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Carole Gold
Your Pitch

In today’s turbulent economy, you do not have to flip houses or spend large sums of money for someone else’s “guaranteed” methods of making money. The book “Money: How to see It, Get It, and Keep It” offers you tips and strategies which are time-proven and life-changing. What is unique about the book is its practical information on how to maximize the flow of money in addition to tips on how to survive in uncertain times. You can’t go wrong as the book was written to help readers create a healthy relationship with money… while making more out of the money they have for both themselves and those they love. By way of guiding principles and sharing their deeply personal stories, Carole Gold and Steve Clark help their readers determine what they want out of life, how to create a plan of action that really works, and how to develop the habit of winning. An added bonus is the insights into how to implement the discipline to put it all together. The book is comprised of 27 proven methods that can put more cash in your pocket, so to speak, in a way that aligns with the Universal flow of energy…since money is a form of energy. While some practical people might scoff at the metaphysics of money, the authors show you how very wealthy people know these principles and apply them to their everyday personal and professional lives. For each of the 27 steps, you get 1) the authors’ real experiences; 2) the cause underlying the problem and 3) the practical solution that also shows you how to proceed should you find yourself facing a similar situation. For example, most golfers, tennis players and figure skaters come from affluent families while boxers and wrestlers tend to come from lower to middle class backgrounds. This is not a judgment of these sports but rather insight into how and why the affluent program their kids to train in disciplines that involve money and expose them to others with money. So, too, is education highly valued among the wealthy. They make certain to send their children to the very best schools. The parents of these children know it’s about programming. Their children are trained to use their free time in an engaging and constructive way, so that they usually pick up two or more hobbies such as a sport and an instrument. They are not sitting around with idle time on their hands nor are they out in the street wandering aimlessly. Money is energy and to see it, get it and keep it you have to know the rules that apply to that energy. The book breaks down and deconstructs the money game step by step. You’ll learn the real scoop on how to view and succeed in all aspects of your life from the moment you start your day until its end. The book is a fast, fun read with practical and often remarkable insights. The authors have shared their most personal and profound experiences and discoveries that will show you a new way of understanding the energy we call money.


I practiced law for 13 years because I came to it as a calling and not as a business. When the passion was gone so was my ability to make the commitment good advocacy requires. I left the practice in search of that same feeling of purpose that had drawn me to it. I found that passion in using my God given gift of intuition to provide hope and inspiration to others through mentoring, coaching and speaking. Having struggled myself through decades of confusion and depression, successfully masked by a “can do” exterior, I developed first hand insights and solutions to overcoming adversity. It’s sharing these insights and solutions that gives me the utmost pleasure by fulfilling what I believe to be my life’s purpose. A lawyer by training, I know the seduction of logic and precedent. However, not thinking for ourselves leads to enslavement and political correctness in the absurd… at which we’ve arrived. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Be the individual in thought, word and deed that you were created to be.

Money How To See It Get It and Keep It