving life.  I wrote a book called Dance of the Love Caterpillars, a number one best seller, that released on March 5, 2021.   It's an allegorical story of two Monarch caterpillars heading toward their metamorphoses of becoming butterflies.  

It eludes to and offers messages around trusting life in spite serendipitious surprises, good bad and ugly.  Resilience in healing and returning to loving life, trusting life and overall savoring the moments.   A very timely topic given covid. 

My main themes are: 
Loving life, Sensorial Intelligence, Sensorial Living, Resilience, Abundance, Savoring and Appreciation, Self-Management, Joy
What is Sensorial Intelligence and how does it apply to our everyday lives?
Why is appreciation and savoring the antidote to self-pity, self-criticism, jadedness, boredom, burnout, presence, awareness, noticing, mindfulness. 
Some suggested questions:

We hear a lot about savoring and appreciating life but how and why could one get better at that? What does it mean to you to “love life” and to to “trust life”, cause that sounds a bit clichéd today. What’s the value of that?

Does trauma or loss have to enter your liÿe to truly make the decision to change one’s daily way of being and doing enduringly? How can someone perhaps jaded, bored with their life bring new energy, hope, savoring and appreciation into it daily, to live from a feeling of abundance, variety while stability too? How can we have it all?!

You talk about using our senses to savor and appreciate life to the fullest, in every moment and situation of our lives. Isn’t that a bit hedonic and selfish, and can lead to excess and distraction, abuse, and addiction if we are too focused on

achieving pleasure everywhere in our lives?

May I send you my Media Kit where there are other questions and information? 

You may find it here also:

Thank you for your kind consideration, 

Savor your day, your way. 

With appreciation for you, 

David Charles Brower


David Charles Brower spends his life searching for love and creating abundant sensorial experiences everywhere he goes, wherever and whomever he finds himself with. 

As The Sensorial Guy, and inspired by his own romantic personality, he inspires others globally to connect to each other in meaningful ways, to find useful joy in the everyday, create moments of romance daily and find pleasure in the small details and nuances of life. To seek relentlessly to fuse pleasure with purpose, sometimes a tad mischievously too...

Always from his intensively creative perspective, David expresses his love for life through writing,  poetry, dancing, creating delicious meals in his professional home kitchen, gathering and hosting people, and helping others transform from the stage as a storyteller.  

His former work experience was in world class international entertainment and cinema for over 20 years, which has also shaped his love for the creative process and people, and their stories, laying the foundation for his next adventure in love: writing his first short story. Dance of the Love Caterpillars is a romantic love story between two caterpillars that is aimed at romantics of all ages.

His work for the larger part of the last decade has been in developing his Sensorial Intelligence™ programs, events and lifestyle, and have been catalysts for the creation of this heartening story, Dance of the Love Caterpillars. This storytelling gem is a universal romantic love story between two caterpillars, an inspiration to lovers and would-be romantics of all ages.

David, an American by birth, has chosen the city of love and pleasure, Paris, as his home for the last 30 years.

Dance of the Love Caterpillars